
Terms for subject Space containing 坐标 | all forms | in specified order only
坐标多目标搜索与跟踪雷达3-D multi-target search and tracking radar
坐标对空监视雷达3-D air surveillance radar
坐标探测雷达3-D acquisition radar
坐标搜索雷达3-D search radar
坐标相控阵雷达3-D phase array radar
坐标雷达3-D radar
坐标数据雷达3-D data radar
坐标雷达three-dimensional radar
坐标雷达three dimensional radar
三维坐标变换3D coordinate transformation
不稳定坐标non-stabilized coordinate system
世界地理坐标基准系统world geographic reference system (简写为 Georef)
世界大地坐标world geodetic system
东-北-上坐标ENU coordinate system
坐标变换two-dimensional transform
坐标雷达2-D radar
坐标雷达two-dimensional radar
坐标cardinal coordinates
主体坐标principal body axes
主惯性坐标principal inertia coordinates
任意坐标arbitrary system
位置坐标转换position fix transformation
飞行器坐标body-coordinate system
飞行器体轴坐标body-axis coordinate system
修正地磁坐标corrected geomagnetic coordinate
像平面坐标photo coordinate system
像空间坐标image space coordinate system
关节坐标joint coordinate system
再入坐标re-entry coordinate system
军用坐标格网military grid
准地固坐标near earth fixed coordinate system
准拉格朗日坐标quasi-Lagrangian coordinates
加速度计坐标accelerometer coordinate system
坐标moving reference system
动参考坐标moving reference coordinate system
动基准坐标moving reference coordinate system
北京坐标Beijing coordinate system
半对数坐标semilogarithmic coordinate paper
单基地三坐标雷达static 3-D radar
单极坐标惯导系统unipolar inertial navigation system
参考坐标reference coordinate
坐标跟踪two-coordinate tracking
双极坐标bipolar coordinates
发射坐标launch coordinate
发射坐标launching coordinate system
发射坐标launch coordinate system
发射性坐标launch inertial coordinate system
发射架坐标launcher coordinate system
受摄坐标disturbed coordinates
右旋坐标right-handed coordinate
右旋坐标right-handed coordinate system
同心坐标heliocentric coordinate system
图像坐标picture coordinate
图像坐标image coordinate
圆柱坐标cylindrical coordinates
圆柱坐标空间机器人cylindrical space robot
圆柱极坐标cylindrical polar coordinates
地图上目标坐标定位器target coordinate map locator
地平坐标horizontal coordinate
地平坐标horizontal coordinate system
地平坐标horizontal system of coordinates
地平坐标horizon system of coordinate
地心坐标geocentric coordinate
地心坐标geocentric system of coordinate
地心坐标geocentric coordinate system
地心固连坐标earth-centered, earth fixed coordinates (与地球一起旋转的地心直角坐标系)
地心地球坐标earth-fixed geocentric system
地心惯性坐标earth centered inertial coordinates
地心惯性坐标geocentric inertial coordinates
地心直角坐标geocentric rectangular coordinate
地心直角坐标geocentric rectangular coordinate
地心赤道坐标geocentric equatorial coordinate system
地心赤道坐标geocentric equatorial coordinate axes
地心轨道坐标geocentric orbital coordinate system
地心黄道坐标geocentric ecliptical coordinate system
地心黄道坐标geocentric ecliptic coordinate axes
地方坐标local coordinate system
地极坐标coordinates of the pole
地球坐标earth-based coordinate
地球坐标earth-based coordinate system
地球坐标terrestrial coordinate system
地球坐标earth coordinate system
地球中心惯性坐标earth centered inertial coordinates
地球固定坐标earth fixed coordinate system
地球固连坐标earth-fixed frame
地球固连坐标earth-fixed coordinate system
地球局部基准坐标earth-fixed local reference frame
地球平面坐标earth's mean coordinates system
地球瞬时坐标instantaneous terrestrial system
地理坐标参考系geographical reference system
地理坐标geographic system of reference
地理坐标geographic coordinate system
地理坐标geographic graticule
地磁坐标geomagnetic coordinates
地面坐标geographical coordinates
地面坐标earth-fixed axis system
地面坐标ground axes
坐标中误差mean square error of coordinate
坐标coordinate strings
坐标几何语言coordinate geometry language
坐标原点origin of coordinate
坐标原点coordinate origin
坐标变换coordinate transition
坐标变换transformation of coordinate
坐标变换conversion of coordinate
坐标变换器coordinate transformation device
坐标变换器coordinate converter
坐标变换器coordinate conversion unit
