
Terms for subject International trade containing 在 T | all forms
一切包括内的费用inclusive terms
一切包括内的费用inclusive fee
一国国际货币基金中的总份额total tranche position of a country in the Fund
只有一方当事人场时所作的仲裁裁决ex parte award
市场买卖而按成本计值的投资investments not traded in the market which were valued at their cost
缺席股东制度absentee ownership system
股东制度absentee ownership system
不可装下面包装never stow below
国内使用资金而在国外发行的债券out to in external bond
国外使用资金而在国外发行的债券out to out external bond
举证责任于原告actori incumbit onus probandi
交货前一切费用包括内的贸易条件delivered terms
注销保险单时退费canceling returns only
本国的船东resident shipowner
体现产品上的先进技术转移transfer of advanced technology embodied in product
保险费内条件价格cost, insurance and freight
保险费内条件价格cost and insurance
保险费内的货价cost and insurancer
停泊laid up in port
全部费用内价发票franco invoice
公约单据上的适用范围documentary scope of application of a convention
付现成本对资产的成本价值而言implied cash cost
发展endogenous development
瑕疵hidden defect
的自然增长率intrinsic rate of natural increase
缺陷保险inherent vice
联系internal logic
出口export first
.到住处全部费用内价franco domicile
到岸价加兵险战争险内价cost, insurance, freight and war risks
到岸价格加战争险内价C.I.F.W. payment upon arrival
包含进口关税内的 C.I.F 条件C.I.F. duty paid
包括佣金内价格price including commission
包括平仓费内的船上交货价free on board trimmed
包括清理及乎仓费内的离岸价格free on board stowed and trimmed
包括装卸费内的运费船主不负担装卸费用free in and free out
包括装船费内的运费船主不负担装船费用free in
包括起岸用费内价格landed price
包括起货用费内价目landed price
单独海损I. P。A including particular average
卖方纽约城内交错FOB New York
卸货费外条件free out
参加国国际货币基金中的准备地位reserve position in the Fund (of a participant)
证券交易所流通negotiable on the stock exchange
可废止利益航程中的可保利益defeasible interest
各费内的价格all prices
合同不存non-existence of the contract
一方当事人缺席的情况下进行的审判程序default proceedings
... 上头赚钱make a profit on
N上投资make an investment (of M, M)
"不保留异议"的情况下without protest
中央银行的存款余额balance with the Central Bank
中途in mid course
习惯期限内支付at usance
买方所在地仓库交货价free godown
交换的基础上on an exchange basis
交易所出售sale at an exchange
交易所挂牌listing on the exchanges
交易所登记listing on the exchanges
产人工labor in process
产品goods in process
产地at source
仲裁程序进行中所作的非最后裁决interlocutory award
你处投保effect insurance on your side
你方at your end
佣金基础上的出口委托商export agent on a commission basis
信用证业务上value on
信用证项下支取款项drawing under the credit
关栈货物goods in bond
其下there under
其他条件相同的情况下Caeteris paribus
出售中under offer
出售中on offer
出租中on lease
制人工labor in process
制原料materials in process
制品goods in process
制品周转turnover of goods in process
制品存货work in process inventory
制品盘存work in process inventory
制定货in-process order
制间接制造成本manufacturing expense-in-process
区域一级at the regional level
区域范围at the regional level
原地in situ
另一方面per contra
另行通知以前until further notice
吊钩下sous palan
en arriere
国内范围at the national level
国家一级at the national level
国民生产总值中所占比重share in GNP
国际一级at the international level
国际范围at the international level
国际货币基金储备净额reserve position in the fund
外地一级at the field level
外股票数outstanding stock
工作时间外工作work overtime
工厂交货at factory
市场上来购某物in the market for something
干燥处保管keep in a dry place
我方at this end
所有方面in omnibus
执行中的合同contracts in process
承运人代表面前进行检验survey held in the presence of the carriers' agent
指定期限内within the specified time
提出异议下按要求纳税pay duty under protest
新加坡市场的天然橡胶的标准品质ribbed smoked sheet
柜台上交付pay over the counter
on the berth
法院外解决争端和解settlement out of court
海关区交与买方的交货条件ex customs compounds
海运途中的货物cargo afloat
港内旋泊in port (harbour)
现场at site
生客面前的虚礼company manners
... 生效operative on...
