
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一个点套利one-point arbitrage
一个接一个one after another
不动immovable landed property
不发达under-developed area
不可分割的房impartible estate
不居住在产权地的不在absentee owner
不在场absentee landlord
不景气distressed area
专业化specialized communities
世界经济geography of world economy
严重失业substantial unemployment area
中等位企业enterprise of middle standing
中间intermediate area
中间基公司指在免征所得税,货币允许自由兑换的国家所设立的公司, 称中间基地公司intermediate base company
优先在当购买法律home preference law
优惠关税产证明书指海关为防止滥用普惠制,要求进口国产品出示受惠国产品的产地证明generalized system of preferences certificate of origin
分批batch by batch
分批in batch
分批分期batch by batch and stage by stage
分期分批stage by.stage
分段出售的建筑用building lots for sale
列表的理标准geographical reference for tabulation
列表的理标准geographic reference for tabulation
利弊各半on a fifty-fifty basis
到达完好价格sound arrived value
到达place of arrival
到达目的支付运费payment of the freight at destination
用户通信intersite user communication
合同履行lex loci solutions
合法legal estate
合法rightful position
合资企业所在legal address of the joint venture
否定役权negative easement
售货场面积selling area
land tract
不足scarcity of land
使用分类land use classification
使用图land use map
使用形式land use patterns
使用权land occupancy right
使用管理land use management
使用类别land use class
使用费land use expense
使用费land use cost
使用费land use charge
保有权land tenure
入股pooling of land as shares
共有制coownership of land
兼并annexation of land
冻结land freeze
分配allocation of land
分配制度allotment system
利用强度intensity of land use
利用成本cost of land utilization
利用率land use rate
利用率coefficient of land used
利用结构land use structure
利用计划land use plan
占有appropriation of land
占有权land tenure
参股分红dividend on land shares
因素land factor
固定land settlement
密集型产品land intensive products
密集工业land-intensive industry
形成land formation
征用及迁移补偿费land requisition and resettlement compensation
所有权land ownership right
所有权垄断land ownership monopoly
所有权证certificate of possession of land
所有者land proprietor
所有者地主land holder
持有税land holding tax
指数land index
收入如农产品、 矿山、森林等收入land revenue
收复land reclamation
收益fruit of the land
改革法agrarian reform act
权益递减律law of diminishing returns of land
生产力fertility of soil
登记证land register
的充分利用extensive use of land
的征用expropriation of land
租赁land lease
租赁人lease holder
租赁制land leasing system
租赁法land leasing method
租金leasehold ground rent
farm tax
管理land arrangement
管理措施land control measures
绝对所有权fee simple
自然赠与gift of nature
补偿费land compensation fees
land certificate (contract)
购买价land purchasing price
费用land costs
费用land charge
转让书land warrant
选购权land option
在买方住仓库交货条件free godown
在始发的报关服务费clearance and handling origin
在某勘探石油prospect a region for oil
在目的付款payable at the destination
above ground
上建筑物above-ground structures
下仓库below ground storage
下停车场underground parking
下室商店downstairs store
下市场underground market
百货公司等下廉价商品部bargain basement
下排水工程mom drainage
下油储oil pool
下煤气管道gas main
ground landlord
主阶级landed class
estate of freehold
estate in land
产交易land transaction
产会计estate accounting
产估价land evaluation
产公司land sale company
产公司land corporation
产冻结政策指政府限制出售或转让土地land freeze
产分类账land ledger
产否定证明negative certificate of origin
产增值appreciate the value of real estate
产处land office
产契约estate contract
产市场market for landed property
产开发land development
产开发租赁市场market for leasing and developing real estate
产批租batch-leasing real estate
产批租市场market of batch-leasing landed property
产批租市场batch-leasing market of real estate
产投资property investment
产投资与开发property investment and development
产投资公司land investment corporation
产抵押信贷land mortgage credit
产抵押放款loan secured on landed property
产拍卖公司land sale company
产指数land index
产收入land revenue
产收入income from landed property
产权landed property right
产权land right
产税tax on landed property
产管理业务land office business
产经纪业务land agency
产经纪人land jobber
产经营landed property management
产经营land sale
产经营公司landed property operation company
产经营垄断land management monopoly
产经营权land management right
产资金land fund
