
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一期定价模one period pricing model
三段模three-phase model
三阶段模three-stage model
三阶段股利贴现模three-phase DDM
上升Vrising wedge
上升波峰每个波峰都高于前一个波峰的图表ascending top
上升波谷技术分析ascending bottoms
上市的线低密度聚乙烯Listing Linear Low Density polythene
上市证券协会模public securities association model
上证大企业指数SSE conglomerates index
下降顶点descending tops
下降滞后declining lag scheme
与信用主体挂钩的存款credit linked deposit
业务转外包business transformation outsourcing
两因素模two-factor model
两州期权定价模two state option pricing model
两期间模two period model
两阶段模two stage model
mid-cap stock
mid-cap share
股标普指数存托凭证MidCap SPDR
股混合基金mid-cap blend fund
中小企业委员会small and medium enterprises committee
中小板交易开放式指数基金深圳证券交易所SME Board ETF
主动公开市场操作dynamic open market operation
买主类buyer category
事件主导策略event driven strategy
事件驱动event driven
事件驱动策略event driven strategy
二项分配模binomial model
交易开放式指数基金Exchange Traded Fund
价值股票投资人认为估值过低的股票value stock
价格变化的机会模chance model of price changes
价格增长管理人growth at a price manager
企业投资信托corporation type investment trust
企业转transformation of enterprise
传统投资traditional investing
传统证券化traditional securitization
低市盈率管理人low-P/E manager
低成本指数追踪基金low-cost index tracker
保本基金principal guarantee fund
保障期权ratchet option
保障资产hedge-type assets
信息缺乏交易informationless trades
修正过手证券modified pass-through
倒转 V inverted V formation (技术分析)
债券期权估价模bond option valuation model
Z 值模Z score model
储蓄分流/转diversion of household deposits
全能银行业务universal banking
全部收购公司all buyout firm
公债联合模public securities association model (分析抵押证券的预付模型)
公司基金corporate fund
公司转transformation of company
公有制主导下的混合所有制形式mixed form of ownership with public ownership taking the leading role
交易typical deal (chronology of)
兼并协议model merger agreement
反收购条款typical provisions of anti-takeover statutes
担保typical warranty
收购后条款typical terms of post buyout
杆杠收购买方typical LBO leveraged Buyout buyer
杆杠收购倍数typical LBO multiples
的投资者typical investor
的熊市气氛typical bearish mood
的结构typical structure
的预测typical projection
结构的子公司subsidiary in typical structure
调整typical adjustment
资产负债表typical balance sheet
内置衍生工具embedded derivatives
决策模models for decision making
分享期权participating option
分期支付期权instalment option
分离雇主有限合伙公司为避免双重纳税把部分资产剥离给雇主有限合伙公司,此公司由原股东持股spinoff MLPs
创新投资innovating-type investment
创新的金融产品innovative financial products
利息平衡模interest equalization model
利率期权估价模interest rate options valuation model
利率递增债券increasing rate debt
剥离 MLPsspinoff MLPs
区域共同基金regional mutual fimd< <->
半主动 ETFsemi-active ETF
半固定基金semi-fixed fund
半固定类semi-fixed type
单一指数模single index model
单一指数模simple index model
单一线性趋势模single linear trend model
单因素模single factor model
卖方的类seller category
反向管理人contrarian manager
发散投资divergent investment
另类风险转移alternative risk transfer
合并雇主有限合伙公司几个普通的有限合伙公司合并而成一个雇主有限合伙公司roll-up MLP
吉尼美 II 证券Ginnie Mae II
含一年期股价上涨因素的多因素模multifactor model combining one year price appreciation
回归模regression-based model
固定收人回购fixed-income repo
固定收人资产组合fixed-income portfolio
固定资产定价模CAPMcapital assets pricing model
国内大企业domestic large-scale enterprise
国有重点大企业监事会State-owned Key Large Enterprise Regulatory Commission
国际资产定价模international asset pricing model
地域市场扩张兼并geographic market-extension merger
场外交易合同权证OTC contract-based warrants
VV formation
W结构W formation
W谷底w-type bottom
V 走势V formation
增加互换一种利率互换accreting swap
增强数字资料传输专线enhanced digital datafeed
增强结构调整贷款enhanced structural adjustment facility
增强国有大中企业活力invigorating state large and medium sized enterprise
