
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
临时地extra address
二进制编码地binary-code address
交易会会fair grounds
背书indorsement of address
依法登记的住legal residence
信纸左上角的收信人姓名、地inside address
关于建厂地区、厂、当地条件和土木工程的资料data on location, site, locational conditions and civil engineering
决定厂的主要因素major factor in plant location
办公地business address
选择plant and facility location
选择choice of factory site
发信人地sender's address
存取法indexed access method
各收报人名全录communicate all addresses
四加一地four-plus-one address
四地代码four-address cod
address part
为空address blank
原则address principle
变更change of address
变更address modification
完整address complete
形式address pattern
打印机mailing machine
替换address substitution
校验address check
书信格式forms of dress
翻译器address translator
读出线address-read wire
转换机构address translation mechanism
选择address option
选择开关address selection switch
选择系统address selection system
错误incorrect address
基准地寄存器Base Address Register
单发电报book message
电报multiple address telegrams
多地指令码multi-address order code
多重地multiple address
姓名地等缩进写法格式indented form
客户姓名地簿address book
姓名地缩进书写格式indented form
系统addressing system
address part
存储器addressed memory
模式addressing model
电路addressing circuit
结构addressing structure
能力addressing capacity
工业展览会会industrial fair building ground
工业选location of industry
已变地indexed address
总部地address of head office
按地交货delivered at the address
支行地branch address
收信地mail drop
收入及住证明income and residential proof
收报人名全录communication of all addresses
收货人地consignee's adress
散列地化方案hash addressing scheme
有计划地选择厂planned location of industry
永久地permanent address
邮政注册地略语abbreviated registered address
混合式内容定存储hybrid associative memory
电报住code address
程序块地block address
索引地indexed address
存储器addressed memory
电报缩写地abbreviated address
请给较细地give better address
请给较详细地give better address
退信地return address
选择厂plant siting
通常住habitual residence
重选厂plant relocation
键地key address
隐地implicit address
零地指令zero address order
零级地immediate addressing
飞点存储地flying-spot store address