码头交货at wharf
程工作jobs in process
税关交货ex custom yard
结关的基础上on a customs clearance basis
职期间working life
职训练货物推销员的field training
船上on board (ship)
营业中的商店going business
被告缺席情况下作成的仲裁裁决award rendered in the absence of the respondent
被告缺席的情况下absente reo
规定限额以内within the prescribed limit
许可证签发以前pending the issuance of licence
诉讼一仲裁程序中的申诉present one case
谈判期间pending the negotiation
账户上增加款项run up
货栈交货at godown
车上on board (train)
车站交货条件at…station terms
运品goods in transit
运材料material in transit
运现金保险单cash in transit policy
运输中in trans
运输途中on passage
运输途中受损的货物goods damaged in transit
运途中on route
途中in transit
途中on passage
途中in transitu
途中丢失lose in transit
途材料material in transit
途现金money in transit
途现金cash in transit
途货floating cargo
途货in the channel
途货物cargo afloat
途货物报价to arrive price
阴凉处保管keep in a cool place
的不经济external diseconomy
证券outside bonds
大大超越竞争中把... 远远抛后面outdistance
卸货港口需转运时if goods are to be transshipped at port of discharge
期间duration of existence
存款银行lodge money in a bank
存款银行里leave a sum in the bank
完全本国生产的产品wholly obtained produced product
完全本国生产的标准wholly produced criterion
平价real par of exchange
positive law
审判地所国家state of the forum
对潜瑕疵承运人免责latent defect exception
少数本地购买minor local purchase
交易所除名的exempted exchange
定购中be on order
已装海船上on board ocean bill of lading
战争险内的到岸价cost, insurance, freight and war risk
地法lex situs
把... 排除exclude
... 指定目的港运费、保险费内价C.I.F. ... named port of distillation
损坏制品spoiled work-in-process
授给一定时期内按预定价格买卖股票的权利share option
搁置laid up in port
星期天和假日包括Sundays and holidays included
星期日和假日sundays and holidays included
场物主absentee owner
证券交易所登记的股票counter share
案件正审理中suit pending
法院所forum state
注册priority of registration
流通外股本outstanding capital stock
清理费内的离岸价格free on board stowed (FOB stowed)
供给potential supply
失业latent unemployment
失业potential unemployment
失业disguised unemployment
定单resting order
属性inherent nature
市场potential market
成本implicit costs
票据拒付latent dishonor
效用potential utility
敌手potential adversary
瑕疵latent defect
的贸易干扰手续potential trade distorting device
竞争potential competition
缺点inherent vice
缺陷vice propre
订单resting order
财富potential wealth
货币latent currency
资本latent capital
需求potential demand
需求latent demand
顾客potential customer
火灾不fire exception
燃料商品贸易总值中所占的比重share of fuel in the total value of merchandise trade
物所地法lex loci rei sitae
所得present income
positive law
理舱费和平舱费内的船上交货价free on board stowed and trimmed
用劣币市场上流通put off bad money on the public
短期可市场上买卖的资产marketable short-term assets
确实存in esse
经纪人场外直接进行的交易transaction on dealers’ basis
经纪人场外直接进行的交易transaction on dealer's basis
美国股票伦敦的价格London price
既定航线上快速行驶的义务proceed with all despatch
船上交货理舱费和平舱费内价FOB stowed & trimmed
船舶港口和自港开航时at and from
甲板Keep on deck
货舱里in the hold
装卸理仓费外条件F.L.O. St free in and out and stowed
装卸理舱费外条件free in and out and stowed
装卸货费外条件free in and out
装卸费外条件free in and out
"装舱面",装甲板上on deck
装货费外条件Free in
装载甲板上shipped on deck
装载船舱内shipped in the hold
设置内地的集装箱货物站inland depot
办事处询问接洽apply at the office
货价,保险加空运费内价cost, insurance, freight by plane
货价、保险费加运费内的价格cost, insurance and freight
货价,保险费、运费加汇费利息内的价格cost, insurance, freight and exchange interest
货价、保险费、运费加佣金内的价格C.I.F. and C. cost, insurance, freight and commission
货价加保险费内的价格cost and insurance
货价运价cost and freight included
货价运费cost and freight included
货物所地法lex rei sitae
货物要求……日前到达require the goods to arrive on/before
货载甲板上shipped on deck
运费carriage paid
运费内条件价格cost and freight
运费目的地支付freight payable at destination
运费保险费at £stg…per metric ton CIF London
运费保险费at £…per metric ton CIF London
运费保险费内价cout, fref, et assurance
运费保险费内的条件caf cout, assurance, fret
运费保险费卸货费用内条件价格C.I.F. landed
运费加战争险内的价格C.I. F and W cost, insurance, freight and war risks
运费及保险费内价cost freight and insurance
进口import first
错误与遗漏不此限errors and omissions excepted
错误与遗漏不此限error and omission excepted
顾客银行的信誉customer's position at the bank