增长企业growth enterprise
增长股本抵押贷款growing equity mortgage (GEM)
增长和收益基金growth and income fund
增长和收益投资者growth and income investor
增长机会净现值模net present value of growth opportunity model
复合增长模multiple-growth model
不同还款期组成的多因素模multifactor model (of term structure)
多指数模multiple index model
多期二项式定价期权模multi-period binomial pricing model
多种资产保障multi-asset barrier (期权)
工业集团large-scale industrial group
收购集团big buyout group
large cap stock
large-cap share
股指数index for large scale stocks
金融机构substantial financial institution
银行large bank
大中企业large and medium enterprise
契约共同基金contractual mutual fund
契约基金contractual type
契约基金indirect type fund
契约基金contract fund
定价模pricing model
富时中250指数FTSE Nid 250 index
富时小股指数FTSE SmaU Cap Index
对数指数期权模log exponential option model
对数正态分布log normal distribution
封闭closed-end type
封闭投资信托基金closed-end investment trusts
封闭抵押closed-end mortgage
封闭closely held
专业市场niche (market)
专业金融公司boutique financial company
企业就业保护法Small Business Job Protection Act
企业政策small business policy
企业管理局Small Business Administration
医院股票nursing home stocks
发行人smaller issuer
基金管理公司small money management firms
恒生指数期权Mini-Hang Seng Index Options
恒生指数期货Mini-Hang Seng Index HSI Futures
招股章程mini prospectus
特定市场niche (market)
低于 5000 万美元普通股上市发行nano-cap
经纪公司small broker
贷款micro credit
局部回顾期权partial lookback option
超市hyper market
市场微结构market microstructure
市场扩张兼并market-extension merger
市场行情模market line
市场预期投资者market anticipation investor
布莱克一斯科尔斯期权定价模Black-Scholes option pricing model
常数增长模constant-growth model
常规掉期vanilla standard swap
应得投资价值模investment value model
延长的 V 趋势技术分析extended V formation
建立模model building
开放企业open shop
开放投资信托open end investment trust
开放投资公司open end investment company
weak form
市场效率weak form market efficiency
效率weak form efficiency
效率模型weak form efficiency model
strong form
待转困境企业turnaround candidate
循环证券化revolving securitization
microcapitalization stocks
恒生中股指数Hang Seng Midcap Index
恒生50中股指数Hang Seng Midcap 50 Index
恒生中股指数成分股Hang Seng Midcap Index Constituent stock
恒生新50中股指数New Hang Seng MidCap 50 Index
恒生香港中股指数Hang Seng HK MidCap Index
恒生香港大股指数Hang Seng HK LargeCap Index
恒生香港小股指数Hang Seng HK SmallCap Index
情感风格sensation feeling style
戈登模常数增长型模型constant growth model
戈登模常数增长型模型Gordon Model
成熟公司mature established company
成长企业growth enterprise
成长公司growth company
成长基金管理人growth manager
成长基金经理growth fund manager
成长市场growth market
成长投资growth investing
成长投资者growth investor
成长模型go-growth model
成长行业growth industry
成长资本组合growth portfolio
战略买方strategic buyer
扩大市场亢奋,交易量激增broadening pattern
扩散顶部技术分析broadening top
承兑的资金融通acceptance-type financing
投资估值模investment valuation model
抵押类mortgage type
持仓费用市场carrying-charge market
持有投资者buy and hold investor
持续增长管理人consistent growth manager
持续增长模constant growth model
指数一般性自我回归条件异质模exponential generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroscedastic model
振兴国有大中企业invigorating state large and medium sized enterprise
搞活国营大中企业revitalizing state owned large and medium sized enterprise
摊还互换amortizing swap
收益不动产income property
收益管理人yield manager
收益动量增长管理人earnings momentum growth manager
收益曲线期权定价模yield curve option pricing model
收益混合基金income-mixed fund
救济专业证券商relief specialist
股票期权exotic stock options (衍生股票期权)
认股证exotic warrant
货币期权衍生货币期权exotic currency options
风险转移alternative risk transfer
新兴成长公司emerging growth company
新恒生50中股股指new Hang Seng midcap 50 index
时间序列模time series models
时间滞后lag pattern
普通债券vanilla bond
普通股类type of common stock
