
Terms for subject Economy containing 地 价 | all forms | in specified order only
与地点远近无关的统一交换价格uniform delivered price
产地作价法farm-price method
他是一项有价值的房地产的租借人He is the leaseholder of a valuable property
价格已跌了下来,使我们处于不利地位The price has fallen, putting us at a disadvantage
估定土地价assessed value of land
免费送货至指定地点价free delivered
减价余地the margin for reduction
减价余地margin for reduction
到达目的地价the rendu price
到达目的地交货价franco place of destination
单一地价single tax
原产地价值申报home value declaration
双方洽谈后,我方曾写信给你方要求合理地降低合同价Subsequent to mutual negotiation, we wrote you to ask for reducing contract price reasonably
可接受的边远地区报价acceptable frontier offer
启运地船边交货价格free alongside ship named port of shipmentFAS
土地单位价值land unit value
土地的售价selling price of land
土地评价land valuation
地价tax on land value
地价land value tax
地位价值place of value
地位价值situation value
地位表即资产负债表地价position statement
地位评价position evaluation
地区价格制zone pricing
地区差价regional price differentials
地区差价differences in regional price levels
地区差价difference in regional price levels
地区订价zone pricing
地址价值site value
地租增价increment of rent
场地使用费作价capitalized value of land occupancy charge
坦白地说,已向另一出口商发出同样的询价To be frank with you, the same inquiry has been passed on to another exporter
当地销售网中的零售商正以25美元的价格零售此货Retailers in the local sale network are retailing the goods at 25
我们能卖得价格最高的地方莫过于此地In no place can we sell to better advantage than in this direction
抢购风潮极大地抬高了价格The panic purchasing greatly jacked up the price
指定地交货价franco rendu
按土地价值征税site value rating
按场地价值征税site-value rating
提价地租improved ground rent
服务地点差价调整数WAPA system weighted average of post adjustment system
本协议中很清楚地表明,甲方不能强迫乙方以相对低的价格出售货物It is stated clearly in this agreement that the first part cannot coerce the 2nd part into selling goods at a relatively low price
现值会计下的土地价land value under current value accounting
由于当地有廉价的劳力,他们在远东开了一家新工厂They are opening a new factory in the Far East because of the cheap local labour force
由卖方代为租舱、订舱或投保的启运地船上交货价free on board clause providing for additional duties for the sellers
目的地交货价free destination
综合地基价值aggregate site value
讨价还价的地位the bargaining position
这块地估价为4000万美元The land is valued 40 million US dollars
这家公司租借了一些有价值的房地产The company has some valuable leaseholds
重新规定货币地价the monetary realignment