
Terms containing 地 区 价差 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.地区价差regional price differentials
textile地区价差regional price difference
busin.地区价差regional price differences
tech.地区差价price gap between different localities
tech.地区差价regional price differences
tech.地区差价regional price differential
econ.地区差价differences in regional price levels
textile地区差价interregional price differential
exhib.地区差价area differential
econ.地区差价regional price differentials
econ.地区差价difference in regional price levels
busin.地区差价price gaps between different localities
busin.地区差价differences in regional levels
tech.地区差价regional gap
shipb.地区差价differences in regional price level
corp.gov.地区差价工资locality based pay
tech.消费者地区差价指数index of regional difference of consumer prices