最大期权option on the max
最小期权option on the min
期权增长基人option growth fund
期权定价模options pricing model
期权类type of option
期限结构单因素模one-factor model of term structure
期限结构的网络模lattice-type models of term structure
标准普尔小股600指数S&P small cap 600 index
标普中股400指数S&P Midcap 400 index
到期策略ladder maturity strategy
投资组合laddered portfolio
期权ladder option
策略ladder strategy
组合model portfolios
设计风险modeling risk
正常增长企业normal growth firms
比例转机模proportional hazard model
比例风险模proportional hazard model
法定类statutory type
混业银行业务银行也可以从事证券和保险业的经营活动universal banking
混合债券政府机构信用支持所发行的地方政府债券combination bonds
混合基金commingled fund
混合欧洲美元债券hybrid Eurodollar bond
滞后lag pattern
激进增长aggressive growth
激进增长共同基金aggressive growth mutual fund
激进增长基金aggressive growth fund
激进投资者aggressive investor
激进的股票aggressive stock
激进/大胆投资策略aggressive investment strategy
技术分析saucer pattern
直接基金direct type
社会良知共同基金不投资于有害于社会环境产业的基金social consciousness mutual fund
稳健分散化、防御性多样化defensive diversification
策略交易strategic deal
简单线性趋势模技术分析simple linear trend model
经济转economic restructure
结合认沽期权marriage put
统一理论模unified theory model
综合稳健投资组合global defensive portfolio
罗素2000指数、小股指数Russell 2000指数是美国18种股票指数之一,主要反映美国小型股的市场表现Russell 2000 Index
联邦储备模Fed Model
股价决定模stock-price determination model
股利交易开放式指数基金dividend ETF
股利增长估价模dividend growth valuation model
股利贴现模dividend discount model (DDM)
股息贴现模discounted dividend model
股息递增优先股increasing rate preferred stock
股本类的投资equity type investment
股本类交易开放式指数基金exchange traded fund
股票类classification of stocks
股票表现属性模equity performance attribution models
融通基金flexible type
融通基金accommodation fund
行业类交易开放式指数基金或行业类交易所交易基金sector ETF
行为资产定价模behavioral asset pricing model
被动投资passive investing
证券估价模securities valuation model
货币保本收益存款currency linked deposit
资产定价模assets pricing model
资本密集企业capital intensive enterprise
资本密集capital intensive
资本密集的业务non-capital intensive businesses
资本资产定价模capital asset pricing model
超大蓝筹公司如中石油super large-scale blue-chip company
超额伞支付excess parachute payment
路径决定期权path dependent option
困境公司turnaround company
时期conversion period
时间turnaround time
期间workout period
计划问题公司workouts distressed company
风险transition exposure
转变为股份公司的大中企业large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises turned into corporate enterprise
转手证券过手证券是一种抵押支付证券,代表投资者对基本资产组合的所有权,来自资产的现金流收人"过手"给投资者以偿付证券的本息,投资者承担基础资产产生的风险,由于以往过手证券对投资者的偿付的不确定性,因此对其进行了修正,设计出修正型过手证券。pass-through security
转给雇主有限合伙公司spin-off MLP
住房抵押 过手证券pass-through security
过手及再投资交易pass-through and reinvesting type transaction
违约/非违约型债务defaulted/nondefaulted debt
迟付期权pay later option
追索贷款recourse loan
逆向learning against the wind
避险资产hedge-type assets
重整期、转turnaround stage
金融买家financial buyers
金融买方financial buyers
金融时报中250指数FTSE Nid 250 index
金融时报小股指数FTSE SmaU Cap Index
间接基金indirect type fund
防守股票在价格变动中变化小,投资者兴趣也小defensive stock
防御公开市场操作defensive open market operation
防御策略defensive strategy
集中力量抓好国有大企业concentrate on rejuvenating state-owned large enterprises
零增长股息贴现模zero growth DDM
非传统投资non-traditional investment
非借贷员工持股计划non-leveraged ESOPs (employee stock ownership plans)
非套利期权定价模arbitrage free option pricing models
非杠杆员工持股计划non-leveraged ESOPs (employee stock ownership plans)
非线性动态模nonlinear dynamic models
非负债财务off-balance finance
香草标准型互换vanilla standard swap
香草交易vanilla transaction
香草债券vanilla bond
香草发行vanilla issue
香草期权vanilla option
香草看跌期权vanilla put option
香草认购期权vanilla call option
马格雷伯模Margrabe model
高增长公司high growth company/enterprise