
Terms for subject Business containing 在 T | all forms
一切包括内费用inclusive fee
一切捐税包括toutes taxes comprises
上部建筑集中船尾的货船all-aft cargo ship
下列各项现没有following items not available
non est invents
单位的经理或管理人员absentee manager
合同内not in contract
不居住在产权地的地主absentee owner
场地主absentee landlord
场的负责人absentee director
场管理absentee management
场管理absentee control
工作处住宿live out
absentee owner
职经理absentee manager
不包括保单中的例外险指外敌侵犯造成的损失queen's enemies
不实的计划house of cards
不正常建工程irregular project in construction
优先当地购买法律home preference law
估计散射周围的射线scatter around estimating line
体现产品中的先进技术转让transfer of advanced technology embodied in product
你觉得这份合同基本涵盖了我们谈判过程中谈到的所有内容吗?Do you think the contract contains basically all we have agreed on during negotiations?
装卸时间假日holiday included
公约单据上适用范围documentary scope of application of a convention
公约文件上的适用范围documentary scope of application of a convention
关于现消费量的数据data regarding existing consumption
一致性internal consistency
前提internal premise
复杂性inherent complexity
效力internal validity
模式endogenous model
流动性internal liquidity
确定性趋势built-in deterministic trend
稳定因素built-in stabilizer
经济稳定平衡因素如税率、利率等因素built-in stabilizer
缺陷inherent wreckness
缺陷故障inherent wreckness failure
联系interrelated interrelation
联系internal connecting link
要素intrinsic element
陈旧性built-in obsolescent
商品人为加入陈旧性指企业为了不断更新产品,打开销路,有意使其产品易于陈旧过时built-in obsolescence
需要innate need
切勿装下面包装用语never stow below
—切费用包括内条件inclusive terms
初期制品账户initial work in process account
利息interest included
利息外价格ex interest
利益所centre of interest
包括一切内的费用inclusive fee
包括一切费用inclusive charge
包括偷窃及提货不着内的保险coverage including theft, pilferage and nondelivery
包括税收inclusive of tax
各费内价格all prices
各费内价格all-in price
合同不存non-existance of the contract
合资企业所legal address of the joint venture
一定期限内支付外国汇票payable at a usance
一定速率时失效fail at a rate
一起处得好get along together
…上获利make a profit on
…上面或在…下面at or below
拉丁语下面提及之处ubi infra
不利条件下under disadvantages
两方间进行仲裁arbitrate between two parties
…之上或在…之前on or before
…之先in preference to
买方住地仓库交货条件free godown
归,系rest with
产品中实现的劳动过程labor process realized itself in a product
…以上或在…左右on or about
以后指定日期付款payment at a fixed future time
价格上挑剔cavil at the price
使用中为顾客服务customer in service
使用中校正维修in-service corrective maintenance
保税仓库中under band
保税仓库内in bond
保税仓库转让货物申请书application for transfer in bond
修理中under repairs
修理厂修理repair at depot
公众面前coram popular
公共市场出售sale in market-overt
关栈中in bond
册职工employees on payroll
出售中on sale
on the line
in process
制产品product in process
制人工费labor in process
制人工费科目labor in process account
制作业jobs in process
制原料账material in process account
制品jobs in process
制品goods in progress
制品final goods in process
制品不平衡out-of-balance in process inventory
制品估价valuation of working process
制品保管in-process storage
制品保险储备insurance reserve of products in process
制品先进先出计价first-in first-out costing of work-in process
制品分类账work in process ledger
制品制造费用manufacturing expense-in-process
制品周转定额work-in-process turnover norm
制品周转数turnover of goods in process
制品周转率work in process turnover
制品周转率turnover of goods in process
制品增加increase in work in progress
制品存货inventory of work in process
制品存货账goods in process inventory account
制品定额work-in -process norm
制品库存in-process stock
制品库存in-process inventory
制品成本work-in-process cost
制品成本系数cost coefficient of product in process
制品明细分类账goods in process subsidiary ledger
制品期初库存opening work in process inventory
制品档案work in process file
制品检验work-in -process inspection
制品清单schedule of work in process
制品盘存goods in process inventory
制品账户goods in process account
制品间接制造费用成本manufacturing expense in process
制品额amount of unfinished products
制定货in process order
制材料materials in process
制费用burden in process
制费用账户burden-in-process account
单证上签名set one's hand to a document
危险中at stake
受审中be in the dock
另行通知以前Till Further Notice
合同上签名put one's signature to a contract
合同上签字put one's signature to a contract
合同中附加一项条款annex a condition to a contract
合适的情况下where applicable
合适的情况下when applicable
售票处出售at ticket office
商务上可行commercially viable
国外处理赔案settlement of claims abroad
国外支付的索赔claim payable abroad
国外注册船只foreign flag
国外的商品goods in foreign countries
国外监督整厂及机器设备的附加条款Additional Clause for Supervising the Economic of Plants and Machinery Abroad
国际资本市场借款borrowing in the international capital market
…基础上on the basis of
X 处交货delivered free at X
外国水域的水产业fishery in foreign waters
外流通股本股东持有股票capital stock outstanding
始发地的报关服务费clearance and handling origin
存款账内提存drawing down on the deposit account
实践中成长develop with practice
封港中be under an embargo
岗训练on-the-post training
工作in work
资方工资中代扣工会会费条款checkoff clause
市场上根基稳固well-established in the market
市场倾销dumping on the market
市场射误过久而坐失销售良机overstay one's market
库低值易耗品low cost and short lived articles in store
库品stock articles
建工程building under construction
建承包工程contract work in process
建改进工程improvement in process
开发中under development
开舱卸货前支付before breaking bulk
强制下in vinculis
征税范围内be subject to taxation
情况最好时at the best of times
抗议下签署signed under protest
控温下的货物运输traffic carried under controlled temperature
支票上倒填日期foredate a check
数目上in number
…方面平均耗费的劳动时间average labour-time expended in...
