
Terms for subject Technology containing 场地 | all forms | in specified order only
一般场地考虑general site consideration
下水道排放场地absorption field
专用建筑场地individual site
场地震运动medium field earthquake motion
中等复杂场地medium complexity site
临时场地beta site
产权范围内的场地改善on-site improvement
产权范围外的场地改善off-site improvement
亲氧构造地球化学场oxyphile tectono-geochemical field
人工开辟场地made ground
人造运动场地athletic surfacing
休息场地halting place
作业场地work yard
作业场地word shop
借土场地borrow site
停车场地standing area
停车场地parking space
停车场地parking point
停车场地parking compound
停车场地parking area
停车场地parking apron
儿童游戏场地play lot
八个预应力台架场地eight-bed yard
八角形场地规划eight-sided ground plan
公众场地community ground
公共场地public space
公共场地public open space
公共场地ratio of public-use land
公共场地ratio of land for public utilization
公共停车场地public parking lot
养羊场地sheep run
内地市场market in the interior
内地集装箱货场inland container depot
农业场地farm yard
农场式林地farm woodlot
农场式林地farm woodland
农场空地farm yard
冲洗车辆的场地wash-down yard
分布场地spreading site
分类场地sorting floor
制作块体场地casting yard
制绳场地rope yard
制造块体场地casting yard (防波堤用)
剧场工程地质勘察engineering geological exploration of theatre ground
剧场工程地质勘察engineering geologic exploration of theatre ground
半圆形场地semi-circular space
单元体生产场地unit-producing yard
占用场地费用space charges
危险场所和地点hazardous site and spot
双管焊接场地double jointing yard
双管焊接场地double jointing site
取土场地borrow site
古地磁场的长期变化secular variation of geomagnetic field
后方场地backup land
吸收场地absorption field
吸水场地absorption field
喷泉场地fountain site
喷泉场地fountain plaza
因为场地受到影响的限制site-specific constraint
场地soil site
土木工程施工场地civil engineering site
地下机场underground airfield
地下滤场subsurface filter
地下停车场basement park garage
地下停车场underground parking lot
地下停车场basement parking garage
地下停车场basement car park
地下剧场勘察investigation of underground theatre
地下商场underground shopping arcade
地下商场underground market
地下商场underground department store
地下场hard site
地下处置场subsurface disposal field (废水)
地下室停车场car park basement
地下室停车场basement car park
地下廉价商场bargain basement
地下机场underground aerodrome
地下机场subterranean aerodrome
地下水均衡场balance plot of groundwater
地下水径流场runoff field of ground water
地下滤场subsurface sand filter
地下过滤场underground filtration field
地下过滤场subsurface filtration field
地下采石场underground quarry
地区编组场【铁】zone yard
地区编组场【铁】territorial yard
地应力场stress field in the earth's crust
地控进场最低数值ground-controlled approach minimums
地方支线机场feeder-category airport
地滚球场bowling green
地滚球场bowling alley
地球基本磁场geomagnetic field
地球场bowling alley
地球引力场摄动perturbation of earth's gravitational field
地球物理现场调研geophysical site investigation
地球磁场earth's magnetic field
地电场geoelectricity field
地电场earth electrical field
地磁场倒转reversal of geomagnetic field
地磁场倾角angle of dip of earth's field (φ)
地磁场反转reversal of geomagnetic field
地磁场反转geomagnetic field reversal
地磁场定向测量法directional survey with magnetic compass
地磁场平衡器earth magnetic field balance
地磁场影响earth magnetic field effect
地磁场极性偏移polarity excursion of geomagnetic field
地磁场构成geomagnetic composition
地磁场磁偏角angle of declination earth's magnetic field (Θ)
地磁场磁强计earth-field magnetometer
地磁场西向飘移动westward drift of geomagnetic field
地磁螺旋场geomagnetic spiral field
地质体应力场模拟geological body stress field simulation
地质体应力场模拟geologic body stress field simulation
地质市场经营geological market management
地质市场经营geologic market management
地震场论field theory of earthquake
地震影响场earthquake influence field
地震效应场seismic effect field
地震效应场earthquake effect field
地震烈度场seismic intensity field
地面停车场surface car park
地面停车场ground-level parking lot
地面停车场ground-level car park
地面堆放场surface dump
地面废料场orphan bank
地面控制进场ground control approach (飞机着陆)
地面直升机场ground-level heliport
场地一加速度一震级方法site-acceleration-magnitude procedure
场地两用牵引车truck tractor for yard
场地中心的旗杆center pole
场地价值site value
场地位置site location
场地使用费fee for using a site
场地保护罩protective site clothing
场地修整field chipping
场地准备site preparation
场地分类classification of site
场地分类category of site
场地利用计划utilization plan of storage space
场地加热space heating
场地勘察程序field exploration programme
场地勘察程序field exploration program
场地勘测site surveying
场地反应site response
