
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
不动immovable real estate
不动immovable estate
不发达underdeveloped areas
不合作国家及non-cooperative countries and territories
业务重点为中国内的集团China-focused property group
上市dual listing
中国内mainland China
中国内企业mainland companies
中国内国企指数index of mainland Chinese companies
中国内地区折扣优惠计划Mainland China Discount Program
中国市场经济China's market economy status
中国房产指数系统China real estate index system
中央和方所得税state and local income tax
中证方国有企业 100 指数CSI Local SOEs 100 Index
中证方国有企业综合指数CSI Local SOEs Composite Index
中证两岸三500 指数CSI Cross-Straits 500 Index
中证内主题指数CSI China Mainland Thematic Indices
中证内市场指数CSI Mainland Indices
中证海外不含香港股指数CSI Overseas Mainland ex HK Index
中证海外内股指数CSI Overseas Mainland Index
中证香港内国有企业指数CSI HK State-owned Mainland Enterprises
中证香港内民营企业指数CSI HK Private-owned Mainland Enterprises Index
中证香港内股指数CSI HK Mainland Index
亚洲太平洋区农业信贷协会Asian and Pacific Regional Agricultural Credit Association (简称"亚太农协",是一个地区性农业信贷合作组织,成立于1977年,秘书处设在泰国曼谷)
交割delivery point
住宅产市场residential property market
储备货币reserve currency status
充分反映发展中国家的fully reflect the changing status of developing countries
全球制造业领先global manufacturing leadership
具有经济活力的economically dynamic region
《内与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement
《内与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement between Hong Kong and the Mainland
债券市场准人access to the mainland bond markets
股市mainland markets
银行mainland banks
到达付运费freight paid at destination
卓有成效合作work productively together
收人revenue from land sales
占主导位的储备货币predominant reserve currency
占主导位的离岸人民币交易中心dominant offshore hub for renminbi trading center
占据主导位的经济大国economically dominant power
占用地面成本space charges (the cost of floor space)
国际international prestige
国际位和影响力international prestige and influence
国际和区热点international and regional hot spots
国际舞台上应有的rightful place on the global stage
成本investment in land
交易价格指数land transaction price index
价格land prices
所有权title to land
报酬payment based on land shares
收入revenue from domains
财产登记簿register of title deeds
智利亚哥商品交易所Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago
智利亚哥证券交易所Santiago Stock Exchange
在国际货币基金组织中的储备reserve position in IMF
在香港以外区成立的法团银行bank incorporated outside Hong Kong
下钱庄underground banks
territorial property
产交易dealing in land
产分段real estate subdivision
产分类帐land ledger
产、厂房及设备property, plant and equipment
产收益estate income
价成本cost of floor space (space charges)
价税assessment tax
位表资产资债表position statement balance sheet
区差别regional disparity
区市场regional market
区性危机regional crises
区性指数认购权证regional index call warrant
区性解决方案regional solutions
区性金融协议Regional Financial Arrangements
区总部regional headquarters
科特迪瓦区有价证券交易所Bourse Regionale des Valeurs Mobilieres
区股票交易所regional stock exchange
区贸易一体化regional trade integration
阿尔巴尼亚拉那证券交易所Tirana Stock Exchange
方审计方案local audit scheme
方性商业银行Local commercial bank
方控制银行locally controlled bank
方收费公路基础设施指数local toll collecting highway infrastructure index
方改良local improvements
方改良准备local improvement reserve
方改良基金local-improvement fund
方政府regional governments
方政府举债融资机制financing mechanism for local governments to borrow money
方政府债券local treasury bond
方政府债券local government bond
方政府债券local authority bonds
方政府债务local authority debts
方政府性债务local government debt
方政府性债务管理制度system for managing local government debt
方自筹收入funds raised by localities themselves revenue
方自筹收入fund raised by localities themselves revenue
方财政局municipal treasury
方财政自筹资金self-raised fund by local government
方财政预算local government budget
方附加收入funds raised by localities subsidiary revenue
方附加收入fund raised by localities subsidiary revenue
方预算budget of local governments
板价floor price
板价和天价floor and ceiling prices
点套汇space arbitrage
ground rents
租帐簿rent roll
缘政治冲突broader geopolitical clash
缘政治参与者geopolitical player
缘政治变化geopolitical changes
缘政治平衡geopolitical balance
缘政治影响力geopolitical clout
缘政治担忧geopolitical concern
缘政治方面的原因geopolitical reasons
缘政治风险geopolitical risks
面期权floor option
坚定不移加强房地产市场调控steadfastly tighten regulation of the real estate market
式市场graveyard market (指交投非常不活跃的空头市场)
中介人foreign intermediary
外国基公司收入foreign base company income
天堂与狱债券heaven and hell bond (一种附有期权和期货的债券)
奖学金承诺实支付缩写为CMT FS FL, 财务系统fellowship commitment field disbursement
利中央合作银行RZB Austria
利先令Austrian shilling
利期货和期权交易所Austrian Futures and Options Exchange
利经济学派Austrian economics
利能源交易所Energy Exchange Austria
启动的交易field-initiated transactions
帐目field accounts
测定折旧observed depreciation
现金管理cash management in the field
现金管理field cash management
盘存actual inventory
