
Terms containing 坏账 | all forms | in specified order only
securit.估算的坏账estimated bad debts
busin.估计坏账estimated bad debts
busin.估计坏账estimated bad debt
econ.估计坏账百分数estimated percent uncollectible
busin.估计坏账百分率estimated percent uncollectible
proj.manag.债务国坏账准备country debt provisioning
tech.冲去坏账write off un-collectible account
econ.冲销坏账write off uncollectible account
econ.冲销坏账bad debt recoveries
busin.冲销坏账write off uncollectables
busin.冲销坏账write off uncollectable accounts
tech.冲销坏账write off un-collectible account
securit.冲销坏账writing off uncollectible accounts
oil坏账准备reserve for bad debts
textile呆账准备金,坏账准备reserve for bad and doubtful accounts
econ.准备reserve for dead loan
econ.准备reserve for bad debts (loan)
econ.或呆准备provision for doubtful debts
econ.或呆准备provision for bad debts
securit.坏账defaulted receivable
met.坏账dead account
textile坏账uncollectible debt
oil坏账uncollectable account
oil坏账bad accounts
IMF.坏账bad debt
IMF.坏账bad loan
IMF.坏账loan loss
textile坏账uncollectible account
interntl.trade.坏账uncollectible accounts
interntl.trade.坏账bad debts
securit.坏账doubtful accounts
econ.坏账uncollectible debts
econ.坏账bad debt (指无法收回的应收账款)
econ.坏账a bad account
commer.坏账uncollectible account (指呆账)
securit.坏账dead loan
securit.坏账doubtful debt
securit.坏账non-performance loan
tech.坏账bad account
busin.坏账uncollected debt
busin.坏账uncollectable debt
busin.坏账lending loss
securit.坏账charge off
busin.坏账与不可靠账准备provide for bad and doubtful debt
interntl.trade.坏账与呆账bad and doubtful account
busin.坏账与赊销比率ratio of bad debts to credit sales
busin.坏账与销售比率ratio of bad debts to sates
busin.坏账估计estimating bad debts
tech.坏账保险bad debt insurance
econ.坏账保险单bad debt policy
securit.坏账债务人bad debtor
proj.manag.坏账储备reserve for bad debts
econ.坏账储备金bad debt reserve
busin.坏账冲销bad debt write-offs
fin.坏账冲销bad debt write-off
econ.坏账冲销bad debt written off
securit.坏账冲销bad debts written-off
tech.坏账准备provision for bad debt
busin.坏账呆账准备bad debt provision
securit.坏账准备reserve for bad debt
busin.坏账呆账准备reserve for bad debts
busin.坏账准备reserve for uncollected accounts
fin.坏账准备bad debt reserve
fin.坏账准备provision for bad debts
fin.坏账准备reserve for bad debts
fin.坏账准备provision for uncollectible accounts
interntl.trade.坏账准备reserve for bad debts
textile坏账准备reserve for dead loan
textile坏账准备reserve for doubtful accounts
textile坏账准备reserve for bad loan
interntl.trade.坏账准备reserve for uncollectible accounts
fin.坏账准备doubtful debts provision
busin.坏账准备bad debt reserve
busin.坏账准备bad debt provision
securit.坏账准备provisions for bad debts
proj.manag.坏账准备政策provisioning policy
securit.坏账准备条款bad debt provision
securit.坏账准备金reserve for bad and doubtful accounts
econ.坏账准备金bad debt reserve
textile坏账准备金reserve for bad debts
textile坏账准备金reserve for doubtful accounts
textile坏账准备金reserve for bad loan
fin.坏账准备金allowance for uncollectible accounts
securit.坏账准备金offset reserve
busin.坏账划销bad debt written off
fin.坏账前收益income before bad debts
fin.坏账及呆账拨备/备抵provision for bad and doubtful debts
securit.坏账及呆账补贴allowance for bad and doubtful debts
interntl.trade.坏账、吊账uncollectible debt
busin.坏账和可疑账bad and doubtful account
securit.坏账和呆账准备金provision for bad and doubtful debt
econ.坏账回收recoveries of bad debts
fin.坏账备抵provision for uncollectible accounts
busin.坏账备抵allowance for uncollectable accounts
busin.坏账备抵allowance for uncollectable receivable
busin.坏账备抵provision for bad debt