场地发射field emission
场地yard clerk
场地土分类classification of site soil
场地土分类category of site soil
场地土类别soil category of site
场地土类别class of site soil
场地地形site topography
场地地貌surface feature
场地地质条件site geological condition
场地地质条件geological site condition
场地地质条件site geologic condition
场地地质条件geologic site condition
场地地质适合性geological suitability of site
场地地质适合性geologic suitability of site
场地复原site reinstatement
场地宽度width of site
场地尺寸site dimensions
场地工程site work
场地布置location layout
场地布置规划layout plan
场地平均标高mean lot elevation
场地平整levelling of ground
场地平整site levelling
场地平整leveling of ground
场地平整作业spreading and level works
场地平整作业spreading and grading works
场地平整度field flatness
学校场地平面布置图campus plan
场地建设费yard development cost
场地开发site development
场地强度site intensity
场地影响site influence
场地影响台阵local effect array
场地影响阵列local effect array
场地截沙雨水口yard catch basin
场地扩建extension of field
场地扩音器site megaphone
场地批准site approval
场地挖方oversite excavation
场地排水field drain
场地排水yard drain (沟)
建筑场地排水house sewer
建筑场地排水building sewer
场地排水yard drainage
场地排水field drainage
场地排水area drain
场地排水工程yard drain age works
场地排水系统yard drainage system
场地探测site exploration
场地搬运车internal transfer vehicle
场地放大site amplification (作用)
场地放大作用特性site amplification characteristic
场地效应site effect
场地整平土方量volume of earthwork for ground levelling
场地整平土方量volume of earthwork for ground leveling
场地整理费site renovation expense
场地条件系数ground condition factor
场地水封井yard trap
场地污水building sewer
场地污水house sewer
场地注水site flooding
场地测量site survey
场地淹没site flooding
场地清理site clearing
场地清理site cleaning
场地清理land clearing
场地清理cleanliness of site
场地清理工作site-clearance activities (建筑前)
场地清理耙land-clearing rake
场地清除site clearing
场地清除clearing of site
场地清除工作site clearing work
场地清除工作site cleaning
场地清除工作cleaning work
场地滤波特性site filtering characteristic
场地灯光area light
场地烈度鉴定identification of site intensity
场地照明site lighting
场地照明area lighting
场地用底盘车chassis for yard
场地的最大深度maximum depth of lot
场地稳定性评价site stability evaluation
场地竣工后清理clearing up
场地等级site ranking
场地管理员yard clerk
场地管路yard piping
场地类别site classification
场地系数site coefficient
场地结构相互作用系数site structure interaction coefficient
场地落底雨水口yard catch basin
场地表土清除site stripping
场地要求site requirement
场地规划space planning
场地计划site planning
场地许可证site licensing
场地许可证site licencing
场地设备site equipment
场地设施site facility
场地费用site cost
场地起重机yard crane
场地起重机装卸方式yard crane system
场地距活动断裂距离distance between active fault and site
场地边线site boundary
场地选择choice of site
场地通达度site accessibility
场地限制site limitation
场地雨水口算盖area grating
场地需要space requirement
场地面积site area
垫高的场地furring compound
场地storage pad
堆储场地storage holdings
堆存场地storage space
填高场地用砂sand for raising sites
处于战斗准备状态的导弹发射场地alert apron
处理场地disposal area
复杂场地complex site
外地磁场external geomagnetic field
大地电场telluric electricity field
大地电流场telluric electrical field
大地电流场telluric electric field
大地电流场比法telluric electrical field method
大地电流场比法telluric electric field method
大型农村厅堂或场地choultry (印度集会用)
太阳风地磁场边界solar wind geomagnetic field boundary
存于施工场地的批准图样approved drawings kept at building
存放场地parking space
孤立场地island site
学校场地规划campus planning
学龄前儿童游戏场地preschool children's playground
安装场地fabricating yard
安装场地assembly plant
安装场地assembly site
安装场地assembly area
宏观地震影响场macroseismic influence field
封闭式场地enclosed court
小型地雷场small mine block
小规模建筑场地small-scale building site
小规模施工场地small-scale building site
就地浇注场地on-site casting yard
就地浇筑场地on-site casting yard
局部场地地质local site geology (情况)
局部场地条件local site condition
展览场地exposition ground
展览场地exhibition ground
山地机场mountain airfield
山地牧场down land
场地factory site
工业场地industrial ground
工作场地working yard
工作场地working site
工作场地布局workplace layout
工厂场地factory ground
工地桩的浇捣场site pile casting yard
工地浇制场site casting yard
工场用地factory site
市场所在地market area
干燥场地drying ground
平地调车场flat shunting yard
平均场地条件average site condition
平均古地磁场强度average paleointensity
平整场地levelling of ground
平整场地site levelling
平整场地leveling of ground
平整场地grading levelling
平整场地grading leveling
平整场地工程leveling of ground
幼儿游戏场地play lot
废弃场地waste site