采购支付缩写为EXP PO FL, 财务系统purchase order payment-field
验证physical verification
对美元的储备货币位构成严峻威胁pose a serious threat to the dollar's reserve status
site audit
审核on the spot audit
居留domicile of choice
设施费用mobilization cost
市场经济market economy status
应对区和全球挑战address regional and global challenges
应由本银行清算的凭证document payable through native bank’s clearing
建立规范的方政府举债融资机制establish a standardized financing mechanism for local governments to borrow money
业务费用local operating cost
价格price loco
可回收物品locally recoverable item
审计local audit
经营成本local operating cost
证券监管机构local branch of the securities regulator
恒生中国内25Hang Seng Mainland 25
恒生中国内100Hang Seng Mainland 100
恒生中国内流通指数Hang Seng Mainland Freefloat Index
恒生中国内综合指数Hang Seng Mainland Composite Index
恒.生房产分类指数Hang Seng Properties Sub-Index
恒生房产分类指数期权Hang Seng Properties Sub-Index Options
恒生房产分类指数期货Hang Seng Properties Sub-Index Futures
恒生房产基金指数Hang Seng REIT Index
恒生流通中国内 25Hang Seng Freefloat Mainland 25
意大利货币Italian monetary area
产交易real estate transactions
产交易property transactions
产价格real estate price
产价格指数real estate price index
产保险real estate insurance
产及器具land building furniture and equipment
产基金real estate fund
产市场property market
产市场housing market
产市场低迷property market downturn
产帐lot and building account
产帐户real estate account
产建筑公司real estate and building company
产开发企业会计accounting of real estate enterprises
产开发项目property development projects
产投机speculating on property
产抵押mortgage on real estate
产抵押信贷credit-based on real property
产抵押债券real estate mortgage bonds
产抵押银行家mortgage banker
产担保贷款loan secured by real estate
产提存金land and building sinking fund
产收人real estate revenue
产泡沫property bubble
产泡沫real estate bubble
产泡沫housing bubble
产泡沫破灭housing bubble bursting
产泡沫风险risk of a property bubble
产消费real estate consumption
产的减值impairment of real estates
产经济学real estate economics
产经纪real estate brokerage
产行业real estate industry
产账户real estate account
产贷款real estate loan
产转让合同contract for transfer of real property
产避税手法real estate tax shelter
承认中国完全市场经济recognize China's full market economy status
抑制房产投机dampen property speculation
投资性房investment real estate
指定付款payment domiciled
指定支付点的支票domiciled check
指定支付点的汇票domiciled bill
指定支付点的贴现票据domiciled discounted bill
挑战美国在全球货币体系中的主导challenge America's dominance of the global monetary system
挑战美国的主导challenge US dominance
挤压房产泡沫deflate property bubbles
控制区销售成本marketing cost control by territory
提振房产市场boost the property market
提高人民币国际increase renminbi's global role
摊派的当费用assessed local cost
摧毁房产市场destroy the property market
无主vacant succession
时刻不停变化步伐restless pace of change
更好为实体经济服务better serve the real economy
更有效使用财政资金use fiscal funds more efficiently
最大限度创造就业和发展机会maximize the creation of employment and development opportunities
点限制的承兑acceptance qualified as to place
有资格开展跨境贸易结算的内企业mainland enterprises eligible for cross-border trade settlement
有选择推动资本项目改革push forward with selective capital account reforms
伦敦金loco-London gold
劳动费,税金和保险费local labor, tax and insurance
尚未实际占有的财产chose local
股票基金local equity fund
银行local bank
欧元区以外world outside the eurozone
欧洲区开发基金组织European Regional Development Fund
欧洲区开发基金组织Composite Regional Development Fund
欧洲、澳大利亚和远东Europe, Australia & Far East
欧洲、澳大利亚和远东区指数Europe, Australia & Far East Index
法人legal person status
活跃的房产交易市场active trading market of real estate
流人香港的内存款deposit migration from the mainland to Hong Kong
流动current position
潜在的增长potential growth spot
现购土purchase land for cash
合同contract for the use of land
营业帐户lots account
目标target zone
积极开展方层级经济合作actively develop sub-national economic cooperation
稳步有序放开存款利率liberalize deposit rates steadily and orderly
经济位的继承inheritance of economic status
经济与军事主导economic and military dominance
给予"市场经济"grant "market economy" status
给房产投机行为降温cool down property speculation
绿投资greenfield investment (指参与一项全新的投资计划,通常需要投人大量资本,涉及在一块空地上兴建厂房、提炼厂或码头等设施)
美元独霸江湖的dollar's singular status
美元的储备货币reserve currency status of the dollar
美元统治dollar's dominance
美元霸主dollar's pre-eminence
美钞高高在上的greenback's exalted position
联邦土银行federal land bank
萧条的房产市场sluggish property market
认可区性交易所approved regional exchange
豁免上市exempt listing status
财政financial position
购买价格price loco
盈余surplus from donated land
过热的房产市场overheated property market
重大缘政治变化dramatic geopolitical changes
银行房产及设备bank premises and equipments
陷人危险境be in a danger zone
非当投资者non-resident investor
非当津贴non-local allowance
非本注册公司non-resident corporation
非正规下银行informal underground banks
非H股内民营企业non-H-share Mainland private enterprise
预收prepaid rent income on land
颇具政治敏感性的房产市场politically sensitive real estate market