
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
业务位矩阵business position matrix
临时工程用land for temporary works
主要理域major geographic domain
也就是说、宽带并没有真正提供双向的网络线路In other words, broadband doesn't really offer a two-way street
互联网Internet address
交货价格loco price
交货单loco invoice
定价法FOB origin pricing
他们设计了数据迁移计划来合并现有的用户数据、 并不断保持更新They develop a data migration scheme to merge existing user data and keep it updated on a continuous basis
他说他的职责是"牢牢控制通货膨胀、以避免更多的波动He said that it was his duty to "solidly anchor inflation expectations to avoid additional volatility
以开支为计算基础的本生产总值expenditure-based gross domestic product
以开支为计算基础的本生产总值估计数字expenditure-based gross domestic product estimate
以房产抵押作担保的证券mortgage backed securities
价格谈判的bargaining position
估计本生产总值gross domestic product estimate
但是、我可以简单创建自己的 EventLogEntryInfo 类、用于将每个事件日志条目复制到其中However, it was simple for me to create my own EventLogEntryInfo class that I could copy each event log entry into
但是、通过设备仿真程序可以使您更直接了解在本演练中使用的控件的功能However, a device emulator can enable you to see more directly the functionality of the controls you -will use in this walkthrough
低成本low-cost position
低税tax haven
免费送到目的交货delivered free to destination
公民civil status
具有法团位的公司incorporated company
出乎意料、她得到了这份录影带讲经的小册子、她感受到内心的召唤、因此便携友同来To her surprise, she unexpectedly received a pamphlet about the video-lecture and she felt moved in her heart, so she came with a friend
分布式工作distributed workplace
到达完好货价sound arriving value
加工place of fabrication
占有场的日期date of possession
原产country of origin
原产证明书evidence of origin
及时duly ad.
变更目的change of destination
可接受的当程序acceptable local procedures
可设定址的点模式dot-addressable mode
同样、如该业务整体上有经调整的亏损、每名合伙人均应分配亏损Similarly, each partner should have a share of loss if the business has overall adjusted loss
向存储器传送址是经过一组为地址总线的并行导线进行的The address is transmitted to the memory through a set of parallel wires called an address bus
启运机场交货价FOB airport
图像image map
成本因素land cost element
转让印花税stamp duty on conveyance of land
公共转让证land patent
转让证书land warranty
在家办公的员工可以通过电话和传真与国外客户很好交流The employee at the home office can communicate well with foreign clients over the telephone or by fax machine
在本生产总值中所占比率contribution to gross domestic product
在添加该项之后、源代码管理插件将您的解决方案或者项目的本工作副本绑定到其数据库中的版本上After adding the item, the source control plug-in binds your local working copy of a solution or project to its version in the database
在香港以外方的财产property situated outside Hong Kong
在香港以外方的资产assets situated outside Hong Kong
产信托证land trust certificate
产分类指数properties sub-index
产分类指数properties sectorial index
产市场property market
land premium
价收人premium income
价收人land revenue
位集中程度position intensity
区存货territory inventory
区审计员district auditor
区性优惠regional preference
区服务经理助理assistant district service manager
区检察官district attorney
区法庭district tribunal
区法庭district court
区结构area structure
IP Internet Protocol address
web address Web
Internet address
址更正address correction
域性市场的范围coverage of geographic market
域来源原则territorial source principle
形资料topographical material
方债券英国corporation stock
方初审法院district court
方法院local court
方节日local holiday
理位置geographic al position
理因素geographic factor
理调整geographic adjustments
表下的条件sub-surface condition
质勘探geological investigation
质资料geological materials
质资料geologic materials
earth tremor
填筑site reclamation
培训当人员training of local personnel
增辟土平成本average cost of land production
合伙foreign partnership
承付票foreign note
汇票foreign bill
税款foreign tax
证券交易所foreign stock exchange
银行foreign bank
如何有效对数据进行压缩、 是一个亟待解决的问题How to efficiently compress the data is a critical problem