坐标变换矩阵transformation matrix of coordinates
坐标图圆点grid reference
坐标图基准点grid reference
坐标地籍coordinate cadaster
坐标增量increment of coordinate
坐标增量闭合差closing error in coordinate increment
坐标定位coordinate setting
坐标换算计算机coordinate conversion computer
坐标数字化coordinate digitization
坐标数字化仪coordinate digitizer
坐标方位grid bearing (角)
坐标方位grid azimuth (角)
坐标旋转数字计算机coordinate rotation digital computer
坐标毁伤律law of coordinate damage
坐标测量仪coordinate measurement machine
坐标测量仪coordinate measuring instrument
坐标测量仪coordinate measuring machine
坐标测量仪coordinate instrumentation
UNW 切向、主法向、次法向坐标UNW coordinates
坐标system of coordinates
坐标set of coordinates
坐标系变换transformation of reference frames
X 坐标线X-line
坐标网板grid plate
坐标跟踪系统coordinates tracking system
坐标转换coordinate transformation
坐标轴联动控制coordinated axis control
坐标轴配置arrangement of axes
坐标镗床jig boring machine
垂线坐标vertical coordinate
垂线坐标vertical line coordinate system
垂线测量坐标vertical measurement coordinate system
基座坐标base coordinate system
大地测地坐标geodetic coordinates
大地坐标geodesic coordinate
大地坐标world coordinate system
大地坐标geodetic coordinate system
大地坐标误差geodetic coordinate error
大地极坐标geodetic polar coordinates
大地空间直角坐标geodetic rectangular coordinates in space
天-东坐标north-zenith-east coordinate system
天平坐标balance axis system
天文坐标celestial coordinate
天文坐标astronomical coordinate
天文坐标astronomical coordinate system
天文赤道坐标equatorial system
天球坐标celestial coordinate
天球坐标celestial system
天球坐标celestial sphere coordinate system
天球坐标celestial coordinate system (研究天体或航天器运动的常用坐标系)
天球赤道坐标celestial equator system of coordinates
天赤道坐标celestial equator system of coordinate
姿态坐标换算器attitude coordinate converter
姿态坐标换算器attitude control coordinate converter
姿态坐标数据换算系统attitude coordinate converter system
对数坐标logarithmic coordinates
对数坐标logarithmic coordinate paper
导引头天线坐标seeker antenna coordinate system
导弹坐标missile coordinates
导弹坐标missile coordinate
导弹坐标数据missile coordinate data
导弹坐标missile fixed coordinate system
导弹坐标读出系统missile readout system
导弹坐标读出系统missile coordinate readout system
导弹弹体坐标missile body coordinate system
左手坐标left-handed reference frame
左旋坐标left-handed coordinate
坐标strip coordinates
干板坐标测量仪dry-plate coordinate instrumentation
平主轴坐标mean principal axis coordinate system
平台坐标platform coordinate
平台坐标platform coordinate system
平衡环坐标gimbal coordinates
平面坐标方位plane-coordinate azimuth (角)
平面极坐标匹配法planar polar coordinate matching method
平面直角坐标plane-rectangular coordinate
平面直角坐标plane rectangular coordinate system
底片坐标系统plate coordinate system
弹体坐标missile coordinate system
弹体坐标missile body-fixed frame
导弹弹体坐标body coordinate system
弹道坐标换算器ballistic converter
弹道坐标测量ballistic coordinate measurement
当地坐标local coordinate system
当地地平坐标local vertical coordinates (以当地参考点为原点的直角坐标系)
当地地理坐标local geographic frame
当地轨道坐标local orbit coordinate system
很定坐标系统assumed coordinate system
惯性坐标inertial coordinate
惯性坐标inertial coordinate frame
惯性固定坐标inertial fixed coordinate (系)
惯性基准坐标inertial reference frame
拉格朗日坐标Lagrangian coordinate (天体力学中的)
摄影坐标photographic coordinate system
摄影测量坐标photogrammetric coordinate
摄影测量坐标photogrammetric coordinate system
数据链坐标变换data link coordinate transformation
斜交坐标oblique coordinates
旋转地球坐标rotating-earth coordinates
旋转轴坐标rotation axis coordinate system
日心坐标heliocentric coordinate
日心坐标heliocentric system of coordinate
日心惯性坐标heliocentric inertial coordinates
日心惯性坐标heliocentric inertial coordinates (以太阳为坐标原点的惯性坐标系)
日心黄道坐标heliocentric ecliptic coordinate system
日面坐标heliographic coordinate
日面坐标heliographic system of coordinates
时角赤道坐标dependent equatorial coordinate system (第一赤道坐标系)
曲面坐标surface coordinates