fin.坏账备抵provision for bad debts
fin.坏账备抵allowance for uncollectible accounts (公司对可能不能收到的应收账款的预测,这项数据将纪录在公司的资产负债表上)
econ.坏账备抵allowance for doubtful debts
securit.坏账备抵allowance for bad debts
econ.坏账备款allowances for uncollectable accounts
interntl.trade.坏账备款allowance for uncollectable accounts
securit.坏账备款allowance for doubtful accounts
securit.坏账或呆账bad or doubtful debt
busin.坏账折让损失loss from allowance for bad debt
busin.坏账损失loss on bad debt
econ.坏账损失credit losses
fin.坏账损失loss from bad debts
textile坏账损失loss from bad debt
fin.坏账损失loss from uncollectible accounts
interntl.trade.坏账损失loss on bad debts
busin.坏账损失loss on uncollectible account
oil坏账损失bad debt loss
busin.坏账损失loss on bad account
textile坏账收回bad recovery
fin.坏账收回bad debt recovery
fin.坏账收回recovery of bad debts
busin.坏账收回recovery of uncollectible account write-off
busin.坏账收回bad recoveries
fin.坏账收回收益income from recovery of bad debts
fin.坏账收回账户bad debts recovered account
securit.坏账条款doubtful debts provision
textile坏账概率probability of default
tech.坏账比率bad debt ratio
fin.坏账rate of bad account
tech.坏账直接冲销direct write-off of bad debt
busin.坏账直接冲销法direct write-off method for bad debts
busin.坏账直接冲销法direct charge-off method for bad debts
fin.坏账直接注销法direct write-off method for uncollectibles
fin.坏账直接注销法direct write-off method for bad debts
fin.坏账账户bad debt account
logist.会计坏账费用bad debt expense
busin.坏账费用bad debt expense
tech.坏账费用bad debt expenses
securit.坏账费用企业用在无法回收的账款上的费用bad debt expense
busin.坏账逐项扣除法specific charge-off method
busin.坏账重新收回账户bad debt recovered account
fin.坏账间接转销法indirect write-off method for uncollectibles
fin.坏账间接转销法indirect write-off method for bad debts
tech.坏账限额bad debt allowance
IMF."坏银行",为处理呆坏账成立的银行bad bank
IMF."坏银行",为处理呆坏账成立的银行aggregator bank
busin.备抵坏账provision for bad debts
proj.manag.备抵坏账reserve for bad debts
interntl.trade.备抵坏账allowance for bad debts
tech.备抵坏账allowance for uncollectible accounts receivable
fin.已冲销坏账bad debt written-off
fin.已收回坏账bad debts collected
busin.应提存坏账准备的贷款credit qualifying for bad debts reserve
tech.应收账款坏账处理bad debt audit
proj.manag.应收账款与坏账准备accounts receivable and bad debt provision
tech.扣除损失后回收坏账净额net after provision for losses
busin.收回坏账recovery of uncollectible account write-off
econ.收回坏账bad debt recoveries
tech.收回坏账bad debt recovery
busin.收回坏账收入income from recovery of bad debt
tech.收回坏账收益income from recoveries of bad debts
securit.收回已冲销坏账recovery of uncollectible account write-off
busin.收回已注销坏账bad debt collected
econ.收回已注销的坏账recovery of uncollectible account write-off
econ.收回已注销的坏账bad debt collected
busin.放款坏账loan charge-offs
securit.核销坏账write off uncollectible account
econ.坏账bad debt written off
IMF.注销charge off
IMF.注销write off an asset
commer.注销坏账writing off uncollectible accounts
textile注销坏账write-off bad debts
busin.注销坏账write off a bad debt
securit.注销坏账write off bad debts
busin.注销一笔坏账write off a bad debt
busin.消费者坏账consumer bad debts
busin.立足于收益表的坏账估计法income statement approach of estimating uncollective account
fin.贷款坏账损失loan loss charge-off
securit.贷款坏账loan loss charge-offs
securit.转销坏账writing off process
fin.部分坏账免税扣除partial bad debt deduction
textile坏账write-off allowance account
econ.销册的坏账bad debt written off
busin.销售坏账调整sales uncollectible accounts adjustment
busin.销记坏账write off allowance account
securit.销记坏账write-offs allowance account
tech.预提坏账准备doubtful debts provision