
Terms containing 地 色 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.严词厉色地叱责browbeat (browbeat, browbeaten)
earth.sc.中央有色金属和贵金属地质勘探研究所Central Research Geological Exploration Institute of Nonferrous and Precious Metals
textile地色basic shade
textile地色base shade
space互补色地图anaglyphic map
tech.互补色影像立体地图anaglyphic image map
oil互补色立体地图anaglyptographic map
oil互补色立体地图anaglyphic map
agric.亚极地棕色森林土subarctic brown forest soil
tech.交织色地毯ingrain carpet
earth.sc.以色列卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Israel
earth.sc.以色列地质调查所Geological Survey of Israel
China, law体现地方特色embody the local feature
China, law保持地方特色maintain the local features
dentist.健康的牙龈质地坚韧并且是粉红色的Healthy gums are firm and pink
tech.具有地方特色的房屋sectional building
archit.具有建筑特色的地方architecturally beautiful square
tech.具有建筑特色的地方architecturally beautiful squares
gen.出色地to admiration
tech.分层着色地layered map
archit.分层着色地图layered map
tech.分层设色地势图merged relief map
space分层设色地图hypsometric map
space分层设色地图layer-tinted map
cartogr.分层设色地图layered style map
tech.分层设色海底地形layered bathymetrical chart
tech.分层设色海底地形layered bathymetric chart
tech.单色地图monochromatic map
anim.husb.单色山地黄牛品种self-coloured Yellow Hill
anim.husb.单色山地黄牛品种German Yellow breed GFR
tech.单色晕渲地图monochromatic shading map
tech.单色油地毡plain linoleum
tech.单色油地毡水泥plain linoleum cement
textile印度色块地毯kandahar carpet
textile原地显色染料ingrain coloring matters
textile原地显色染料ingrain dyes
tech.原地显色染料in-situ developed dyes
ceram.在汉朝,软体铅釉瓷器主要在中国中部制造,中国南部沿海地区还是继续制造高温焙烧的炻瓷,加上草木灰釉、黄绿色等色彩,可以说是一种早期的青瓷In the Han dynasty, while soft-bodied lead-glazed wares were manufactured largely in central China, the coastal region of southern China continued the production of high-fired stoneware incorporating a wood or ash glaze with a yellow-green color range that can be considered an early form of celadon
tech.地下水流动示踪染色料tracer dye
UN地中海沿岸国"蓝色计划"政府间会议Intergovernmental Meeting of the Mediterranean Coastal States on the "Blue Plan"
desert.地中海红色土red Mediterranean soil
desert.地中海褐色土red brown mediterranean soil
comp.name.地中海黑色冶金公司Sidmed-Siderurgica del Mediterraneo SA
tech.地图分色片map separation film
tech.地图彩色校样colour proof of map
tech.地图彩色校样color proof of map
oil地图着色map overlay
cryptogr.地图着色问题map coloring problem
space地图色标map color standard
space地图色标color chart
tech.地图色标map colour standard
space地图色谱map color atlas
China, law地方特色local characteristic
econ.地方特色传统商品special and traditional products
econ.地方特色传统商品reserve traditional products
tech.地方特色房屋sectional building
tech.地方色彩local color
desert.地方色彩local colour
tech.地点角色location case
tech.地绿色Cyprian green
tech.地绿色颜料terre verte pigment
textile地色转移印花之前织物所染的颜色base fabric color
textile地色ground color
textile地色grand color
textile地色fundamental color
textile地色color of ground
textile地色body color
agric.地色ground colour
tech.地色ground shade
textile地色印花blotch printing
textile地色深浅不匀uneven ground
textile地色ground tint
agric.地衣红诱变染色体效应orcein mutachromosomic effects
tech.地貌分层设色表orographical tinting
tech.地貌分层设色表orographic tinting
tech.地质图色标colour standard of geological map
tech.地质图色标color standard of geologic map
oil地质着色geologic painting
oil地质色标geologic painting
el.地面指令控制彩色电视装置ground commanded color television assembly
China, polit.坚定不移地走中国特色社会主义道路unswervingly take the road of Chinese socialism
tech.多色地图复照multicolour map reprography