产资金收益land fund benefit
产转让land transfer
产银行指经营土地抵押业务的银行land bank
位一致status consensus
位不当status incongruence
位标志status symbol
位欲desire for status
位等级status hierarchy
位系统status system
位要求needs for status
位障碍status barrier
力图land fertility map
区专业化geographical specialization
区专业化geographic specialization
区业务主管area manager
区代号area code
区价差regional price differentials
区价差regional price differences
区保护费area maintenance
区内分配intra-county allocation
区分割barriers between localities
区分工regional division of labor
区分布area distribution
区分类geographical classification
区办事处district office
区化工业localization industry
区协议area agreement
区合作regional co-operation
区商品interregional goods
区商品联系commodity ties between areas
区因素area factor
区图area graph
区外汇紧张状况region's foreign-exchange constraint
区就业奖励regional employment premium
区工资差别regional wage differentials
区工资差别geographical wage difference
区工资差别geographic wage difference
区差价price gaps between different localities
区差价differences in regional levels
区差别area differentiation
区市场分析area market analysis
区市场潜在需求分析area market potential analysis
区开发community development
区开发area development
区开发公司community development corporation
区开发基金community development fund
区开发基金area development funds
区性企业regional enterprise
区性供应local supply
区性市场area market
区性标准local standard
区性组织geographical organization
区性组织geographic organization
区截面数据regional cross-section data
区报酬率community rate of return
区控制室local control box
货运预约保险的区条款location clause
商标区标记regional mark
区法municipal law
区津贴area allowance
区申请regional application
区申请专利等regional application
区登记处district registry
区研究area study
区积极性与优势initiative and advantage of the locality
区经理district manager
区经理area manager
区结构regional structure
区维修组织area maintenance organization
区综合平衡local overall balance
区编码regional coding
区编码area code
区范围geographical coverage
区营销成本控制marketing cost control by territory
区计划local plan
区证券交易所regional exchange
区负责人regional director
区贸易interregional trade
区贸易商品interregional goods
区运费率zone freight rate
区重建area redevelopment
区销售中心regional distribution center
区销售网local distribution network
区间传输inter-area transfer
区间投入产出图表input-output graph on a regional basis
区集体谈判area-wide bargaining
区项目area project
区项目负责人area project heads
名牌name board
address part
址为空address blank
址原则address principle
址变更change of address
址变更address modification
址完整address complete
址形式address pattern
址打印机mailing machine
址替换address substitution
址校验address check
书信址格式forms of dress
址翻译器address translator
址读出线address-read wire
址转换机构address translation mechanism
址选择address option
址选择开关address selection switch
址选择系统address selection system
址错误incorrect address
land certificate
land deed
land certificate (contract)
平线sky line
平经度平面azimuthal plane
方一级regional level
方会计district account
方外汇储备local foreign exchange reserve
方市场country market
方开发银行local development bank
方开支local expenditure
方税municipal tax
方税减免rates relief
方税减免折扣率rates rebate
方税收municipal taxation
方税收补助rate support grant
方税收补贴rate-support grant
方税范围rate range
权转移指所有权land transfer
球同步卫星Geo-Stationary Satellite
球资源工艺卫星earth resources technology satellite
理决定论geographical determinism
理决定论geographic determinism
理区隔geographical segmentation
理区隔geographic segmentation
理坐标geographical orientation
理坐标geographic orientation
理市场细分geographical segmentation of market
理市场细分geographic segmentation of market
理市场细分geographical fragmentation of market
理市场细分geographic fragmentation of market
理序列geographical series
理次序geographical order
理次序geographic order
理范围geographical coverage
理范围geographic coverage
land tax
rent of land
脚货cargo residue
脚货舱内打扫的残留物cargo residue
表裂纹subsurface flaw
震承包商seismic contractor
火险中的震条款earthquake clause
面以上above ground
面传送带floor conveyer
面成本cost of space
面搬移设备ground handling equipment
面污染ground contamination
面裂缝subsurface crack
面设备land-based facilities
面辅助设备handling ground equipment
面险ground risks only
飞机的面险ground risk
