
Terms for subject Finances containing 场地 | all forms
中国市场经济地位China's market economy status
中证内地市场指数CSI Mainland Indices
住宅地产市场residential property market
内地债券市场准人access to the mainland bond markets
地区市场regional market
坚定不移地加强房地产市场调控steadfastly tighten regulation of the real estate market
墓地式市场graveyard market (指交投非常不活跃的空头市场)
市场经济地位market economy status
房地产市场property market
房地产市场housing market
房地产市场低迷property market downturn
承认中国完全市场经济地位recognize China's full market economy status
提振房地产市场boost the property market
摧毁房地产市场destroy the property market
活跃的房地产交易市场active trading market of real estate
给予"市场经济"地位grant "market economy" status
萧条的房地产市场sluggish property market
过热的房地产市场overheated property market
颇具政治敏感性的房地产市场politically sensitive real estate market