
Terms for subject Space containing 在 T | all forms
事故潜accident potential zone
回路中仿真human in the loop simulation
回路仿真man-in-the-loop simulation
宇宙空间模拟器man-in-space simulator
空间计划man-in-space program
伽利略轨验证Galileo in-orbit validation element (欧洲伽利略导航卫星计划的试验验证卫星)
伽利略轨验证卫星Galileo In-Orbit Validation Element GSTB (欧洲)
信号存估计值signal presence estimation
信号存指示signal presence indication
功能built-in function
调节inherent regulation
质量inner quality
质量inherent quality
卫星轨测试交付可靠度reliability of satellite in orbit test
航天器]载计算机回路仿真OBC-in-the-loop simulation
国际与星同international living with a star (美国、欧洲合作开展的日地物理空间探测计划)
修件repairable in works
原位in situ
及以上at or above
基准之后aft of datum
大气中着陆atmospheric landing
安全边界以外out-of-the envelope
建设中under construction
役检查in-service inspection
役费用missions cost
数字用户线上传送话音voice over DSL
活体内in vivo
版编目cataloguing in publication
现场in situ
空间维修in space maintenance (航天器的)
系统可编程in system programmable
线联机培训模式online training mode
线联机设备in-line equipment
线事务处理on-line transaction processing
线分析处理online analytical processing
线参数识别on-line parameter identification
线可配置in-circuit reconfigurability
线学习神经网on-line learning neural network
线干扰on-line jamming
线测试on-line measurement
线测量on line measurement
线系统仿真on-line system simulation
线辅助on-line assistance
线遥操作on-line teleoperation
职培训on-the job training (尤指维修人员的)
行星附近飞过planet fly by
视线外out of line of sight
视觉区以外beyond visual range
路旁by the way
on orbit
道上修理on-orbit repair
级间分离staged in orbit
卫星轨交付in-orbit delivery
轨交付delivery in orbit (卫星研制方交付卫星的一种方式)
轨作业操作on orbit operations
轨修理on-orbit repair
轨修理实验on-orbit repair experiment
轨加注orbital refueling (燃料)
轨加注in-orbit refueling
轨加注燃料on-orbit refueling
轨卫星satellite in orbit
轨可更换部件单元orbital replaceable unit (航天器的)
轨基础设施in-orbit infrastructure
轨备份on-orbit spare
轨备用on-orbit backup
轨对接orbital docking
轨导航on-orbit navigation
轨寿命on-orbit life
轨展开释放on-orbit deployment
轨技术on-orbit technology (在空间轨道上进行操作和维修的技术)
轨技术in-orbit technology
轨控制on-orbit control
航天器轨控制in-orbit control
轨操作on-orbit operation
轨故障on-orbit failure
轨救生orbital lifesaving (载人航天的)
轨新技术试验通信卫星Satellite de Telecommunications pour Experimenter de Nouvelles Technologies en Orbite
轨更换on-orbit replacement
轨更换in-orbit replacement
轨替换单元orbital replacement unit (装置,航天器的)
轨服务on-orbit service
轨服务on orbit servicing
轨服务in-orbit service
轨服务价值value of on-orbit servicing
轨机动能力on-orbit maneuver capability
轨机器人卫星维护on-orbit robotic satellite servicing
航天器轨构建in-orbit construction
轨标校on-orbit calibration
轨正常运行操作normal on-orbit operation (航天器的)
轨母卫星orbiting carrier satellite
轨注入inject on orbit
轨测试on-orbit test
轨测试in orbit test
轨测试in-orbit checkout
航天器轨测试in-orbit testing
轨测试评审in orbit test review (航天器的)
航天器轨测量in-orbit measurement
轨温度on-orbit temperature
轨灵活性orbital flexibility
轨爆炸explosion on orbit
轨生物医学测量系统operational bioinstrumentation system (载人航天器的)
轨破裂rupture on orbit
轨确认orbital confirmation
轨稳定on-orbit stabilization
航天器轨管理in-orbit management
轨组装on-orbit assembly
轨组装assembly on orbit
轨组装检查和维修in-orbit assembly inspection & repair
轨维修on-orbit maintenance
轨维修in-orbit maintenance
