
Terms for subject Commerce containing 在 T | all forms
一个实盘只能它失效时才可撤回A firm-offer can only be revoked when it becomes invalid
一切包括内的费用inclusive fees
一切税捐包括toutes taxes comprises
下次装船机会将本月底The next shipping opportunity will be by the end of this month
此合同中not in this contract
世界著名的阿玛尼品牌已无须介绍,但鲜为人知的是它现成了首屈一指的家具设计品牌There is no need to introduce the world renowned Armani label, but what may be less known is that it is now a leading furniture designer
两种商品质量上没有明显区别There is no marked qualitative difference between these two articles
中国货旧金山很受用户欢迎Chinese goods are quite popular with users in San Francisco
买主所domicile of the buyer
买主要求这些细节,是为了符合本国进口许可证、关税以及外汇管制等方面的现行规定The buyer requires these details in order to comply with the rules and regulations in force in his own country applying to such topics as import licences, customs duties and exchange restrictions
买方一定情况下The buyer is in certain cases entitled to refuse the acceptance of the goods i£ they are not packed in accordance with his instructions or with the custom of the trade
买方所地使用的货币currency in force at the buyer's residence
个别情况下卖方才接受承兑交单的付款条件Only in rare cases does the seller accept D/A terms
不动产投资中赚了钱He cashed in on his real-estate investments
该企业中有一股份He has a concern in the business
他们对支付条款进行争论They are haggling over terms of payment
他们对货价进行争论They are haggling over the price of the goods
他们近期内不可能买货There is no probability of their re-entering the market in the near future
代理人履行自身任务中招致负债The agent has incurred liabilities in the course of his duties
价格慢慢上涨Prices are rising slowly
但事实上,没几个卖家能24小时内发货In reality, however, not many sellers can deliver goods within 24 hours
你方这一方面的进一步支援将使我方不胜感激Your further support in this respect will be much appreciated
你方建议支付条款上是行不通的Your proposal is impracticable in terms of payment
你方第55 号订单不可此阶段予以取消Your order No. 55 cannot be countermanded at this stage
你方答复旨逃避责任Your reply is an evasion of responsibility
你方订货正生产中Your order is in the course of manufacture
使用priority of use
促进我们国际市场上目标的实现promote the achievement of our goals in the world market
保险商拒绝承担货物内缺陷underwriters decline to insure against inherent vice
假如本月三十日或其前不能收到你方信用证,我方只好取消销售合同If your L/C fails to arrive here on or before the 30th inst., we shall be obliged to cancel the S/C
允许收款时有5%增减幅度allow 5% more or less in drawings
全部费用内价格franco delivery
全部费用内目的地交货价格free delivered
公司最近一次买卖中赚了大钱The company cleaned up on their recent business arrangement
兵险包括including war risk
瑕疵inherent defects
凡须对样品缴纳关税时,如该样品规定的时间——6到12个月内一一再运出口,税款予以退还e.g. six or twelve months
凡须对样品缴纳关税时,如该样品规定的时间——6到12个月内一一再运出口,税款予以退还Where the duty on samples has to be paid, a refund is allowed when the samples are reexported within a stated time
到岸价加战争险内条件,货到付款CIF and war risk payment upon arrival
前者指一国货币国内购买力下降currency devaluation
协议规定代理商不得约定的地区内承担销售其他供货商的类似产品The agreement provides that the agent shall not undertake to sell similar products for other suppliers in the agreed territory
卖方"巨人号"轮上订妥150公吨余数的舱位The seller has made reservation on S.S. Giant for the balance 150 M/T
卖方必须1995年4月30日或其前交货The seller shall deliver the goods on or before April 30, 1995
卖方预计五月三十一日或其前将未完成的订单货物装船出运The sellers expect to ship the outstanding orders on or before 31st May
双方义务合同中明确确定make the both parties' obligations explicit in the contract
双方同意出现的争议必须伦敦仲裁解决The both parties agreed that disputes shall be settled by arbitration in London
双方当事人签约时所谋求的商业目的因意外情况受挫而落空The commercial aims which the both parties pursued when concluding the contract are defeated by force of supervening circumstances
双方当事人最好协议中采用一个条款It is advisable that the both parties introduce a clause in their agreement defining in advance their mutual rights and duties if certain events beyond their control occur
受款人所地公证人notary public at the payee's residence
各式各样的汽车展出Cars of all makes are on display
向一个或一个以上特定的人提出订立合同的建议,如果十分确定并且表明发盘人得到接受承诺时承受约束的意旨,即构成发盘A proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offer or to be bound in case of acceptance
品质证明书旨证明我方产品的良好质量The certificate of quality purports to be an evidence of sound quality of our products
一企业中大量投资invest much capital in an enterprise
一家银行开户open an account with a bank
上文in the preceeding part of
上段中in the paragraph that precedes
拉丁语上面提及之处ubi supra
拉丁语上面提及的ubi supra
指合同下一部分中,在下文中later in the same contract, etc.
