
Terms for subject Construction containing 在 T | all forms
一半水下一半在水上的half-in-and-half-out of the water
不可预见指一个 有经验的承包商 提交投标文件 那天还不能合理 预见的unforeseeable means not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the date for the submission of the tender
外在原因immanent cause
…上bear on
周日视运动apparent diurnal motion
下风under the wind
下风头down the wind
向,从 东北northeasterly
车床刀架上面最大加工直径swing over carriage
建筑施工under construction
A形显示器上跑动的干扰信号running rabbit
in prospect (of)
…水头作用under a head of
目标处给飞机指示位置的雷达台mouse station
背风处under the wind
运输过程中拌和mix en route
风浪中船身剧烈摇摆make bad weather
块状阳极装配一起的电解槽cell with packets of block anodes
下面的开口环collar bush
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阴处keep out of the sun
溶胶塑料空心模中成型法slush casting
驾驶时脚一直踩离合器踏板上ride the clutch
有效apparent height
表观颜色apparent colour
配合配装一起match together