如图所示牢固连接并固定分接头Attach and fix the tap securely as illustrated
如果你是统计学的老手、你也许更喜欢使用直观的命令语言、快捷、方便分析数据If you are a statistically-savvy user, you might prefer to use its intuitive command language, and analyze your data swiftly and with ease
始发place of departure
子网掩码用于将 IP 址分成两个部分A subnet mask is used to divide an IP address into two parts
审查on-site examination
审查field audit
审计人员field audit staff
市场测试field test marketing
核数人员field audit staff
调查field inspection
实际本生产总值real gross domestic product
址、数据和状态码可以进行手动选择、以符合任何32比特格式Address, data and status codes manually selectable to conform to any 32 bit format
对本资源的需求压力pressure of demand on domestic resources
尝试将此属性设置为本主机Attempt to set this property to localhost
培训domestic training
in situ
works site
仓库stores on site
勘察job site survey
备用品stores on site
外设施off-site facilities
安置site settlement
安置site arrangement
实验室site laboratory
布置site arrangement
平整site grading
清理job site clean up
照明lighting of the site
监工员contractor supervisor
范围site coverage
设备site equipment
设施site equipments
设施job site facilities
试验室on job lab
工程project location
市场位因素market position factors
市场位的集中程度intensity of market position
带状电缆中的每一秒钟信号是一个面信号、 提供最佳的信号完整性给用户的目标Every second signal in the ribbon cable is a ground signal to provide the best signal integrity at the users target
平均土价值指数index of average land values
开征物业税将有助于降低房价、 并为方政府提供可持续的收入来源A property tax -would help bring down prices and provide local governments with a sustainable revenue stream
弹性工作flex place
price loco
利率local interest rate
合伙人domestic partner
居民local resident
工人local worker
开支local expenditures
承包商local contractor
承包商domestic contractor
政府local government
法规local statute
登记册所载的股份share on local register
购买local shopping
当一个国家的房产投机行为已经超过了泡沫时期的日本、投资者们的担忧是不无道理的When real-estate speculation exceeds that of the Japanese real-estate bubble, investors are right to worry
当一家亚洲央行用当货币买进美元时、净结果就是国内货币供应量上升When an Asian central bank buys dollars in exchange for local currency, the net result is an addition to the domestic money supply
当你的样品送达后、将给你邮寄电子邮件以确认。如果没有电邮、请准备一个作为确认送达的有你址的明信片You will be notified via email when your sample arrives; if you do not use email, please enclose a self-addressed postcard for receipt notification
征用土requisitioning of land
必须重启计算机后本 BIOS 才能打开支持To enable native BIOS support you must restart the computer
怀有某种动机的个人也许会或难或易把您的网络 IP 地址和您的真实身份联系到一起It may be either difficult or easy for a motivated individual to connect your network IP address with your real-life identity
总统将被迫在自己的政策议程中将联邦预算赤字和国家债务置于更核心的The president will have to give the federal budget deficit and national debt a far more central place in his policy agenda
我们已经成功从模拟的驱动器故障中恢复、您也可以开始在生产环境中使用 RAID-1 了We've successfully recovered from a simulated drive failure, and you re ready to start using RAID-1 in a production environment
产投资上升Investment in real estate is up
批租土财产leasehold property
指定启运发货named departure point
区组织销售队伍geographical organization of sales force
按人口平均计算的本生产总值gross domestic product per capita
按工业类别计算的本生产总值gross domestic product by industrial sector
按市价计算的本生产总值gross domestic product at market price
按生产要素成本计算的本生产总值gross domestic product at factor cost
文件传输协议是互联网上广泛使用的在远程计算机系统和本计算机系统之间传输文件的标准File Transfer Protocol is widely used in internet and is the standard of transfer file between remote computer system and local computer system
施工划拨用area allotted for the construction
施工场的准备工作site work
显示所有未保存的文件、并允许用户有选择保存特定文件Displays all unsaved files, and allows the user to optionally save specific files
有选择隐藏代码的能力使文件更易于管理和读取The ability to hide code selectively makes your files more manageable and easier to read
