
Terms for subject Navigation containing | all forms
保持立管hold riser angle vertical
向加载锚vertical loaded anchors
向浮心vertical center of buoyancy
向重心vertical center gravity
深平均海拔true-vertical-depth mean sea level
深海拔true vertical depth below sea level
立式长管long tube, vertical
直中心线vertical center line
海上钻井平台直基准装置vertical reference unit
直或短距起降vertical/short take off and landing
直支承结构vertical support structure
直的甲板负荷vertical deck load
直起落飞机vertical take off and landing
直连接模块vertical-connection module
直连接系统vertical-connection system
直铺设和拉紧系统vertical lay and tensioning system
直铺设系统vertical laying system
直锚腿系泊vertical anchor leg mooring
直阵列水下听音器排列海洋检波器vertical array hydrophone
两垂线之间的线间距between perpendiculars
平均海拔实际直深度true-vertical-depth mean sea level
水下true vertical depth subsea
水下实际直深度true vertical depth subsea
海平面下实际直深度true vertical depth below sea level
线middle perpendicular
船首线forward perpendicular
线after perpendicular