
Terms for subject Business containing 地方 | all forms | in specified order only
发行地方银行债券issue local bank bonds
在买方住地仓库交货条件free godown
地方一级regional level
地方票据交换country clearings
地方交易中心local exchange center
地方交易所业务local exchange service
地方价格local price
地方会计district account
地方供销合作社local market co-operative
地方借贷资金local loan fund
地方债券territorial bond
地方债券local bond
地方公债civil bond
地方公共团体local public entity
地方公共团体local public body
地方公共货物local public goods
地方公司local company
地方公用事业借款local public utility loan
地方公用事业贷款local public utility loans
地方公路税local road tax
地方劳动力市场local labor market
地方单位local unit
地方品牌local brand
地方国营企业local public enterprise
地方国营企业locally administered enterprise
地方垄断municipal monopoly
地方垄断local monopoly
地方基建计划local capital construction plan
地方基金country funds
地方外汇储备local foreign exchange reserve
地方居民税local inhabitant tax
地方工业公司local industrial corporation
地方工会local union
地方市场country market
地方开发银行local development bank
地方开支local expenditure
地方当局借款local authority borrowing
地方当局积极性initiative of the local authority
地方拨款税收分配distribution of local allocation taxes
地方改良基金local improvement funds
地方政府local authorities
地方政府投资组合local government investment pools
地方政府税收分成partial tax transfer to local government
地方政府证券municipal security
地方政府贷款local authority loans
地方政府预算budget for local government
地方本位论locality-based theory
地方机构债券local authority bonds
地方机构存款市场local authority deposits market
地方机构融资市场local authorities' finance market
地方法院county court
地方特产品local specialities
地方municipal tax
地方税减免rates relief
地方税减免折扣率rates rebate
地方税收municipal taxation
地方税收补助rate support grant
地方税收补贴rate-support grant
地方税范围rate range
地方竞争性招标local competitive bidding
地方管理机构administrative offices in the localities
地方管理部门local control department
地方经济reginal economy
地方经纪人local broker
地方自治local autonomy
地方财政平衡补贴local finance equalization grant
地方财政收入local fiscal revenue
地方货币费用local currency cost
地方贷款local loan
地方费用local expense
地方费用基金local cost fund
地方资本local capital
地方运送货物local consignment
地方金库district treasury
地方金库municipal treasury
地方银行country bank
地方银行债券local bank bonds
地方银行发行的钞票country note
地方银行支票country cheque
地方银行支票country cheque
地方银行支票country check
地方银行杂项存款sundry deposit with native banks
地方银行钞票country note
地方附加收入local subsidiary revenue
地方集团territorial combination
地方预算local administration budget
州及地方政府state and local governments
市政地方municipal locality tax
征收地方collection of rates
放置在使用的地方place in position at use point
散列地址化方案hash addressing scheme
无关税的地方out of customs place
权力分散下放地方regional decentralization
特定住宅地区重建方案housing renewal program
由卖方代为租船、订舱或投保的启运地船上交货条款free on board clause providing for additional duties for the seller
缓慢地销售管理方式drifting sales management
资金运用地方localization of funds use