tech.多色地图复照multicolor map reprography
cartogr.多色地形图process-colour relief
tech.多色地毯簇绒机color tuft machine
tech.多色地毯簇绒机colour tuft machine
gen.多色地毯簇绒机colourtuft machine
textile天然原色地毯berber-style carpet
space套色地形图process-color relief
footwear如果你小心地扯开一团棉绒,你会发现它实际上由多种颜色的线头组成If you pull apart a piece of lint carefully you will see that it is indeed composed of multiple colored threads
gen.它们叫驯鹿,通常拥有白色的茸角,生长在寒冷地区Reindeer. They are with large antlers found in some cold climates
polygr.实地套色印刷flat-color printing
desert.山地棕色森林土mountain brown forest soil
agric.山地棕色漠境草原土mountain brown desert steppe soil
agric.山地灰色森林土mountain gray-forest soil
textile异色斜纹地毯hambel carpet
tech.彩色全息地图colour holographical map
oil彩色全息地图holographic color map
tech.彩色全息地图color holographic map
tech.彩色地图colour printed map
econ.彩色地图coloured map
tech.彩色地图colour style map
space彩色地图colored map
tech.彩色地图color style map
tech.彩色地图color printed map
el.彩色地图存储器color map memory
space彩色地图读出系统colour map-reader system
avia.彩色地图读出系统colour map reader system
tech.彩色地沥青封层asphalt colour coat
tech.彩色地沥青封层asphalt color coat
tech.彩色地貌图process-colour relief presentation
tech.彩色地貌图process-color relief presentation
tech.彩色地震显示colour seismic display
tech.彩色地震显示color seismic display
tech.彩色增强影像地图colour intensified photomap
tech.彩色增强影像地图color intensified photomap
tech.彩色夜光地图luminous-colour map
tech.彩色夜光地图luminous-color map
tech.彩色影像地图colour image map
tech.彩色影像地图color image map
space彩色数字地图显示设备digital colored map unit
tech.微型地图分色片micromap colour separation
tech.微型地图分色片micromap color separation
tech.手工着色地图hand-coloured map
avia.手工着色地图hand-colored map
pharm.拉色地平lacidipine (二氢吡啶类钙通道阻滞剂;降血压药)
econ.提出了一份说明书,详细地叙述该产品的特色A statement was presented for detailed description of the peculiar features of the product
tech.景色美丽的地区fine-sight district
tech.景色美丽的地区aesthetic area
tech.有色地沥青封层asphalt colour coat
tech.有色地沥青封层asphalt color coat
earth.sc.有色金属采掘用地non-ferrous excavating land
textile本色地毯berber-style carpet
textile杏黄白兰地酒色apricot brandy
earth.sc.棕色地带待重新开发的城市用地brown fields
desert.橙色地鸫orange ground thrush
lat.橙色地鸫Zoothera gurneyi (非洲南部沙漠)
el.沿海地带彩色扫描器coastal zone color scanner
textile地色ground tint
textile浓厚地方色彩pronounced local colour
telecom.海岸地带彩色扫描仪coastal zone color scanner
oil消色地质体non-color geological mass
textile深色地白条纹chalk stripe
textile深色地细白条子布chalk stripe
textile混色地marbled ground
textile混色地jumbled ground
textile混色地毯heather mix carpet
textile混色纱地毯beam rug
textile混色黄麻地毯ingrain jute carpeting
dermat.温[兹]-滕[策]酸性地衣红染色法Unnz-Taenzer acid orcein method
textile满地着色allover color
textile满地缉线酒色皮革手提包Moroccan bag
agric.灰色低地土gray lowland soil
desert.灰色土浅洼地oitak (这种浅洼地汇集龟裂土面上的雨水,不灌溉可种植农作物。浅洼地农业是土库曼斯坦干旱区的一种耕作方式)
busin.灰色地区grey area
earth.sc.灰色地区系统gray area systems
econ.灰色地带grey area
telecom.特色本地信号服务利用 No.7 信令进行的特种服务,如自动回叫,主叫号码显示,选择拒呼等custom local area signaling service
telecom.特色本地信号服务利用 No.7信令进行的特种服务,如自动回叫,主叫号码显示,选择拒呼等custom local area signaling services
nautic., tech.狂涛,波峰长而翻卷,大片白沫密集地随风成 串飞溅,整个海面成白色,海面翻滚动荡汹涌 澎湃,影响能见度。very high waves with long over hanging crests. the resulting foam in great patches is blown in dense white streaks along the direction of wind. on the whole the surface of the sea takes a white appearance. tumbling of sea becomes heavy and shock like. visibility affected.