月心坐标selenocentric coordinate
月面坐标selenographic coordinate
月面坐标selenographic coordinate system
本体坐标body fixed coordinates (固联于飞行器上的坐标系)
机械接口坐标mechanical interface coordinate system (机器人的)
坐标定位polar coordinate positioning
坐标定位系统polar coordinate position-fitting system
坐标定位系统polar positioning system
坐标定位系统azimuth distance positioning system
坐标导航系统R-theta system
坐标机器人polar robot
坐标标图polar plot
坐标空间机器人polar space robot
坐标polar coordinate system
坐标系制导导弹polar-control led missile
坐标系统radial-circular system (无线电导航的)
坐标绘图法polar plot
坐标缩放仪polar pantograph
坐标column coordinate system
柱面坐标cylindrical coordinates
标准坐标standard coordinate
标准坐标coordinate system standards
格网坐标grid coordinate system
格网坐标航向grid course
椭圆坐标elliptic coordinates
椭球坐标ellipsoidal coordinates
坐标Diff E difference East
横摇稳定坐标roll stabilized coordinate
欧拉坐标Eulerian coordinates
欧拉坐标Euler coordinate
正交坐标orthogonal coordinate system
正交曲线坐标orthogonal curvilinear coordinates
正则坐标canonical coordinates
正则坐标canonical coordinate
气流坐标air-path axis system
法线坐标normal line coordinate system
测地坐标geodesic coordinate
测定目标点坐标determination of target point coordinates
测控坐标coordinate system used in TT&C (航天测控系统的)
混合坐标hybrid coordinates
特性坐标characteristic coordinates
独立坐标independent coordinate system
球面极坐标spherical polar coordinates
甲板坐标deck coordinate system
目标坐标target coordinate
目标坐标target coordinate system
直角坐标机器人rectangular robot
直角坐标空间cartesian space
直角坐标空间机器人rectangular space robot
直角坐标Cartesian coordinate (system)
直角坐标rectangular grid
直角曲线坐标rectangular curvilinear coordinates
相对坐标relative system of coordinates
相对坐标relative coordinate system
相对观察坐标relative observational system
相片坐标photograph coordinates
坐标magnetic coordinate system
移动和旋转坐标motion and rotated coordinate system
稳定坐标stabilized coordinate system
空间坐标space coordinates (系)
空间坐标spatial references
空间坐标space coordinates system
空间固连坐标space-fixed coordinate system
观测站心坐标topocentric coordinate
笛卡儿坐标Cartesian coordinate (system)
笛卡儿地理坐标geographic Cartesian coordinate system
笛卡儿惯性坐标cartesian inertial coordinate
等距曲面坐标isometric surface coordinates
弹、船、机体轴线坐标系统body axis coordinate system
火箭箭体坐标body coordinate system
精密坐标轰炸precise coordinate bombing
纬度-经度-高度坐标LLA coordinates system
经纬度坐标latitude/longitude coordinates
绝对坐标absolute coordinates
绝对坐标absolute coordinate system (相对于恒星固定的惯性坐标系)
自动坐标展点仪automatic coordinate plotter
自然坐标natural coordinates (分析流体流动用的直角坐标系)
坐标shipbody coordinate system
色度坐标trichromatic coordinates
色度色品坐标chromaticity coordinate
行星中心坐标planetocentric system
行星心坐标planetocentric coordinate
行星面坐标planetocentric coordinate
视赤道坐标apparent equatorial coordinate
质心坐标barycentric coordinate
飞行器贴体坐标body-fitted coordinate system
赤道坐标equatorial coordinate system
赤道坐标equatorial system
赤道坐标equatorial system of coordinates
赤道坐标equator reference frame
赤道直角坐标equatorial rectangular coordinates
轨迹坐标locus coordinate system
轨道坐标orbit coordinate
轨道坐标orbital coordinate system
轨道坐标orbit frame
转动坐标rotational coordinate
转动坐标rotation coordinate
运载火箭坐标launch vehicle coordinate
返回坐标return coordinate system
速度坐标velocity coordinate system
坐标instrumentation coordinate system
银河坐标galactic system of coordinates
银道坐标galactic coordinate system
天线阵元坐标array element coordinates
陀螺坐标gyro frame
陀螺坐标gyro set coordinate system
陀螺坐标gyro coordinate system
雷达坐标radar coordinate system
风洞坐标wind tunnel axis system
飞行器坐标vehicle coordinate system
飞行器本体坐标vehicle body coordinate system
飞行轨迹坐标flight path coordinate system
高斯平面坐标Gauss plane coordinate
黄道坐标ecliptic reference frame
黄道坐标ecliptic system of coordinates
黄道坐标ecliptic coordinate system