
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing 型线 | all forms | in specified order only
下水前测量船体主尺度、包括总长、两柱间长、型宽、型深和基线挠度measuring hull's main dimensions, including overall length, length between perpendiculars, molded breadth, molded depth and basic line deflection before launching
下水前测量船体主尺度,包括总长、两柱间长、型宽、型深、基线挠度measuring hull's main dimensions, including overall length, length between perpendiculars, molded breadth, molded depth and basic line deflection before launching
前体纵剖型线bow line
型线光顺程序line fairing program
型线lines drawing
型线放样lofting of molded lines
型线数学光顺mathematical fairing of lines
天线类型aerial type
孔径型天线的天线效率antenna efficiency of an aperture type antenna
数学型线mathematical lines
曲线型船首柱curved stem
曲线型艏柱curved stem
检查船体型线inspection of hull line
流线型上层建筑streamlined superstructure ship
流线型上层结构streamlined superstructure ship
流线型桅杆faired mast
流线型桅杆streamlined mast
流线型桥楼streamlined bridge
直线型船首柱straight stem
直线型艏柱straight stem
线圈型电流计coil galvanometer
线圈类型coil form
线圈类型coil type
线型图sheer drawing
肋骨型线frame body plan
船体型线检验survey of hull line
船体线型设计系统hull form design system
船壳线型hull form