服务出口exporter of services
未能预见的质条件unforeseen grounds conditions
产品出口domestic export
产品出口增长率growth rate of domestic export
产品出口总额overall domestic export
产量local production
代表办事处local representative office
价格资本形成总额gross domestic price capital formation
信贷膨胀domestic credit expansion
内部税收internal revenue
内部需求domestic demand
内部需求平减物价指数domestic demand deflator
分行local branch
加工价值成分local value-added content
化战略localization strategy
固定资本形成总额gross domestic fixed capital formation
成本local cost
承付票inland note
文件格式native file format
汇票inland bill
注册接受存款公司locally incorporated deposit-taking company
生产总值临时估计数字provisional estimate of gross domestic product
生产总值平减物价指数gross domestic product deflator
生产总值开支expenditure on the gross domestic product
生产总值的估计数字gross domestic product estimate
生产总值的初步估计preliminary estimate of gross domestic product
生产总值的最终估计final estimate of gross domestic product
生产总值的组成部分gross domestic product component
董事resident director
负债domestic liabilities
货币供应量domestic money supply
贷款domestic lending
资本形成总额gross domestic capital formation
通胀local inflation
通胀压力local inflationary pressure
重启local reboot
银行付款令票native bank order
本票上未记载付款的、出票人的营业场所为付款地Where the place of payment is not specified on a promissory note, the business premises of the maker is the place of payment
本节讨论设计和执行可升级 IP 址规划的步骤This topic discusses the steps to design and implement a scalable IP-address plan
来自世界各的利润worldwide profit
水文质资料hydroelectric materials
水文质资料hydrological and geological data
洽商place of negotiation
现场营与住房camps and housing
现浇下连续墙cast-in-place diaphragm wall
现行本价格current domestic value
由于市场继续预期美国将采取降息举措、恒生产分类指数昨日上涨1.8%The HS property sub-index rose 1. 8 percent amid continued expectations for a cut in US interest rates
目的交货价price of delivery to destination
目的付款payable at destination
目的国家country of destination
硅胶具有很强的吸湿能力、因此应贮存在干燥的方、包装物与地面之间要有搁架Silica gel with a strong moisture absorption ability, and should therefore be stored in a dry place, packaging and have a shelf between the ground
笑得在上打滚rolling on the floor laughing
经营business position
绝大多数模拟器允许查看在工作站本安装的应用程序Most emulators enable you to view applications installed locally on your workstation
缴纳税直接付款授权书direct debit authorization for payment of government rent
网络中返回其他用户的邮件址或允许用户对主机和服务进行定位的服务directory service
若要在本浏览器中预览、请单击"预览页"To preview in your local browser, click Preview Page
获得用land acquisition
营业business place
行业吸引力-业务位矩阵industry attractiveness-business position matrix
要使-个 IP 网络中的两个节点能够通信、那些 IP 址必须在整个网络中是唯一的To enable communication between two nodes in an IP network, those IP addresses have to be unique among the whole network
认可区性证券approved regional stock
设计人员可以在短时间内制造一个固体模型以及简单改变和测试它Designers can then create a solid model in a short time and easily make changes and task tests
转换:控制网络址转换和数据包重定向Translation: controls network address translation and packet redirection
迅速expeditiously ad.
适当duly ad.
逆向址解析协议reverse address recognition protocol
adjacent land
邻近adjacent land
销售sales territory
长久以来 Microsoft Office Word一直是世界各办公环境中常用的文字处理程序Microsoft Office Word has long been the word processing program commonly used in offices around the world
陆路共通overland common point
陆运可到达的overland common point
非土实产personal chattels
非实审查off-site review
非实审核off-site scrutiny
非本注册的公司non-resident corporation
非本注册的法人团体non-resident corporation
项目所在project location
马瑟表示、一个方的人口趋势将对当地造成很大的影响、它与劳动力市场的供求情况以及经济增长紧密相关He said regional population trends matter, because they fre closely linked to labor supply and demand一and economic growth
项目代表resident project representative
首席工程师chief resident engineer