
Terms for subject Engineering geology containing 地表 | all forms | in specified order only
修正地震烈度表revised earthquake intensity scale
修正麦卡利地震烈度表modified Mercalli scale
出露地表含水层outcropping pervious formation
区域地表areal surface water
受污染地表polluted surface water
地下水资源平衡表groundwater inventory
地下水资源总量表groundwater inventory
地基表面处理foundation surface treatment
地层年代表stratigraphical time scale
地层年代表stratigraphical timetable
地层年代表chronologic time scale
地层时序表stratigraphical time scale
地层时序表stratigraphic scale
地层时序表chronologic time scale
地温表geological thermometer
地表zero depth
地表作业surface working
地表冲刷surface erosion
地表冻结指数surface freezing index
地表剥离surface stripping
地表地质ground geology
地表地质勘察surface geological investigation
地表地质图drift map
地表地质学surface geology
地表地震断层surface seismic fault
地表堆积物surficial material
地表堆积物surface deposit
地表堆积物superficial deposit
地表塌陷external collapse
测斜仪地表定向surface orientation
地表surface horizon
地表径流flowing surface water
地表径流land runoff
地表径流flowing sheet water
地表径流系数coefficient of surface runoff
地表径流量direct runoff rate
地表排水形式surface drainage pattern
地表排水沟surface channel
地表排水渠surface drainage channel
地表排水系统surface drainage system
地表断裂surface fault break
地表无显示热储hidden reservoir
地表surficial water
地表superficial water
地表水体areal surface water
地表水供水surface water supply
地表水入渗infiltration of surface water
地表水排水沟surface water drain
地表水系surface drainage
地表水资源surface-water resource
地表沉积surficial deposit
地表沉积堆积subaerial deposit
地表沉降观测ground settlement observation
地表沉陷surface settlement
地表沉陷ground subsidence
地表渗流surface seepage
地表滑动surface slide
地表滞水surface retention
地表物质surficial material
地表矿床surficial deposit
地表矿物surface mineral
地表破坏surface rupture
地表等高线surface contour
地表粗糙度surface roughness
地表蒸发surface evaporation
地表覆盖护面surface cover
地表观测surface observation
地表边界条件surface boundary condition
地表逕流surface runoff
地表钻探surface drilling
地表钻机surface drill
地表隆起surface doming
地表露头surface outcroppings
地表露头surface occurrence
地表风化surface weathering
地质编年表geochronometric scale
地震烈度表seismic scale
Medvedev; Sponheuer 和 Kanik 三氏地震烈度表MSK scale of earthquake intensity MSK
地表dry crust
开环式地表水循环系统open-loop surface water system
直接地表径流direct surface runoff
表层地壳superficial crust
表层地质学surficial geology
地表地震near-surface seismic event
地表地震near-surface foci earthquake
地表near-surface wave
间隔式地表断裂作用intermittent faulting
地表upland water