
Terms for subject Finances containing 在 T | all forms
人民币国际贸易中的使用international use of the currency in trade
人民币港的自由流动free flow of renminbi in Hong Kong
使用人民币境外设立公司use the renminbi to launch businesses overseas
使用人民币海外建立新业务use renminbi to found new operations overseas
使用人民币海外进行收购use renminbi to acquire overseas
使监管体系经济发展周期中更加有效率make regulatory regimes more effective over the economic cycle
信用等级投资级以上的企业债enterprise obligations with the credit rating at the investment grade or above
信用等级投资级以上的金融债券financial debentures with the credit rating at the investment grade or above
允许企业中国境外贸易中使用人民币结算allow companies to use the renminbi for trade outside China
充分发挥市场资源配置中的基础性作用make full use of the basic role of the market in allocating resources
价值intrinsic value (期权位于价内的金额,即期权相对现行远期市场价格的价值)
成本implicit cost
的倾向性built-in tendency
缺陷inherent vulnerabilities
初期制品在建工程帐户initial work in process account
加强同联合国发展领域的协调和合作intensify coordination and cooperation with the United Nations on development
化解潜财政风险fend off latent public finance risks
化解潜风险隐患eliminate latent risks
发挥市场资源配置中的基础性作用give play to the fundamental role of the market in resource allocation
发行外债券outstanding bond
发行外股份outstanding capital stock
发行外股票outstanding shares
发行外证券outstanding securities
发达世界潜的最后贷款人developed world's potential lender of last resort
一级或二级市场购买债券buy debt in the primary or secondary market
世界舞台上扮演更加核心的角色take a more central role on the world stage
交易大厅进行的交易floor-based trading
交易所买卖的合约exchange-traded contract
交易所销售sale at an exchange
产品goods in process (work-in-process, work-in-progress)
产品明细分类帐goods in process subsidiary ledger
以后指定日期付款payment ot a fixed future time
会计上的应用accounting applications
会计中电子计算机适用性的研究feasibility studies for computers in accounting
全球性问题上协调合作work in concert on global issues
分界线上above the line
到期日付款payment on the final due date
制人工帐户labour in process account
制原料帐material in process account
制品goods in process (work-in-process, work-in-progress)
制品分类帐work in process ledger
制品制造费用帐户burden in process account (manufacturing expenses in process account)
制品存货帐goods in process inventory account
制品帐户work-in-process account
制品成本单production order
制品间接制造费manufacturing expense-in-process
制品间接成本burden in process (manufacturing expenses in process)
华外商投资企业foreign-invested enterprises in China
发展中促转变spur change in the course of pursuing development
发展中共促繁荣promote common prosperity through development
国际经济事务中发挥更大作用play a bigger role in international economic affairs
国际货币基金组织中的储备地位reserve position in IMF
国际货币基金组织的储备头寸reserve position in the IMF
国际金融机构的储备头寸reserve position in international financial institutions
... 基金的限额内within the limit of ... fund
增长中兼顾平衡ensure growth while paying attention to balance
外存款数outstanding of deposits
外放款额outstanding loans
外普通股加权平均数weighted average number of ordinary shares issued to the public
外汇储备中持有人民币资产hold mainland renminbi assets in its reserves
市场上的融资tapping markets
某人帐上for account of
应对危机中发挥重要作用play a key role in crisis response
建工程construction work-in-process
建改良工程improvements in process
建项目work in progress
建项目后续融资follow-up financing for ongoing projects
手差额balance on hand
押保险箱open box
支票上背书back a check
改良工程中improvements in progress (process)
改革中完善治理improve governance in the course of reform
新的历史征程上奋勇前进forge ahead on our historic course
无合理因由的情况下without reasonable cause
本财政年度以后的年度out years
泡沫和硬着陆之间走钢丝walk a tightrope between bubbles and a hard landing
海外借款borrow overseas
清算中in liquidation
短期内in the short run
2014《福布斯》全球企业2000强排行榜中名列第114位]Assicurazioni Generali
程工作job in process
线交易on-line transaction
线交易on-line trading
线交易佣金on-line commission
线交易平台on-line trading platform
线交易量on-line volume
线交易额on-line volume
线客户on-line client
线投资on-line investment
线投资on-line investing
线投资服务on-line investment service
线投资者on-line investor
线消费on-line spending
线经纪人on-line broker
线网络金融服务on-line financial services
线股票经纪人on-line stockbroker
线账单支付on-line bill paying
线贴现经纪人on-line discount broker
线采购on-line purchase
线金融on-line finance
