
Terms for subject Technology containing 坡口 | all forms | in specified order only
不对称 V 形坡口asymmetrical double vee groove
不对称 V 形坡口asymmetric double vee groove
不开坡口square groove
道路交叉处入口坡道entrance ramp
入口坡道in ramp
入口坡道access ramp (道路交叉处)
入口坡道路面标示entrance ramp marking
立体交叉的出入口坡道access ramp
出口坡道out ramp
出口坡道exit ramp
出口坡降exit gradient
加工坡口finished edge
半V形坡口single bevel groove
半自动气割双面坡口semi-auto matic cutting the double groves
坡口single groove
单斜角坡口single bevel groove
单斜面坡口single-bevel groove
单纯边的 V 形坡口single-vee groove with root face
单边坡口角度bevel angle
单边坡口角度angle of bevel
单边坡口角接头single-bevel corner joint
单边J形坡口single J-groove
单边V形坡口single-bevel groove
单边V形坡口对接按头single bevel butt joint
单钝边形坡口single V groove with root face
双斜坡口double-bevel groove weld
双斜边坡口double-bevel groove weld (缝)
双边 K 形坡口double K groove
双面坡口接头double groove joint
双面坡口焊缝double groove weld
双面 U 形坡口double U groove
双面V形坡口double V-groove
双面J形坡口double J-groove
反面坡口backing groove
台口坡度slope of a cornice
喇叭形坡口焊接flare welding
坡口切边feather edging
坡口加工bevelling of the edge
坡口加工edge preparation
坡口加工beveling of the edge
坡口加工端bevel end
坡口半径root radius
坡口斜角angle of chamfer
坡口检査inspection of edge preparation
坡口groove welding (接)
坡口groove weld (接)
坡口焊缝groove welding seam
坡口groove end
坡口bevel end
坡口struck joint
坡口skew joint
坡口weather joint
焊接的坡口bevel angle (度)
焊接的坡口included angle (度)
焊接的坡口groove angle (度)
焊接的坡口angle of vee (度)
焊接的坡口angle of bevel (度)
坡口bevelled edge
坡口tapered edge
坡口beveled edge
坡口钝边root face
坡口铣刀bevel cutter
坡口groove face
坡口面角度bevel angle
坡口面角度angle of preparation
坡形路缘口dropped curb
坡管口bevel end
带纯边 V 形坡口single V groove with root face
带纯边 X 形坡口double V groove with root face
坡口square groove (焊体)
平坡道口flat approaching grade
坡口焊接groove welding
坡口焊接groove weld
I形坡口square groove
U形坡口single U-groove
熔缝的X 形坡口X-type groove
K形坡口double-bevel groove
J形坡口single J-groove
V 形坡口single-vee groove
K 形坡口double bevel groove
I形坡口对接焊I-groove butt welding
I形坡口对接焊I-groove butt weld
I形坡口I-groove weld
K形坡口焊接double-bevel groove weld
K形坡口焊接K-groove weld (in g)
快速出口坡道express exit ramp
接头坡口准备joint preparation
斜坡进口ramp entrance
斜坡进口道ramped approach
坡口square groove
坡口unbeveled end
坡口not beveled
坡口对接接头straight butt weld
坡口接头unchamfered joint
坡口槽焊square groove weld
坡口焊缝square face weld
坡口焊接接头groove-weld joint
坡口焊缝groove welding
坡口焊缝groove weld
有接坡的交叉口ramp crossing
未开坡口unbeveled face
气割开坡口flame grooving
水道斜坡进口mitered inlet
港口护岸坡脚线bulkhead line
坡口fusion face
焊接坡口角度angle of preparation
焊根坡口root groove
焊缝坡口加工edge preparation
焊缝坡口加工weld preparation
焊缝坡口底部的圆角半径root radius
焊缝坡口底部边root edge
焊缝坡口开角groove angle
焊缝坡口根部半径root radius of weld
焊缝坡口裂纹root crack
焊缝坡口角度groove angle
焊缝坡口钝边root face
焊缝反面坡口backing groove of weld
进出口斜坡段approach ramp
进出口缩进岸坡angle head-wall culvert
进口坡access ramp
道口引坡crossing approach
铲根并坡口groove made by back chipping