最有利时at the best of times
有效期中in force
本手册中in this handbook
某人账上for one's account
某地勘探石油prospect a region for oil
on record
此付款please pay here
此处ad locum
包装标志此处提起heave here
此附上hereto annexed
比较价格的时候,质量是我们首先必须考虑的When we compare prices, we must first take into account the quality of the products
油田有效期内摊提amortize over life of field
货船离港海上at sea
电费特定时间內按低费率收费restricted-hour tariff
独立条件下independence under
现场on spot
现场ad locum
生效operative on...
用低值易耗品low cost and short lived articles in use
目的地付款payable at the destination
码头卸货discharging at wharf
码头卸货discharge at wharf
研制中under development
票据上背书back a bill
票据上背书担保backing a bill
禁运中be under an embargo
签订正式合同之前,我们再重申一下协议中的重点内容Before the formal contract is drawn up we'd like to restate the main points of the agreement
线自动识别on-line automatic recognition
…结束时at the close
维修条件下on-condition maintenance
编人员workers and staff on the regular payroll
编人工labour in process
编人工账户labour in process account
in active service
职人员in-service staff
职人数working population
职任期tenure of office
职员工总数total employment
职培训in-service training course
职培训on-site training
职培训field training
职培训方案on-the-job training project
职培训方案in-service training program
职职员staff in post
职职工active employees
职训练in-service training
职训练field training
职证明incumbency certification
职雇员按劳力平均的资金装备程度average amount of investments in funds and equipment per employed worker
职领导leaders on the job
股票交易上冒险gamble on the stock exchange
舱内under hatches
船内in board
范围之外be beyond range
营业中going business
in one's line
装配线上装配line assembly
规定时间at the appointed time
计算所得税时可予以扣除的tax deductible
订约中考虑的事项executory consideration
训职工employee under training
证券交易所挂牌上市listing on the exchange
证券交易所挂牌列名listing on the exchange
…账上account of
账册中虚报收益salt the book
账目中虚报收益salt the books
…车站交货条件at... station terms
运材料material on transit
运输途中加工的milled in transit
运送途中in transit
运途中on passage
这个意义上hos sense
进行中on the way
货物in the channel
途中on the way
途中en route
途中en route
途中en route
途商品goods to arrive
途商品merchandise in transit
途商品goods in transit
途商品保险单goods-in-transit policy
途商品账户goods to arrive account
途天数day in transit
途契约issued business
途存款即存款人支票尚在邮寄途中deposit in transit
途存货inventory in transit
途日期day light in transit
途材料materials in route
途物品items in-transit
途物资physical assets in transit
途现金指运送中的现金money in transit
途设备equipment in transit
途账指货物等尚在运途中account in transit
途货merchandise in transit
途货goods shipped in transit
途货物sailing goods
途货物goods afloat
途货物路货cargo afloat
途货物条款afloat terms
途货运traffic in transit
途资金fund in transit
通知的短时期内at short notice
部门一级at the sectional level
银行存款lodge money in a bank
银行存款consign money in a bank
银行开立储蓄账户储蓄savings on saving account
银行开立的工资专户payroll bank account
银行欠账run an account at the bank
附属公司中的权益interest in subsidiary company
预算内on budget
驳运中in lighter
地区市场潜需求分析area market potential analysis
仪表external appearance
利率指在计算借贷外在通货时所用的利率external rate
引导定价externally guided pricing
提示物extrinsic cues
数据external data
标准局限性limitation of external standards
激励extrinsic motivation
如果发生损坏,你方可以货物险公司开立的检验报告Should any damage be incurred, you may, within 60 days after the arrival of the consignment, file a claim supported by a your end
可定义的existentially definable
可定义集existential definable set
国外现金cash held in foreign countries
整体existent universe
期间duration of existance
、相关和发展的需求理论ERG needs theory
规格existential specification
银行lie at the bank
存放国外的硬币specie kept abroad
市场潜指数market potential index
市场潜需求量potential demand of the market
平均港时间average port time
平舱费内的离岸价格free on board and trimmed
成本与运费cost and freight included
我们喷油嘴、油泵等汽车零部件出口方面取得了很大成功We have achieved great success in exporting automobile accessories, such as injection nozzles and oil pumps
我们英国为贵公司卖出了很多橡胶垫片,我们已经是贵公司的老客户了。请给我们些更加优惠的付款条件We have sold a lot of rubber gaskets for you in England and were one of your long-term clients. 1 would suggest you give us more favorable terms on payment
我们会规定时间内发货We will get the goods dispatched within the stipulated time
我们已经就所有讨论过的条款达成一致,那现就签合同吧We have reached an agreement on all the clauses discussed so far. It is time to sign the contract
我们最早能 9 月末发货The earliest delivery we can make is at the end of September
