
Terms for subject Environment containing 地 带 | all forms | in specified order only
动物穿越地带crossing place for animals Bridges and tunnels provided for animals for crossing roads and railways. Railway and road infrastructures represent an hindrance to wildlife migration (为动物穿越道路或铁轨所提供的桥梁或隧道;道路或铁轨的建设野生生物迁移的阻碍。)
山地地带montane belt
河滨地带riparian zone 1. Terrestrial areas where the vegetation complex and microclimate are products of the combined pressure and influence of perennial and/or intermittent water... and soils that exhibit some wetness characteristics. 2. Zone situated on the bank of a water course such as a river or stream (1. 在多种自然力、连续或间接的水域影响下,形成的植被状态,具有复杂和微气候特点的陆地区域,该区域往往具有土壤湿润的特点。2.水域(如河流、小溪)旁的区域。)
海岸地带原油泄漏coastal zone oil spill
温带林地temperate woodland Forest dominated by broad-leaved hardwoods, which occurs over large tracts in the mid-latitudes of Europe, N. America, and eastern Asia, but which is restricted in the southern hemisphere to Chilean Patagonia (主要由阔叶硬木组成的森林,大片位于中期的欧洲纬度地区,包括北美和亚洲东部,但在南半球智利的巴塔哥尼亚受到限制。)
灌木地带maquis A low evergreen shrub formation, usually found on siliceous soils in the Mediterranean lands where winter rainfall and summer drought are the characteristic climate features. It consists of a profusion of aromatic species, such as lavender, myrtle, oleander and rosemary and often includes abundant spiny shrubs. It has been suggested that the maquis is a secondary vegetation, occupying the lands cleared of their natural evergreen oak forests by human activity (低矮常绿灌木的形成物,通常在有着冬季降水、夏季干旱气候特点地中海中的硅质土地上建立。包括丰富的诸如薰衣草、香桃木、夹竹桃和迷迭香的芳香物种,并且往往包含丰富的多刺灌木。有建议称灌木地带是次要的植被,居于被人类活动清楚地天然常绿栎林的地位。)
穿越地带crossing place A place, often shown by markings, lights, or poles, where a street, railway, etc. may be crossed (可穿越街道、铁路的地带,通常以标志、灯光或旗杆进行标示。)