
Terms containing 地 中海地区 | all forms | in specified order only
earth.sc.地中海地区eastern mediterranean region
org.name.东加勒比海地区中央银行Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
earth.sc.东地中海区域管理局Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office
tech.东地中海双壳类地理亚区east Mediterranean bivalve subprovince
earth.sc.地中海地区mediterranean, central
earth.sc.亚洲地中海区域Asiatic Mediterranean Sea
UN保护和开发西非和中非区域海洋环境和沿海地区信托基金Trust Fund for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the West and Central African Region
org.name.关于在地中海地区实施粮农组织《负责任渔业行为守则》第9条的磋商会Consultation on the Application of Article 9 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in the Mediterranean
tech.印度一地中海双壳类地理大区indo-Mediterranean bivalve region
tech.古地中海北部大区north palaeo-Mediterranean region
tech.古地中海北部大区north paleo-Mediterranean region
tech.古地中海南部大区south palaeo-Mediterranean region
tech.古地中海南部大区south paleo-Mediterranean region
ceram.在汉朝,软体铅釉瓷器主要在中国中部制造,中国南部沿海地区还是继续制造高温焙烧的炻瓷,加上草木灰釉、黄绿色等色彩,可以说是一种早期的青瓷In the Han dynasty, while soft-bodied lead-glazed wares were manufactured largely in central China, the coastal region of southern China continued the production of high-fired stoneware incorporating a wood or ash glaze with a yellow-green color range that can be considered an early form of celadon
UN地中海保护区网Mediterranean Protected Areas Network
tech.地中海动物区Mediterranean faunal region
desert.地中海北部地区northern Mediterranean region
desert.地中海北部地区执行附件Regional Implementation Annex for the Northern Mediterranean (《联合国防治荒漠化公约》附件四)
desert.地中海区域Mediterranean areas
gen.地中海区域Mediterranean Zone
org.name.地中海区域水产养殖计划Mediterranean Regional Aquaculture Programme
UN, ecol.地中海区域荒漠化评价和监测项目Assessment and Monitoring of Desertification in the Mediterranean Region
tech.地中海区清除油污中心Mediterranean regional oil combating center
tech.地中海双壳类地理区Mediterranean bivalve province
geol.地中海地区Mediterranean zone
environ.地中海地区Mediterranean Area The collective islands and countries of the inland sea between Europe, Africa and Asia that is linked to the Atlantic Ocean at its western end by the Strait of Gibraltar and includes the Tyrrhenian, Adriatic, Aegean and Ionian seas (位于欧洲、非洲和亚洲间的内陆海的一些岛屿和国家,其西部由直布罗陀海峡连接到大西洋,包括伊特鲁里亚海、亚得里亚海、爱琴海及尼亚爱奥尼亚海。)
agric.地中海地区Mediterranean region
geol.地中海地区Mediterranean area
earth.sc.地中海地区合作调査、cooperative investigation of the mediterranean
geol.地中海地区新第三纪地层委员会Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy
environ.地中海地区油污清除中心Mediterranean Regional Oil Combating Center
desert.地中海地区群落Mediterranean community
desert.地中海岩区Mediterranean petrographic province
tech.地中海有孔虫地理区系Mediterranean foraminifera realm
org.name.地中海气候区稻米区域间合作研究网络Inter-regional Cooperative Research Network on Rice in the Mediterranean Areas
fishery地中海海洋哺乳动物保护区Pelagos Sanctuary
fishery地中海海洋哺乳动物保护区Pelagos Sanctuary for Mediterranean Marine Mammals
org.name.对地中海具有重要性的特别保护区specially protected areas of Mediterranean interest
org.name.拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区渔业产品销售信息和咨询服务中心Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in Latin America and the Caribbean
avia.欧洲及地中海空中领航区Europe-Mediterranean air navigation region
USA, space海军全站区和地基中段防御系统Navy Theater Wide and Ground-Based MidCourse Defense System
USA, space海军航天与地区医疗中心Naval aerospace and regional medical center
UN海洋和沿海地区方案活动中心Programme Activity Centre for Oceans and Coastal Areas
geol.西地中海深水区Western Mediterranean Deep Water