我们现可以签合同了We can get the contract finalized now
我们的产品已海外数个地区有售,并受到了消费者的欢迎Our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. They are very popular with the users there
我们的盘式刹车片美国很畅销,但拖欠货款让我很头疼Our brake pads have a ready market in America, but delay in payment really annoys me
我们的里程表欧洲有很好的口碑Our odometers have enjoyed warm welcome in the European market
我方能供应各种电缆绝缘件。我们的产品国际市场很受欢迎We can supply cable insulators of all types and sizes. Our products are much admired in the world market
我方需交货日期前30天收到信用证,这样我们才好安排Your L/C must reach us 30 days before the date of delivery so as to enable us to make all necessary arrangements
地产业工会local union for particular industry
承销账户资产负债表上的表现consignment in accounts in the balance sheet
身上的广告牌sandwich board
按财产所地征税的规定situs rules
暂时寄存处place in temporary storage
放置使用的地方place in position at use point
星期日假日包括sunday and holidays included
星期日和假日包括Sundays and holidays included
星期日和节假日租船合同用语Sundays and holidays included
最后健遗族年金last-survivor annuity
期初制品beginning work in process
期初制品initial goods in procession
期初制品账户initial goods in process account
期初制品账户beginning work in process account
期初库存制品成本cost of beginning work in process inventory
期末库存制品成本cost of ending work in process inventory
修理中not under repairs
场债务人absence debtor
本国企业国外的投资domestically-owned investment abroad
本年度截至现为止year to date
核定编人员authorized personnel
横向内经济联系internal cross economic connections between
修改under correction
开会、保持安静silence, conference in progress
拍卖出售on the block
流行in vogue
进行的工作jobs in operation
流动制品总量pipeline inventory
流动制品额amount of unfinished products in circulation
清理建项目checking up on the projects under construction
出口率implicit export rate
危险potential hazards
危险inherent hazard
厌烦情绪potential boredom
可能性latent possibility
后果latent consequence
商誉latent good will
国民生产总值potential GNP
增长力growth potential
性不充分就业disguised underemployment
拒付latent dishonor
票据拒付latent dishonour
收益potential earning
收益损失loss of potential earning
收益的损失loss of potential earning
收获估价法potential acquisition evaluation method
瑕疵latent fault
瑕疵hidden defect
生产能力potential capacity
生产能力potential of production capacity
生产能力latent capacity
的劳动力过剩concealed surplus of labour
的完全竞争perfect potential competition
的每股收益稀释冲减potentially dilutive
的经理potential manager
的贸易非正常手段干扰手段potential trade distorting device
的顾客potential customer
矩阵形式latent matrix form
稀释potential dilution
竞争者potential competitor
缺点免责latent defect exception
缺陷船运免责条款之一latent defect
缺陷条款latent defects clause
能源potential energy
获利能力potential earning power
董事potential director
订货resting order
购进评价法potential acquisition valuation method
贸易干扰手段potential trade distorting device
资产potential asset
资产latent assets
通货膨胀potential inflation
顾客规模无限infinite calling population
物所地法lex rei sitae
生产活动内要素internal moment of productive activity
生产的外不经济external diseconomies of production
生产的外经济external economies of production
用户不absent subscriber
用户不absent subscriber office closed
两人共投人寿险世者支付保费的人寿保单last-survivor policy
电子计算机交通运输方面的应用application of electronic computers to the operations of communication and transportation
电子计算机企业成本管理中的应用application of electronic computers to the management of costs in enterprise
电子计算机企业财务管理中的应用application of electronic computers to financial management in enterprise
电子计算机工资管理中的应用application of electronic computers to wages management
电子计算机过程控制中的应用application of electronic computers to process control
税金内价格price including tax
税金内的工资指税金未在工资额中扣除wage including tax
职工潜能力employee potential
船货途保险floating insurance
范围缩小的市场shrinking market
后面in arrears
行为的内决定因素internal determinant of behavior
要求货物某日或前运达require the goods to arrive on/before
货价包括保险费cost and insurance
货价包括运费cost and freight included
货已装载甲板上loaded on deck
货物买主支配下placing the goods at the disposal of the buyer
货物floating cargo
货物内缺点缺陷cargo inherent vice
货物内缺陷cargo inherent vice
货物存放…处cargo stored at
货物的内性质intrinsic nature of goods
起讫日期包括both days included
遗漏不此限omissions excepted
长期存的问题long-standing problem
顾客潜需求hidden demand
预算的内伸缩性budget built-in flexibility
国小组country team
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