下文later in this
中国银行开户open an account with the Bank of China
…之下亦缩为 UDunder
…之外亦缩为 wowithout
争执中保持中立remain indifferent in the dispute
事后ex post facto
产量方面超过某一工厂outstrip a factory in output
…享有优先权enjoy priority in
仔细策划一项新的销售方案have a new marketing plan in contemplation
代理人促销下这些货物畅销于市场These goods met with a good sale on the strength of the agent's promotion
任何情况下,卖方均不接受买方退回专门采购的货物Under no circumstances will the seller accept the return of goods specially procured for the buyer
伦敦贴现票据discount bills in London
保用期内under warranty
保税仓库中、保税仓库交货价in bond
其上on what
其上on which
其上on that
其下under that
册股东stockholder of record
制品stock in process
指合同前一部分,在上文中in a preceding part of the same contract, etc.
协议上签字sign one's name to an agreement
协议上签字affix one's signature to an agreement
协议书上盖章append a seal to an agreement
双方当事人未达成协议情况下,仲裁机构不会受理争议案件Failing an agreement by the both parties, the arbitration institution will not take cognizance of the case
发生意外情况下in case of contingency
另有通知前until further notice
合同上签字attach one's signature to a contract
合同中不宜留有任何漏洞It is unadvisable to leave any loophole in the contract
合同中往往有一默示条件A condition is often implied into the contract obliging the parties to collaborate in all reasonable endeavours to obtain the licence
合同中规定保险条款specify the insurance clause in a contract
合同中规定惯例条款stipulate a customary clause in a contract
合同中附加具体规定attach a specific stipulation to a contract
合同期满时on the expiration of the contract
合同没有落空时The buyer cannot recover the advance paid on the purchase price when the contract is not frustrated
哪点上in which
哪点上in what
美国1941年修订的"对外贸易定义",该定义把 FOB 价格分为下列6种国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格FOB named inland carrier at named inland point of departure
国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格,减除到指定出口地点的运费FOB named inland carrier at named point of departure, freight allowed to named point of exportation
国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格,运费预付到指定的出口地点FOB named inland carrier at named inland point of departure, freight prepaid to named point of exportation
国外市场无竞争力inability to compete in external markets
大多数情况下in the great majority of cases
实际全损的情况下,保险标的物已无可挽救地完全丧失,被保险人惟一可采取的办法就是向保险人要求赔偿In the case of an actual total loss, the subject matter is so completely and irretrievably lost that the only course open to the insured is to recover the loss from the insurer
审理时缺席absence from hearings
对外贸易中建立常设销售机构极受重视The establishment of a permanent sales organization is greatly favoured in foreign trade
展览会上展岀be shown at the exhibition
岀口交易中卖方通常在未收到货款前让岀对货物的占有权In export transactions, the seller normally parts with the possession of the goods before receiving the purchase price
岗培训方法on-the-machine basis
工业上利用副产品utilize byproducts for industrial purpose
工商业不景气时期,该厂半数机器停机了During the business depression, half the machines in the factory were idle
市场上投机卖空speculate by taking a short position on the market
市场倾销货物dump goods on the market
市场购买buy in market
平等互利基础上on the basis of equality and mutual benefit
平等基础上与某人谈判treat with sb. on equal terms
建工程work in progress
急需时in the hour of need
惯例基础上on a regular basis
我方另行通知之前请暂缓装运Please defer shipment until you receive our further instructions
或大约在on or about
执行in operation
承兑汇票时on acceptance of the bill
报上登广告place an advertisement in a newspaper
报纸上大做广告advertise extensively in newspapers
拍卖中的喊价竞争bid at auction
拒绝承兑时免作拒绝证书no protest nonacceptance
拘留中in bonds
指定期限内within a given period
指定条件下under the given conditions
指定的岀口地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格FOB named inland carrier at point of exportation
按跟单信用证支付方式下,银行依照买方指示,承诺对卖方开岀的汇票予以承兑,兑付或议付Under documentary credits, the banker, on the instructions of the buyer, promises to accept, honour or negotiate bills of exchange drawn by the seller
接到我方装船要求前请不要装运货物Please don't make shipment before receipt of our shipping instructions
提示汇票时照付protect a draft on presentation
支票上签字sign one's name to a cheque
支票上背书endorse a check