处于有利inside track
公司out of town company
分店分公司provincial branches
办事处field office
单位field unit
集装箱回程放空overland transit empty
常设单位permanent field unit
空回overland transit empty
职务field post
集装箱装货回送overland transit full
费用external cost
址指令码multi-address order code
多事故black spot
多事故accident prone location
多头bull positions
多重multiple address
landed property in large units
big landed property
大规模面计划large-scale floor plan
大规模工业基large-scale industrial bases
大都市metropolitan area
天经义的事God's truth
市政方税municipal locality tax
帝国各区间贸易imperial trade
传输网络intercity transmission network
托收inter-city collection
托收intercity collection via bank
托收country collections
结算intercity settlement
结算inter-city settlement
成批in batch
我们的产品已在海外数个区有售,并受到了消费者的欢迎Our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. They are very popular with the users there
指定点付款payment domiciled
指定点付款人domiciled drawee
指定点付款支票domiciled cheque
指定点付款支票domiciled check
指定点付款汇票domiciled draft
指定交货named place of delivery
指定付款点汇票domiciled bill
指定发货启运named departure point
指定支付点的付款人domiciled drawee
指定边境交货named place of delivery at frontier
指送destination place
位分类classification by status
区分类classification by region
区分类classification by geographical area
区划分部门departmentation by territory
址交货delivered at the address
按商品大类和区分列的年均增长率average annual rate of growth by commodity classes and by regions
按土价值征税site-value rating
按现值核算的土价值land value under current value accounting
按财产所在征税的规定situs rules
搬到包装和装运move to packing and shipping
搬至仓库储存或使用transport to stock storage or point of use
搬至储存move to stock
支取余leeway in drawing
支行branch address
支配dominant position
易于出售的房creampuff sale
最不利least favored area
最不利的least favoured area
最佳hundred-percent location
最初盈利initial profitability position
最惠国most favored nation status
最終目的目的港final destination
位的人man of position
位的人important figure
有发展前途的growth zone
有往来账open account area
有效土所有权sound title to land
有条件免税进口conditionally duty free importation
有计划选择厂址planned location of industry
有选择引进技术import technology on a selective basis
服务servicing point
服务点差价调整指数post adjustment index
服务点差价调整数比率post adjustment ratio
未达目的short of destination
主顾local buyer
买主local buyer
产品home product
公司indigenous firm
居民团体indigenous community
工业native industry
市场指通过经纪人,银行间进行货币或外汇交易的市场local market
批发市场local wholesale market
批发市场local wholesaler market
技术indigenous technology
时间apparent time
用户local user
用户local subscriber
用户电报号码local telex number
自制率local content rate
航线运价on-line rate
董事会local board
规程误差local procedure error
运费率local rate
雇员local staff
欠发达less-developed area
欧洲区发展基金European Regional Development Fund
港口腹port hinterland
港口腹hinterland of port
爆炸、倒塌和下损害explosion, collapse and underground damage
生产中的土因素land factor of production
生产基base of producing goods
契约land use contract
管理land use control
许可证land license
码头到内仓库集装箱运输用语pier-to inland depot
程序块block address
索引indexed address
紧缩生产belt tightening
累计原产指实行普遍优惠关税国家,对于从某一地区,如东南亚地区的产品,可不受个别国家原产地规则限制可视为同一来源地,即累积原产地cumulative origin
累计原产待遇cumulative origin treatment
累计原产规则cumulative rules of origin
缓慢销售管理方式drifting sales management
电报缩写abbreviated address
面积acreage under cultivation
营业location of business
营业location and premises of the joint venture
营业用账户lots account
调整后总adjusted gross estate
调查普查census tract
谈判bargaining position
货物到目的卸货后付运费freight to be paid after discharge at destination
货物原产origin of goods
货物原产country where the cargo originate
贫困necessitous area
贫瘠土barren soil
贫瘠的土impoverished soil
贫穷moneyless regions
购入房estate by purchase
购货腹shopping hinterland
退休人员异安家补助费non-local settlement subsidy for retired personnel
退信return address
送到顾客指定move to customer location
适当right place
比较place-to-place comparison
逐步stage by.stage
通过样本实调查所取得的数据for data collected by sample field survey
销售sales area
销售区的限制territorial restrictions concerning the sale
key address
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