
Terms for subject Water resources containing | all forms
丁 坝间的空field between groin
世界粮食和农业领域土及水资源状况State of Land and Water Resources
世界粮食和农业领域土及水资源状况The State of the World's Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture
中沿岸mediolittoral zone
人工湿处理垃圾渗滤液constructed wetland treating landfill leachate
人工高-湿地污水处理系统constructed upland-wetland wastewater treatment system
港埠inland port
分水补给recharge area
化石层下水fossil groundwater
化石水层下水开采量abstraction of fossil groundwater
区域下水水源local groundwater source
区域下水水质regional groundwater quality
区域下水污染势regional groundwater pollution potential
发现下水groundwater finding
受条约保护的实际表水入流量surface water: inflow secured through treaties actual
变质下水modified groundwater
可再生下水资源的耗减率depletion rate of renewable groundwater resources
国家和区王要测站网network of national and regional focal points
平整, 分级land preparation
排水系统land drainage system
评价和分类land evaluation and classification
调查land surveying
下化石水的预期持续时间expected time that fossil groundwater will last
下压力管道buried pressure pipeline
下含水层深度aquifer thickness
下排水sub-surface drain
下排水subsoil drainage
下排水沟mole drain
下排水系统subsurface land drainage system
下探测underground exploration
下水自然入流量groundwater: entering the country natural
下水人流groundwater inflow
下水位perched water table
下水位water table
下水位phreatic surface
下水位groundwater level
下水位groundwater surface
下水位groundwater table
下水位下降lowering of the groundwater level
下水保护对策groundwater protection strategy
下水保护标准ground water protection standard
下水保护法groundwater protection law
下水出流groundwater outflow
下水出流量groundwater: leaving the country
下水坝groundwater dam
下水坝underground dam
下水坝subsurface dam
下水平衡groundwater balance
下水库phreatic reservoir
下水开采量groundwater withdrawal
下水循环系统groundwater-circulation system
下水水位water table
下水水体groundwater body
下水水质变化groundwater quality variables
下水水质恶化groundwater quality deterioration
下水水质标准groundwater quality standard
下水水质检验法groundwater quality testing method
下水水质模拟groundwater quality modeling
下水水质监测网groundwater quality monitoring network
下水水质管理groundwater quality management
下水水质评价groundwater quality assessment
下水水质预测groundwater quality prediction
下水污染contamination of groundwater
下水污染概率统计方法评价probabilistic assessment of groundwater contamination
下水污染源source of groundwater contamination
下水污染源source of groundwater pollution
下水污染源sources of ground-water pollution
下水污染源groundwater contaminant source
下水污染物groundwater contaminant
下水污染物输移transport of groundwater contaminant
下水流underground stream
下水流buried stream
下水消毒规则groundwater disinfection rule
下水潜水面water table
下水潜水面groundwater table
下水灌溉groundwater-based irrigation
下水灌溉面积占配备完全控制灌溉设施面积的百分比area irrigated by groundwater as % of area equipped for full control irrigation
下水状况评价assessment of groundwater conditions
下水环境影响评价groundwater environmental impact assessment
下水的安全开采水量safe yield of groundwater
下水盐分输移观测与预测observation and forecast of movement of groundwater and salt
下水矿化mineralization of groundwater
下水蓄水层groundwater aquifer
下水补给补充recharge of aquifer
下水补给补充replenishment of aquifer
下水补给补充groundwater recharge
下水评估groundwater assessment
下水资源量groundwater resource amount
下水采样groundwater sampling
下灌溉subterranean irrigation
下灌溉subsoil irrigation
下的水subsurface water
卡水环境水质标准environmental quality standards for groundwater
址水质address water quality
infralittoral zone
球化学特征geochemical characteristics
表下的水坝underground dam
表下的水坝sub-surface dam
表水surface waters
表水自然入流量surface water: entering the country natural
表水体富营养化eutrophication of surface waters
表水入流量和边境河流及湖泊实际流量surface water: entering and bordering the country actual
表水出流量surface water: leaving the country
表水和地下水的重叠部分overlap between surface water and groundwater
表水处理规则surface water treatment rule
表水开采量surface water withdrawal
表水水源surface water source
表水污染surface water contamination
表水灌溉面积占配备完全控制灌溉设施面积的百分比area irrigated by surface water as % of area equipped for full control irrigation
表水环境水质标准environmental quality standards for surface water
表流人工湿地surface flow constructed wetland
margin of fields
震力earthquake forces
震加速earthquake acceleration
震法探测explosion move method exploration
震法探测seismic method exploration
面排水surface drain
面排水surface drainage
