
Terms for subject International trade containing 在...... 上 | all forms | in specified order only
体现在产品上的先进技术转移transfer of advanced technology embodied in product
公约在单据上的适用范围documentary scope of application of a convention
包括平仓费在内的船上交货价free on board trimmed
在... 上头赚钱make a profit on
在N上投资make an investment (of M, M)
在交换的基础上on an exchange basis
在佣金基础上的出口委托商export agent on a commission basis
在信用证业务上value on
在市场上来购某物in the market for something
在柜台上交付pay over the counter
在结关的基础上on a customs clearance basis
在船上on board (ship)
在账户上增加款项run up
在车上on board (train)
已装在海船上on board ocean bill of lading
理舱费和平舱费在内的船上交货价free on board stowed and trimmed
用劣币在市场上流通put off bad money on the public
短期可在市场上买卖的资产marketable short-term assets
船上交货理舱费和平舱费在内价FOB stowed & trimmed
船在既定航线上快速行驶的义务proceed with all despatch
"装舱面",装在甲板上on deck
装载在甲板上shipped on deck
货载在甲板上shipped on deck