收到货款现金之前The seller retains the property in the sold goods until he receives the purchase price in cash
文件上连署witness a document
…方面in terms of
…方面达到高度技术熟练水平develop high technical proficiency in
时限内付款的优惠折扣time discount
有关各方都参加的情况下with participation from all concerned
有关各方面都来参加的情况下with participation from all concerned
期租船条件下,租船费一经确定不得变动On the basis of time charter, once the charterage is determined, it can't be changed
杂志上做广告宣传advertising in magazines
杂志上插登广告insert ads in a magazine
CIF 条件下,卖方对货物的责任在装运港将货物装上船并交由船方保管时即告结束Under the CIF clause, the seller's responsibility for the goods ends when he delivers them at the port of shipment on board ship into the shipowner's custody
样品间展岀商品exhibit goods in a showroom
棉花市场上大发横财clean up the profit in the cotton market
棉花市场囤积居奇corner the cotton market
此下under this
此期间in the meanwhile
此期间in the meantime
此类商品范围内within the fabric of the line
此部件上要做好几道不同的工序A number of different operations are to be done on the part
每件商品上贴价格标签attach price tags on each article
每件货物上贴上标签append a label to each piece of the goods
水源强化二氧化碳的天然矿泉水natural mineral water fortified with carbon dioxide from the source
没有信用证的情况下in the absence of a letter of credit
流通的支票circulating checks
海关办理一条船的离港手续clear a ship at the customs house
海运中的货物cargo afloat
消费者中享有很高信誉command a high respect and goodwill of consumers
淡季商业相当萧条During the off-season-period, business is rather depressed
照会中under reference
物价上涨前预先订购货物order the goods in anticipation of a rise
瓶上贴标签affix a label to a bottle
用…担保情况下on the security of
目前商业情况下Buyers are rather cautious in the present posture of business affairs
码头卸货的船a vessel disburdening at the dock
确定的或可以确定的日期at a fixed or determinable date
票据上盖章affix a seal to an instrument
禁运之列be under an embargo
租赁有效期内within the term of validity of lease
管理体制上作一番改革make a change in the system of management
…管辖之下be under the jurisdiction of
约定期限内技术引进方有权享受转让方技术改进的成果access to improvements in technology
线处理in-line processing (与脱机处理 (offline processing) 相对)
给定的条件下under the given conditions
缺少技术资料的情况下in the absence of technical data
证券联贷中in syndicate
股票市场赚了大钱clean up in the stock market
船中in board
船栏边at ship's rail
船舷外by the board
行市下跌情况下in a falling market
装运时on loading
调停者协助下解决了该争端The dispute was settled through the agency of mediators
货款总额中on account of the purchase price
货物上加标签attach labels to the goods
货物分级中我们必须要仔细We must be careful in grading the goods
贸易中与其他卖主竞争compete with other sellers in trade
贸易条款上达成一致看法reach unanimity of views on trade terms
法语路上亦缩为 e/ren route
边境交货deliver the goods at the border
达成合同时at the conclusion of a contract
运货物goods in transit
方面in that connection
这当中in this
这方面in this respect
这方面我们不能答应你方要求We regret to say that we cannot oblige you in this respect
这方面我方主张无法与你方一致We cannot reconcile out position with yours in this respect
这种情况下In this case the buyer's interest is not compatible with ours
进口国指定的地点的交货价格FOB named inland point in country of importation
进行还盘前买主慎重考虑了交易条件The buyer deliberated the trade terms and conditions before he made a counter-offer
适当情况下,代理人对委托人的货物或款项有抵消或留置的权利The agent is, in appropriate cases, entitled to a set-off or a lien on the principal's goods or money
on passage
法语途中en route
途存货transit inventory
那 —点上therein
那上面on which
那上面on what
那时in that
那点上in that
那里in that
银行兑现之前他必须在支票背面签字He had to endorse the check before the bank would cash it
银行开户open an A/C at a bank
香港卸货discharge cargoes at Hong Kong
塑料硬度方面可与许多金属相匹比Plastics may rival many metals in hardness
如有货物装卸时,星期日及假日亦算停泊期间之内,无装卸时,除外SHEX, unless worked
如有货物装卸时,星期日及假日亦算停泊期间之内,无装卸时,除外SHEX, unless used
如果四月装运我方可接受你方报盘We'll accept your offer provided that shipment is effected in April
如果不能五月装运,我们只好撤回订单去他处采购If the goods are not shipped in May, we shall be compelled to purchase elsewhere and may have to countermand our order
如果买方货物运输途中变得无法清偿货款,即便提单已交付买方或其代理人,卖方仍有权停止交货If the buyer becomes insolvent when the goods are in transit, the seller is entitled to stop the delivery even where the B/L has already been delivered to the buyer or his agent