轨维修/服务on-orbit maintenance/servicing
轨维护on orbit maintenance
轨编程programming on orbit
轨自主对接in-flight automatic docking (航天器之间的)
轨补给on-orbit resupply
轨补给in-orbit supply
轨装配in-orbit assembly
轨装配assembly in space
轨训练on orbit training
轨轰炸orbital bombardment
轨运营评审in-orbit operations review
轨道上的on-orbit (航天器的)
轨道位置on-station (satellite, 卫星)
轨道修理实验on-orbit repair experiment
轨道飞行中进行的实验in-orbit experiment
轨鉴定评审in-orbit qualification review
轨静态寿命on orbit quiescent life
轨飞行自动操纵系统automatic orbital operations system
航天器轨验证阶段in-orbit validation phase
运转操作on stream
途中by the way
重心处牵引center of gravity towing
飞的on-the fly
地球卫星数字显示器上的位置position of earth satellite in digital display
作用误差external error
presence bit
编译程序factual compiler
导弹missile on-launcher
导弹位检查missile on-launcher check
导弹位检查missile in-position check
平均持续用时间mean up-duration
探测器线校准on-line sensor calibration
早期轨检测early on-orbit checkout
晃动卫星-轨液体试验和验证装置Sloshsat Facility for Liquid Experimentation and Verification in Orbit (荷兰科学试验卫星)
最低位least significant digit first
不稳定latent instability (度)
事故potential accident
单点故障失效single point failure potential
变数latent variable
因子potential factor
指示sneak indication
损伤latent injury
损失latent loss
故障potential failure
故障potential fault
故障latent failure
时序sneak timing
标示sneak label
状态sneak condition
状态分析sneak analysis
用户potential subscribers
的危险因素potential risk factor
的致命剂量latent lethal dose
缺陷latent defect
能力predict performance
路径sneak path
连接性potential connectivity
目标位置present target position
目标位置显示器present position indicator
即时发射截击点launch now intercept point
目标方位角present target azimuth
没有的not available
点发射present point launching
生长激素植物中的集中度和分布状态实验growth hormone concentration and distribution (in plants, 美国航天飞机上的)
目标真实运动雷达上的显示true motion radar presentation
瞬态事件快速轨纪录fast on-orbit recording of transient events (美国核爆炸探测卫星)
航天器轨服务技术spacecraft on-orbital servicing technology
航天器总体人回路仿真spacecraft system man-in-the-loop simulation
航天器视位置apparent spacecraft position
航天技术民航领域应用application of space techniques relating to aviation (国际民航组织)
航天技术民航领域应用委员会Astrap Panel on Application of Space Techniques Relating to Aviation (国际民航组织)
航天技术民航领域的应用application of space techniques relating to aviation (国际民航组织)
表面的电子装置surface-mounted device
亮温度apparent brightness temperature
仰角apparent elevation
位置apparent location
俯仰角apparent pitch
偏航角apparent yaw
分辨力apparent resolution
apparent force
功率因数apparent efficiency
径向速率apparent radial range rate
攻角apparent angle of attack
时间apparent time
清晰度apparent resolution
亮度温度apparent brightness temperature
滚动角apparent roll
漂移transport wander
漂移apparent wander (陀螺的)
电感apparent inductance
电流密度apparent current density
观测量apparent measurement
距离apparent range
附加质量apparent additional mass
频率apparent frequency
超流动氦轨加注实验superfluid helium on-orbit transfer (美国航天飞机上的)
远程存telepresence (虚拟现实系统)
部分地下partially underground (导弹发射状态)
长期轨暴露装置long duration exposure facility (美国航天飞机释放的材料空间环境试验装置)
大气阻力线测量on-line drag measurement
用余度non-active redundancy
高级轨系统advanced orbiting system
高速线服务high speed on-line service