股票市场投机speculate in the stock market
表报中电子计算机适用性的研究feasibility studies for computer in reports
购买上乱花钱lavish money on purchases
贷方to the good
转变中谋发展promote development while working for change
过现金cash in transit
途商品帐户goods to arrive a/c
途存款deposit in transit
途现金money in transit (cash in transit)
途账account en route
途资金money in transit
途资金fund in float
遵循一致性原则基础上制定规章以及措施formulate their regulations and measures in a consistent manner
部门范围at the sectional level
银行付款的票据note payable at bank
银行休息日到期的付款payment due on a non-banking day
银行欠帐run an account at the bank
防范危机上加强合作strengthen cooperation on crisis prevention
香港以外地区成立的法团银行bank incorporated outside Hong Kong
坚持创新中不断前进strive for progress through innovation
坚持合作中谋求共赢pursue win-win outcome through cooperation
增强经济复苏的内动力build up the internal dynamism of economic recovery
增强经济社会发展内活力strengthen the internal vitality of economic and social development
何去何从的十字路口be at a crossroads
通货市场external currency market
成本historical past cost
完成建项目complete work on projects now under construction
比率effective rate (yield rate)
贴现true discount
制品期初存货的会计处理方法methods of accounting for beginning work in process inventory
制品期初存货的会计处理方法method of accounting for beginning work in process inventory
对人民币资产的潜需求potential demand for renminbi assets
将所购货物记某人帐上put the purchase down to sb's account
将经常账户失衡保持可持续水平maintain current account imbalances at sustainable levels
巨大的潜需求huge potential demand
已发行外的股票outstanding share
已打印保险单上的文字printed text of policy
市场不完美性之存presence of market imperfection
1985-2002年普林斯顿大学经济系任教,曾担任经济学系主任Ben Shalom Bernanke
1987—1996 年先后费城联邦储备银行、波士顿联邦储备银行和纽约联邦储备银行任职Ben Shalom Bernanke
应付帐款之存期间duration of payables
应收建工程进度款accounts receivable from progress building
把款项现金收入记录机上ring up
托收货款平均途天数average number of days in transit of trade remittances collect via bank
扩大人民币国际范围内的使用expand international use of the Chinese currency
扩大人民币跨境贸易和投资中的使用expand the use of the RMB in cross-border trade and investment
承担与自己能力和全球经济发展中扮演角色相适应的义务undertake commitments consistent with one's capacities and roles in the global economy
把总额记我方帐上charge the amount to our account
把稳定价格总水平放更加突岀的位置prioritize overall price stability
挑战美国全球货币体系中的主导地位challenge America's dominance of the global monetary system
振兴正放缓的经济revitalize the slowing economy
提高人民币境外的可获得性boost the foreign availability of renminbi
放开人民币港流动liberalize the flow of renminbi in Hong Kong
期初制品帐户initial goods in process account
期初库存产品成本cost of beginning work in process inventory
期末库存产品成本cost of ending work in process inventory
走向经济硬着陆be heading towards a hard landing
汇兑funds in float
汇编报表:母公司子公司产权之变化consolidated statements:changes in parent's equity
流通外债券bonds outstanding
流通外的公司债、未偿还债券bond outstanding
深化金融部门投资和监管领域的双边和多边合作deepen bilateral and multilateral cooperation on financial sector investment and regulation
深化金融领域的合作deepen cooperation in the financial sector
义务potential obligation
买家potential buyer
压力potential stresses
国内生产总值underlying GDP
外汇损失potential currency losses
威胁potential threat
损失potential loss
收益potential income
的住房需求underlying demand for housing
的增长发动机potential growth engines
的增长地区potential growth spot
的通胀效应potential inflationary effects
系统性影响potential systemic effects
经济增长率potential growth rate
负面影响possible adverse implications
通缩影响potential deflationary impact
风险underlying risk
风险latent risks
激发经济的内活力stimulate the internal vitality of the economy
成本present costs
电脑会计上的用途accounting uses of the computer
私人消费 GDP 中所占份额share of private consumption in GDP
悬崖边缘stand at the precipice
继续留欧元区的国家remaining euro area countries
美钞高高上的地位greenback's exalted position
后面in arrear
解决迫眉睫的问题address an immediate problem
帐上put down
资金经济中各部门的流动fund flows through sectors of the economy
银行建工程bank building and others under construction
错漏不此限errors and omissions excepted
防范潜财政风险guard against latent public finance risks
防范潜风险隐患guard against latent risks
降低意外事件潜风险reduce potential risks from unexpected events
预测潜压力anticipate potential stresses
鼓励扩大人民币国际上的使用encourage more international use of renminbi