如果你方信用证不能本月底前到达,我们将会错过下月船期Failing the arrival of your L/C before the end of the month, we'll miss the vessel next month
life period
地址physical address
对客户以往交易中所欠款项The confirming house does not have a general lien entitling it to retain goods or bills of lading for an indebtedness of the customer resulting from earlier transactions
工业技术的发展于科学的进步Technology flourishes on accumulated scientific capital
工作进行中work in process
巩固市场上的地位consolidate one's position in the market
市场价格下跌The market prices are receding
市场价格回升The market price is picking up
市场风险我们仔细考虑的范围之内The market risk is within our contemplation
平舱费包括内的离岸价格FOB & T
应当装运期开始前三十日开立信用证be supposed to establish the covering L/C 30 days before the commencement of shipment time
成本、保险费、运费及佣金内价cost, insurance, freight and commission
我们该国有广泛的客户We have extensive connections in that country
我们只能六/七月装运货物The best shipment we can do is during June/July
我们希望推销这一新行业商品方面你方将密切与我方合作We hope you'll closely cooperate with us in promoting this new line
我们希望有机会交易会上见到你方代表We hope we'll have an opportunity to meet your representative at the Fair
我们期望贵方能下周报盘We expect you to be able to make an offer next week
我们正考虑是否与客户达成交易We are deliberating whether we should conclude the bargain with the customer
我们正采取措施改进产品质量We're taking measures to improve the quality of our products
我们理所当然地认为货物品质存一些差异We take it for granted that there exits some difference in quality of the goods
我们的产品国外受到越来越多的欢迎Our products have enjoyed growing favour among buyers abroad
我们的产品国外市场受到欢迎Our products are well received in foreign markets
我们相信你方将汇票提示时照付We trust you'll honour our draft on presentation
我们认为应平等互利的基础上达成交易We deem that transactions should be concluded on the basis of equality and mutual benefit
我方产品质量上可与其他任何产品竞争Our products can rival any others in quality
我方将下次装运中补足缺少数量We'll make the deficiency in quantity in the next shipment
我方将设法本月底前装运货物We'll manage to ship the goods by the end of this month
我方希望你方首先你方市场推销这一新产品We hope you'll take the lead in introducing this new product to your market
我方正寻购这些商品We are in the market for these goods
我方非常感激你方这方面的合作I'm greatly indebted to you for your cooperation in this respect
跨国公司与子公司地环境差异local environment break
所询购商品不我方经营范围之内The article enquired for is outside our range of business activities
承包半年内制造的任务undertake to complete the manufacture within half a year
政府现实施的每公吨5,000铢的出口加价是大米的出口障碍The existing premium of 5,000 baht per metric ton imposed by the government was a hindrance to rice export
星期天与假日包括Sundays and holidays included
星期日与假日包括Sundays and holidays included
交易会be absent in the fair
有些国家的石油资源正迅速消耗The oil resources in some countries are rapidly wasting
有关信用证必须装运期前一个月开立The relevant L/C must be established one month before the time of shipment
有关信用证正邮寄途中The covering L/C is now in the mail
有关此次发货的检验证书表明货物装运时情况良好The Certificate of Inspection covering the shipment indicates that the goods were in sound condition when they were shipped
有关食品的询盘正全力办理中Enquiries for foodstuffs are receiving our full attention
交易市场挂牌上市的证券outside securities
证券市场挂牌上市的证券outside securities
本保险任何情况下不负责捕获、逮捕、禁制或拘留海盗行为除外以及这些行动的后果或这方面的企图造成的损失和费用In no case shall this insurance cover loss, damage or expense caused by capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detainment piracy excepted, and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat
本协议双方同意的情况下可以续延The renewal of the agreement can be made at the option of both parties
此事正调查中The matter is now under investigation
此笔交易是按装运开始前三十天开立有关信用证的协定达成交易的The transaction was concluded on the understanding that the covering letter of credit was to be established 30 days before the commencement of the time of shipment
此货正生产中The goods are in process of manufacture
每公吨价格100美元与105美元之间变动The price is hovering between US $100 and US $105 per M/T
水果运输中易于变质Fruit is liable to quick deterioration in transit
汇款包括至今应付你方的一切佣金The remittance covers all commissions due to you up to date
团体latent group
客户potential customer
瑕疵latent defects
瑕疵hidden defects
potential (a.)