当地筛选场local screening plant
待开发场地predevelopment site
总地磁场强度total geomagnetic intensity
户外集会的半围蔽场地semi-enclosed place of outdoor assembly
房地产市场real estate market
房屋场地交通building traffic
房屋建造场地building construction site
房屋建造场地设施building construction site installation
抗地震试验场earthquake-proof site
挖掘场地digging site
挖除场地表土stripping of the site
提供场地与基础设施sites and services
摊铺场地spreading site
操作场地operating yard
放大样场地full size drawing field
文娱场地recreational area
料场距工地距离distance between the site and building material field
施工场地construction area
施工场地升降机construction site hoist
施工场地construction map
施工场地布置layout of construction work
施工场地额外费用construction yard premium
施工场地额外费用construction site premium
施工机械场地contractor's spread
施工设备场地contractor's spread
旅游拖车拖带住屋专用停车场地设有供应水、电等设施的地域trailer park
旅游拖车拖带住屋专用停车场地设有供应水、电等设施的地域trailer camp site
旅游施车拖带住屋专用停车场地设有供应水、电等设施的地域trailer camp
有树木的场地wooded site
服务场地service yard
木材场地timber ground
未来场地使用future site use
场地坪位置图airport platform site plan
场地坪区airport platform area
场地形等高线airfield contours
场地面交通管制airport ground traffic control
场地面侦察设备airport surface detection equipment
场地面活动目标显示器airport surface movement indicator
场地面活动管制aerodrome surface movement control
机器和设备场地machinery and equipment yard
机场工程地质勘察engineering geological exploration of air field
机场工程地质勘察engineering geologic exploration of air field
杆件加工场地rod field
材料堆放场地yard of materials
构造地球化学场tectono-geochemical field
构造地球物理场tectono-geophysical field
树木挖根清出场地clearing and grubbing
校内场地playground of school
校内场地school yard
正常地磁场normal magnetic field
死胡同内建筑场地dead-end site
毗邻的停车场地associated parking area
水上机场锚地浮标aeronautical anchorage buoy
水泥地面肥育场paved feedlot
水陆建筑场地amphibious site
活动场地exercise yard
活动房屋场地mobile home stand
浇注场地casting site
浇注场地casting area
浇灌沥青场地asphalt pouring ground
测试场地test ground
场地clearing site
场地clearing ground
清理场地preparation of site
清理场地place clearing
清理场地disposal point
清理过的场地cleared area
清除的场地cleared area
渗水场地leaching field
渗流场地absorption field
儿童游戏场地play lot
爆破场地blasting site
牧场土地保护rang land conservation
特定场地given site
场地势图site topography
场地site contour
场地形图site topography
场地质特征field geology feature
现今地应力场present ground stress field
现代化野营场地modern campground
现场场地勘察field site reconnaissance
现场加工就地处理on-site handling
现场就地混合site mixing in place
玻璃笼罩着的场地glassed-in area
生产地市场local market
疗养地散步场所spa promenade
硬土场地firm site
硬地停车场hard parking-place
私人场地private area
租用场地rented space
稳定场地stable court
简单场地simple site
类岩石场地rock-like site
自由场地面运动free field ground motion
花园场地garden ground
场地生境range site
草地机场sod airfield
草地机场grass airfield
草地游戏场grass play area
草地牧场grass farm
草地球场tennis lawn
草地网球场turf court
草地飞机场grasslanding area
荒地草场waste range
装配场地erecting floor
记录场地recording site
设备维修场地equipment yard
设备维修场地equipment repair yard
试验场地experiment field
货场工程地质勘察engineering geological investigation of goods yard
货场工程地质勘察engineering geologic investigation of goods yard
货物装卸场地freight platform
场地界标yard limit sign
场地界线yard limit sign
转子安装场地rotor assembly space
轴向地心偶极子场axial geocentric dipole field
运动场地sport area
场地震学near field seismology
场地震运动near field earthquake motion
场地震信号far-field seismic signal
适宜居住的场地habitable space
郊区房屋场地贷款rural housing site loan
场地质管理工作geological supervision of mining field
场地质管理工作geologic supervision of mining field
采石场地quarry site
采石场凹地quarry body
采石场谷地quarry body
采矿工业场地mine compound
野营场地camping area
野营场地camping site
野营场地camp ground
钢筋加工场地reinforcement yard
钢筋混凝土磨光盖面生产场地cast reinforced fair-faced manufacturing yard
钻探场地boring site
销地市场markets in sales areas
闪电式清除场地blitzed site clearance
陆地机场terrestrial airport
隆起的场地raised field
场地更换to be changed depending on the site
集装箱有效场地container marshalling area
震源至场地距离focal-to-site distance
露天场地exposed station
露天停车场地open newel lot
露天观测场地observation field
露营场地camp site
露营场地camp ground
非轴向地心偶极子场non-axial geocentric dipole field
预制场地casting bed
预制构件场地casting bed
预加应力场地prestressing yard
飞行场地标灯field light
驾驶员练习场地driver training field
场地half embankment
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