
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 地质学家 | all forms | in specified order only
专业地质学家协会Association of Professional Geological Scientists
加拿大石油地质学家学会Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists
哥伦比亚石油地质学家和地球物理学家学会Colombian Society of Petroleum Geologists and Geophysicists
国家地质科学研究咨询委员会National Advisory Committee on Research in the Geological Sciences
国家地质科学研究所菲律宾National Institute of Geological Sciences
国际开发地质学家协会联合国Association of Geologists for International DevelopmentUN
国际经济地质学家联合会International Federation of Societies of Economic Geologists
地质学专家组geological specialist team
地质学家协会Geologists Association
工程地质学家协会Association of Engineering Geologists
政府系统地质学家会议Government Geologists Conference
政府系统地质学家数据处理咨询委员会Government Geologists Data Processing Advisory Committee
政府系统地质学家数据库政策咨询委员会Government Geologists Database Policy Advisory Committee
斯洛伐克工程地质学家协会Slovak Association of Engineering Geologists
斯洛伐克水文地质学家协会Slovak Association of Hydrogeologists
欧洲地质学家联盟European Federation of Geologists
独立职业地质学家协会Association of Independent Professional Geologists
皇家山区地质学家协会Royal Mountain Association of Geologists
皇家康沃尔地质学会加拿大Royal Geological Society of Cornwall
省级地质学家委员会Committee of Provincial Geologists
矿床地质学家学会协调委员会Coordinating Committee of the Societies of Mineral Deposit Geologists
约旦地质学家协会Jordanian Geologists Association
经济地质学家学会Society of Economic Geologists
美国职业地质学家学会American Institute of Professional Geologists
艾伯塔石油地质学家学会加拿大Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists
荷兰皇家地质和矿业学会Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands
荷兰皇家地质和矿业学会Royal Geological and Mining Society of Netherland
荷兰皇家地质和矿业学会Koninklijk Nederlands Geologisch Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap
落基山地质学家协会Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
阿拉伯地质学家协会Association of Arab Geologists
高级地质学家工作队working party of senior geologists