
Terms for subject Dentistry containing 在 T | all forms
一个手指口内,另一个在口外Put one finger in the mouth, and the other outside
主要是唾液中的钙离子沉积牙面上的软垢中形成了牙结石It is mainly calcium from the saliva which has formed hard deposits on the teeth
像这样把牙线绕中指上Wrap the floss around your middle fingers like this
医生现正在看病人The doctor is now with a patient
可以给我做个示范您家怎么刷牙吗?Show me how you brush your teeth at home?
一段时间里,您的牙齿可能会感觉不舒服Your tooth may be uncomfortable for a while
取桩前我要进行牙体预备At first, I'll prepare the tooth before making a core
大的充填物下方有个继发龋There is a decay under a large filling
您前面还有两个病人There are two more patients before you
您的颌骨内有颗阻生智齿You have an impacted wisdom tooth in the bone
每个牙的各个面上上下摩擦Use an up and down scraping motion on the sides of each tooth
如果下次复诊前临时冠掉了,请与我们联系If the temporary crown comes off before your next appointment, please contact us
当存深牙周袋时您无法有效清洁牙齿You can't clean the teeth effectively when there are deep pockets
其他医院看过吗?Have you already attended another hospital with your problem?
这里做什么工作?What is your work here?
您准备这里呆多久?How long do you intend to stay here?
您将中国呆多久?How long will you live in China?
您感觉牙正变得松动吗?Do you feel tooth is getting loose?
您打算中国逗留一段时间吗?Are you going to stay in China for a while?
您牙齿周围的牙龈和牙槽骨正退缩The gums and bone are receding around your teeth
您现感觉它是怎么痛的?What kind of pain do you feel now?
您现接受治疗了吗?Are you receiving medical treatment now?
您现看医生了吗?Are you under a doctor's care now?
您现身体状况如何?How are your health conditions now? (Excellent, Average, Poor)
您现身体状况如何?How is your general health condition at present?
您现身体状况如何?Are you in good health now?
您的牙齿急性炎症期,所以我们不能拔除它Now, your tooth condition is in status of acute inflammation, so I won't pull it out
您的口腔里放入橡皮障,以防唾液弄湿牙齿I will put the rubber dam in your mouth to prevent saliva from running over the teeth
我将您的口腔中试个别托盘,您感觉痛吗?I'm going to try this tray in your mouth. Well, do you feel any pain?
我将您的嘴里放一张感光胶片I'll put a film in your mouth
我将您的嘴里放个棉卷I'm going to put a cotton roll in your mouth
我将您的牙齿上钻个小眼I'll make a small opening in the top of your tooth
我将您的牙龈表面涂些药物I'll put some medicine on the surface of your gums
我将根管里放些药物来消除感染I'll treat the infection by putting medication in the tooth
我将牙内放置桩核以起到支持作用I'll put a core into the tooth to support it
我将研究模型上设计您的义齿I'll design your denture on the study model
我将把冠粘固你的牙上。I'll fix the crown on your tooth. Prosthetic treatment of dental arch defection and absent
我将把橡皮障放牙齿上以便获得干燥的环境I'll put this rubber dam on the teeth to get a dry field
我将放些氟化物这个海绵上,你把它含在嘴里约三分钟I will place some fluoride on this sponge and hold it in your mouth for three minutes
我要已经充填过的根管中放置金属桩I have to put a metal core into the root canal after root canal filling
最初的症状和现一样吗?Were the symptoms you had initially the same as they are now?
正畸治疗不被包括医疗保险内Orthodontic treatment is not covered by health insurance
关节区疼痛吗?Do you always bite strongly?
关节区疼痛吗?Do you feel any pain now?
您感觉张口困难吗?Do you feel that it is difficult to open your mouth now?
,您的牙齿已经拔下来了Now, your tooth has been pulled out
感觉怎样?How do you feel now?
我将在您的牙齿上涂菌斑显示液Now I will put the red disclosing solution on your teeth
,我将在模型上向您展示如何刷牙Now, I will show you how to brush your teeth using this dental model
,我将给您的牙齿做窝沟封闭Now, I'll seal your teeth
我将给您的牙齿取模I will now take an impression of your teeth
,我要照了Now, I'm taking an X-ray
疼吗?Are you in pain now?
种植是一种治疗方法:首先颌骨体上钻一个洞,然后植入金属牙根,最后在牙根上放上一种义齿Implantation is the way of the treatment to make a hole on the jaw bone, to put a metal basement and place a kind of denture on it
候诊室等待Please wait in the waiting room
请像我这样把牙刷放牙龈与牙齿的联合部位Place the toothbrush at the junction of the gums and the teeth like this
请把卡放桌子上等着我叫您Please put your card on the desk and wait until we call you
请把您的姓名和出生日写这张卡上Please write your name and date of birth on this card
这是为您美国的健康保险开的证明书This is the diagnosis for your American Health Insurance
金冠修复不医保治疗项目之内Gold crown is non-insurance treatment
龋洞很深,钻牙前我将给您打一针局麻药The decay is very deep, so I will use a local anesthetic before drilling