通货膨胀latent inflation
成员present member
理舱费及加固费包括内的船上交货价格FOB stowed and secured
理舱费及平舱费包括内的船上交货价格free on board stowed and trimmed
理舱费及捆扎费包括内的船上交货价格FOB stowed and lashed
目前我处销售这些货物相当困难It is rather difficult for us to sell these goods in our place at present
石油产量正猛增The oil output is jumping
竞争对手价格上打百分之五的折扣Competitors are offering a 5% rebate on their prices
统一法》规定许多重要方面与英国的法律不同The provisions of the Uniform Laws differ in many important aspects from English law but represent an acceptable and logical code of the law of international sales.《
继续浮水面stay afloat
船必须潮转前离港The boat has to leave the port before the turn of the tide
船牢牢搁浅沙滩上The ship stuck on the sand and they could not get it afloat again
甲板上的露天货物deck load
装卸不计算exclusive of loading and unloading
装运单据必须付款时交付The shipping documents are to be released against payment
解决这一争议的关键于密切合作The key to the settlement of the dispute lies in close cooperation
订货场试验witness test
订购货物正制造中The goods ordered are being manufactured
认为要求买主装船日期前一个月开立信用证是合理的consider it reasonable to ask a buyer to establish L/C a month before the date of shipment
该交易以装船前三十天开立信用证为条件而达成The transaction is concluded on the stipulation that the L/C should be established 30 days before the commencement of shipment
该公司1946年还是亏空了The company showed losses in 1946 despite heavy tax carrybacks allowed by the government
该广告登昨日报纸上The advertisement appeared in yesterday's newspapers
该服务热线发现,64%的男性和24%的女性咨询者打电话前没有阅读产品使用手册The service hotline found that 64 % of its male callers and 24% of its female callers had not read the instruction manual before ringing up
该税会落谁的身上?What is the incidence of the tax?
虚线上签字Please sign on the dotted line
货物运输途中受损严重The goods were seriously damaged in transit
货物雨中受潮The goods have been damped in the rain
货物不能途中转运The goods can't transshipped en route
货物必须信用证期满前装岀The goods must be shipped before the lapse of the L/C
货物必须规定时间内装运The goods must be shipped within the time prescribed
货物必须装牢固的木箱内The goods must be packed in strong wooden boxes to withstand the strain of the long voyage
货物正制造中The goods are now in course of manufacture
货物质量不断提高The quality of the goods is being progressively improved
贸易发展于平等互利基础上的合作The development of business consists in cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit
贸易把两国联合一起Commerce binds the two countries together
运费包括账内The freight is included in the account
这一商品同类商品中具有代表性This article is typical of its kind
这个商人上季的棉花岀口中净赚8,000英镑The merchant cleared £ stg. 8,000 on his cotton exports last season
这个国家工业正蓬勃发展The country is having a great boom in industry
这些商品冬季很昂贵These articles are dear in winter
这些商品国际市场上供应紧张These articles are in tight supply in the world market
这些图案正流行之中These designs are in vogue
这些货物市场上获得畅销These articles command a ready sale in the market
这几个小订单将并一起装岀These small orders will be lumped into one shipment
这座工厂将建我市The new factory is to be located in our city
这是因为你方合同中的规定不清所致This is due to your failure to be explicit in your stipulations in the contract
这种载重汽车同类型中是最好的This heavy-duty truck is rated among the best of its kind
速谴费仅卸货时计付dispatch discharge only
造船公司派新船上以便保证随时进行机件修整的工程师guarantee engineer
银行之所以愿意向岀口商提供资金,既由于它掌握着货运单据作为垫付款的担保品,也由于必要时,它可向对银行发岀指示的买方与汇票的出票人岀口商行使用追索权The bank is prepared to provide finance to the exporter because it holds the shipping documents as collateral security for the advance and, if necessary, can take recourse to the buyer as instructing customer and the exporter as drawer of the bill
错误或遗漏不此限errors or omissions excepted
错误遗漏不此限errors and omissions expected
问题要点于你方准备订购货物的最低数量The gist of the question is the minimum quantity of the goods you are prepared to order
除非信用证条款禁止转船,注明货物将中途转船的提单是可以接受的,但以用同一张包全程的提单为条件Unless transhipment is prohibited by the terms in the credit, bills of lading will be accepted which indicate that the goods will be transhipped en route, provided the entire voyage is covered by one and the same bill of lading
需求不断上升The demand is on the increase
项目存lifetime of project
项目存life of project
项目存life span of project
预先规定如果发生他们所不能控制的某些意外事件时双方的权利和义务It is advisable that the both parties introduce a clause in their agreement defining in advance their mutual rights and duties if certain events beyond their control occur
首尾两日包括from 1st May to 15th May inclusive