
Terms for subject Engineering geology containing 地基 | all forms | in specified order only
不均匀地基加固consolidation of inhomogeneous ground
不良地基dubious foundation
低承载力地基poor load bearing ground
冻融地基thawed ground
各向异性弹性地基anisotropic elastic ground
回填地基filled ground
固结地基consolidated subsoil
土石组合地基soil-rock composite subgrade
冰冻深度subgrade frost penetration
刚度subgrade stiffness
加固subgrade strengthening
反力subgrade reaction
承载力subgrade rating
承载力subgrade capacity
承载能力subsoil bearing capacity
排水subgrade drainage
模量subgrade modulus
稳定性subgrade stability
膨胀subgrade dilation
试验subgrade test
防护subgrade protection
隆起subgrade heave
地基foundation soil
地基basement soil
地基base of foundation
地基与基础规范code for soil and foundation
地基与结构共同作用soil-structure interaction
地基人工冻结artificial freezing of ground
地基净承载力net bearing capacity
地基净承载压力net bearing pressure
地基分类classification of ground
地基刚度stiffness of foundation soil
地基加固ground improvement
地基加固foundation improvement
地基动反力系数dynamic coefficient of subgrade
地基勘察foundation investigation
地基勘察计划foundation investigation program
地基勘探soil exploration
地基勘探subsoil investigation
地基勘探foundation exploration
地基勘查ground investigation
地基反力模數modulus of subgrade reaction
地基反力模量modulus of subgrade reaction
地基反力系数foundation modulus
地基变形foundation yielding
地基变形允许值allowable subsoil deformation
地基foundation soil
地基土勘探subsoil exploration
地基土压实subsoil compacting
地基土层foundation stratum
地基土承压力pressure on foundation soil
地基土液化subsoil liquefaction
地基土防水subsoil waterproofing
地基基面foundation level
地基处理soil improvement
地基处理foundation treatment
地基失效foundation failure
地基容許承載allowable soil pressure
地基容許承載力permissible soil pressure
地基屈服foundation yielding
地基工程ground engineering
地基开挖挖掘ground excavation
地基承载力subgrade bearing capacity
地基承载力foundation bearing capacity
地基振动特性vibration characteristics of ground
地基改良ground improvement
地基改良foundation improvement
地基条件foundation condition
地基ground beam
地基模量modulus of foundation
地基沉降ground depression
地基液化等级liquefaction grade
地基渗漏foundation leakage
地基的均匀性foundation uniformity
地基砂层bedding sand
地基破坏foundation failure
地基穩定ground stabilization
地基约束作用subgrade restraint
地基表面处理foundation surface treatment
地基设计foundation design
地基调查foundation investigation
地基防潮层foundation damp proofing course
地震基本烈度seismic basic intensity
地震基本烈度basic earthquake intensity
场地路基整平标准〔要求〕grading requirements
坚固地基firm bottom
坡地型地基slope subgrade
基准地平datum horizon
基岩地区bare land
基岩地质bedrock geology
基岩地质图bedrock map
基本地震设计design basis earthquake
填土地基filled-up ground
填土地基filled-in ground
复合地基composite subgrade
复合地基composite soil
复合地基composite ground
复合地基composite foundation
复杂地基complex foundation
多层地基的承载力bearing capacity of multi-layered ground
天然地基natural ground
岩石地基rock foundation
岩质地基rocky ground
弹性地基elastic bed
彈性地基elastic foundation
文克勒地基Winkler foundation
斜面地基sloping site
未处理地基untreated foundation
松软地基poor subgrade
极软弱地基very soft ground
水平地基反力系数coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction
流动地基flowing ground
海上基地sea base
疏松地基loose ground
砂土地基sand foundation
稳定地基firm ground
等效地基反力equivalent soil reaction
软弱地基weak ground
软弱地基weak foundation
软弱地基soft foundation
软弱地基加固consolidation of soft foundation
软弱地基weak subsoil
软弱地基poor subsoil
透水性地基pervious subsoil
隆起地基swelling ground
难处理地基difficult foundation
黏弹性地基viscoelastic ground