面水surface waters
面水ground water
面水phreatic water
面水surface water
面水的可能灌溉时间opportunity time for absorption of water
垂直流人工湿vertical-flow constructed wetland
堆砖场brick yard
境内产生的下水量groundwater: produced internally
境内产生的表水量surface water: produced internally
境外自然可再生表水资源总量surface water: total external renewable natural
多种的土使用multiple land use
季节性变化zone seasonal change
将通过条约规定的表水出流量surface water: outflow to be reserved through treaties
反硝化活力in situ denitrification activity
曝气井in situ aeration well
水保护或"就地水分保护"in – situ water conservation or 'in-situ moisture conservation'
污水处理系统on-site wastewater treatment system
玻璃化法in situ vitrification
生物地下水反硝化in situ biological groundwater denitrification
生物地下水脱氮in situ biological groundwater denitrification
生物滤池反硝化系统in situ bio-denitrification system
生物滤池脱氮系统in situ bio-denitrification system
脱氮活力in situ denitrification activity
采样in situ sampling
岸上的supralittoral zone
岸边湿riparian wetland
已提出条约议案的表水实际出流量surface water: outflow submitted to treaties actual
已提出条约议案的实际表水入流量surface water: inflow submitted to treaties actual
常规可再生下水可开发量exploitable: regular renewable groundwater
常规可再生表水可开发量exploitable: regular renewable surface water
强化表水处理法令Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
快速渗滤土处理系统rapid infiltration-land treatment system
拖线式平trailed grader
排水盆river basin
排水盆catchment basin
排水盆drainage basin
排水耕面积占总耕地面积的百分比drained cultivated area as % of total cultivated area
排水面积占配备完全控制面灌溉设施面积的百分比drained area as % of area equipped for full control surface irrigation
排污下水discharge of pollution to ground water
land levelling
dry-farming land
处理ex situ treatment
未提出条约议案的表水实际出流量surface water: outflow not submitted to treaties actual
未提出条约议案的表水入流量surface water: inflow not submitted to treaties
未配备灌溉设施的湿耕地和内陆谷底cultivated wetlands and inland valley bottoms non-equipped
梢料brush matting
梢料brush blinding
梢料brush foundation
水力 waterpower site
水浇irrigated land
水浇作物harvested crops under irrigation
水能开发waterpower site
污染下水polluted groundwater
污染下水资源contaminated groundwater resource
河流阶river terrace
沼泽排水bog drainage
沼泽排水marsh drainage
沿岸riparian land
沿海coastal area
沿海盐碱草salt meadow
流域下水酸化模型model of acidification of groundwater in catchment
浅层下水shallow groundwater
浇制场混凝 土预制构件的casting yard
海洋湿sea marsh
湿功能wetland function
湿影响分析wetland impact analysis
湿总评估价值total valuation of a wetland
潮间的intertidal zone
灌溉irrigated land
灌溉土平整irrigation land levelling
现行下水水质风险评价法current groundwater-quality risk-assessment method
生态塘-湿系统ecological pond-wetland system
, 流域basin
灌溉check irrigation
灌溉basin irrigation
监测下水水质monitoring groundwater quality
眉毛式阶eyebrow terrace
砂砾床人工湿gravel-bed constructed wetland
砂砾床水栽法的人工湿gravel-bed hydroponic constructed wetland
积水waterlogged field
综合下水水质模型integrated ground water quality model
缺水arid zones
缺水water-short areas
arable land
面积cultivated area
面积cropping area
联机下水水质监测站on-line groundwater quality monitoring station
自流泉盆artesian basin
芽苞草喷灌机button lawn sprinkler
边境河流表水自然总流量surface water: total flow of border rivers natural
边境河流形成的表水自然流量surface water: accounted flow of border rivers natural
边境湖泊形成的表水自然流量surface water: accounted part of border lakes natural
邻近adjacent land
配备了灌溉的irrigation equipped area
配备完全控制面灌溉设施的面积area equipped for irrigation: full control surface irrigation
配备完全用下水控制灌溉的面积area equipped for full control irrigation by groundwater
配备完全用表水控制灌溉的面积area equipped for full control irrigation by surface water
配备灌溉设施土的实际灌溉面积area equipped for irrigation: actually irrigated
配备灌溉设施的低面积area equipped for irrigation: equipped lowland areas
配备灌溉设施的土总面积area equipped for irrigation: total
配备灌溉设施的灌溉面积占耕面积的百分比area equipped for irrigation as % of cultivated area
酸性下水羽acid groundwater plume
酸性沼泽acid moor
间接下水污染indirect pollution of groundwater
闸室chamber floor
冲击层land accretion
环境遥感continental environmental remote sensing
运水车fire truck
运水车ground tanker
降低下水位的排水relief drain
隐抱子虫下水风险评估法Cryptosporidium groundwater risk-assessment methodologies
非常规可再生表水可开发量exploitable: irregular renewable surface water
非灌溉部分排水面积non-irrigated cultivated area: partially drained
非点污染源下水污染nonpoint source groundwater contamination
高盐量下水groundwater hyper salinity