
Terms for subject Technology containing 地网 | all forms | in specified order only
一等大地网first-order geodetic network
一等大地控制网primary geodetic control network
三维地震剖面网络图fence diagram
三联地震台网triparted seismic network
世界大地网world geodetic network
世界标准地震仪台网world-wide standard seismograph network
中性点接地网network with earth-connected neutral
二次中心点接地网secondary neutral grid
依地形布置的道路网topographical street system
依地形布置的道路网topographic street system
保安接地网protecting grounding network
全球大地控制网world-wide geodetic net
区域地震台网regional seismic network
单地域网络single site network
单用途局部地区网络single-purpose local-area network
卫星地面整体网络integrated satellite terrestrial network
变化网眼地组织alternative net ground
同等大地网homogeneous network
国家大测量national-geodetic nets
土壤地下水渗流网soil flow net
地下排水管网underdrain system
地下排水管网underdrain network
地下水监测网groundwater monitoring network
地下水管网drainage pipework
地下水管网drainage network
地下水管网drainage net
地下水网net of groundwater
地下水网groundwater net
地下水质监测网groundwater quality monitoring network
地下水道网underground conduit network
地下水道网underground conduit net
地下管underground pipe net
地下管underground pipe network
地下管线subterranean pipe network
地下管网underground utilities
地下管道网underground conduit network
地下铁道网subway network
地下铁道网metro network
地区二氧化硫污染测量网络measurement network of regional SO₂
地区性观测网regional observation net
地区电话网local telephone network
地区铁路网regional rail network
地图坐标网map coordinate network
地图坐标网代码map reference code
地图坐标网代码map coordinate code
地图投影格网map projection grid
地图指示格网atlas grid
地图指示格网alphanumeric grid
地图方格网map grid
地图格网square map grid
地图格网cartographical grid
地壳波浪状镶嵌构造网wavy mosaic tectonic network of earth crust
地壳现代破裂网络recent fracturing pattern in the crust
地形道路网topographical street system
地形道路网topographic street system
地方台网local network of stations
地方地震台网local seismic network
地方道路网local road network
地理坐标网graticule line
地理坐标网geographical sheet line
地理坐标网geographical graticule
地理坐标网geographic graticule grid
地理坐标网geographic sheet line
地理坐标网geographical graticule grid
地理坐标网earth's graticule
地理坐标网格geographical coordinate grid
地理坐标网格geographical coordinate net
地理坐标网格geographic coordinate net
地理坐标网格geographic coordinate grid
地理网格geographic mesh
地理网格geographical mesh
地理网格geographical grid
地线网ground net
地线网络系统ground net system
地网earth network
地网capacity earth
地网earth screen
地网grounded counterpoise
地网ground screen
地网antenna counterpoise
地网中心架central gallows for counterpoise
地质勘探网测量survey for establishing geologic prospecting network
地铁网示意图subway network map
地震仪台网seismograph network
地震仪监测台网seismograph monitoring network
地震台网seismologic network
地震台网seismological network
地震台网seismic station network
地震安全网seismic safety net
地面天气观测站网surface weather observation network
地面网栅floor grid
地面网栅平面floor grid plane
地面网纹钢板steel deck
地面雷达网home radar chain
基地布网船boom defence vessel
大地控制网geodesic network
大地控制网geodetic control net
大地控制网framework of geodetic control
大地闭合网geodetic ring
天文大地网astrogeodetic network
天文大地网astrogeodetic net
天文大地网平差astrogeodetic net adjustment
天文大地网平差adjustment of astrogeodetic network
天线地网antenna counterpoise
套式地表水监测网nested surface water monitoring network
地网控制程序local network control programme
地网控制程序local network control program
局部地区网local area
局部地区网络local area network
局部地区计算机网local computer network
已布设三角网地区triangulated area
地网mesh-form earthing device
地网earth mat
地网earth screen
地网grounded screen
地网earth network
地网earthing network
地网earthed network
接地地网grounded counterpoise
接地平衡网络grounded counterpoise
接地端子网络earth termination network
方格网地图squared map
有坐标网格地图gridded map
有坐标网格的地图gridded map
地网络控制程序local network control programme
地网络控制程序local network control program
本地计算机网local computer network
本地通信网local network
架空地网elevated ground counterpoise
架空一埋地混合网络overhead-underground network
标准地图格网standard cartographic grid
标准地图格网standard cartographical grid
标准地图格网normal map grid
标准地图格网normal cartographical grid
标准地图格网normal cartographic grid
水网稻田地paddy fields with dense hydrographical system
水网稻田地paddy fields with dense hydrographic system
永久地网permanent earth
漏空网格式钢板地面open steel flooring
电力网接地装置grounding of network
目的地网destination network
空间卫星大地网satellite space geodetic network
空间大地网space geodetic network
线网用地控制规划land use control planning for line network
绿地网green network
绿地网green network
网形接地器mesh-form earthing device
网络地址单位network address unit
网络状地震测线net seismic line
地网状耙grassland type flexible harrow
地网球场turf court
街道铺设管网地带street facilities belt
遥测地震台网telemetering seismic station network
遥测地震台网telemetered seismic net
钢制网格钻塔地板steel mesh derrick floor
铁丝网地面养鸡法wire-floored house system
铁丝网地面鸡圈wire screen floor pen
铺设金属网格地板metal grid flooring
铺设金属网格地板metal grid floor
顺应地形布置的道路网topographical street system
顺应地形布置的道路网topographic street system