textile地色边布excelsior cloth
agric.白色地平环white horizontal circle
tech.目的地角色destination case
space着色地图colored map
tech.着色地板清漆pigmented flooring varnish
tech.着色地板清漆pigmented floor varnish
archit.着色地面pigmented finish
tech.素色亚麻油地毡plain linoleum
textile素色地毯plain carpet
ecol.紫色土坡地purple soil sloping field
ecol.紫色土坡耕地slope cropland of purple soil
ecol.紫色土旱坡地purple soil farmland
agric.红色旱地土red upland soil
agric.红色高地土red upland soil
agric.绿色休闲地green fallow
tech.绿色地带green belt
environ.绿色空间,绿地green space A plot of vegetated land separating or surrounding areas of intensive residential or industrial use and devoted to recreation or park uses (被稠密的住宅或工业用地所包围或分隔,作为休闲或公园使用的植物园地。)
ecol.绿色食品产地green food producing area
textile色地印花dyed style printing
textile色地白圆点花布图案polka dot
textile色地等宽条纹zebra stripe
textile色布条捻织地毯hit-or-miss rug
textile色绒纱机织地毯printed carpet
textile英国白地色边布excelsior cloth
biol.茶色地老虎obscure noctuid (Hermonassa cecilia Butler,夜蛾科)
textile地色blue grass
desert.萨赫勒地区跨国绿色带建设规划Transnational Project on Sahel Green Belt (规划区宽 150〜400km,年降雨量100〜400mm)
textile虹彩地色rainbow ground
textile虹彩与地色交错条纹ombre raye
textile轧染地色pad ground
cloth.软帽的淡茶色色调完美地搭配着一切The sandy hue of the floppy hat perfectly pairs with everything
textile配色地毯matching carpet
desert.金色地柏枝scrambled eggs (奇瓦瓦沙漠)
lat.金色地柏枝Corydalis aurea (奇瓦瓦沙漠)
textile金色线满地花织锦缎satin dorure de nankin
textile金黄大地色gold earth
desert.锈色洋地黄rusty foxglove
lat.锈色洋地黄Digitalis ferruginea
textile, USA, tradem.阿奈威尔纺液着色聚丙烯腈针刺地毯Anywhere
earth.sc.陆地卫星交互灰色图和按程度分层系统Landsat Interactive Gray Map and Level Slicing System
earth.sc.陆地卫星假彩色合成Landsat false colour composite
earth.sc.陆地卫星假彩色合成Landsat false color composite
oil陆地卫星彩色比值合成图像Landsat color ratio composite image
textile靛蓝地色pencil blue
mount.黄色地带珠峰北坡上无雪覆盖的地带yellow band
mount.珠穆朗玛峰北坡上无雪覆盖的黄色地带yellow band
agric.黑色休闲地rare fallow
tech.黑色休闲地black fallow
agric.黑色地中海土black mediterranean soil
dentist.黑色地方就是龋坏处The dark area is where it is decayed
textile黑色横条子白地棉布convict stripes
tech.黑色洼地black bottom
earth.sc.黑色金属采掘用地ferrous excavating land