
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 在 T | all forms
为地学家利用的线资源On-Line Resources for Earth Scientists
事故潜指数damage potential index
全部线AU on-line
固有黏度intrinsic viscosity
包括...... with
包括延迟收到货款应计利息内的到岸价格cost insurance freight interest
包括战争保险费内的到岸价格cost insurance freight war risks
包括装卸费内的运费free in and out
线内存模块dual in-line memory modules
国际潜有毒化学品登记册international register of potentially toxic chemicals
国际计算机和操作技术矿产工业中的应用会议International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in Mineral Industry
土壤潜蒸发soil potential evaporation
上游的up river
上面提及之处ubi supra
下死点后after bottom dead centre
下死点后after bottom center
... 中间between
... 中间between
.... 之下below
...... 之间between
以东...... 英里miles East
其中inter alia
内壁间between inside walls
别处未加说明的not elsewhere specified
地面下below of day
地面下below day
...... 外without
实验中的under proof
...... 旁边alongside
标准气压和标准温度下under standard pressure and temperature
此时间内in the meantime
...... 沸腾boiling at
……的时候in case of
矿场筛选的colliery screened
线数字量输入on-line digital input
线模拟输入on-line analog input
距辐射源 1 厘米处总伦琴剂量roentgens-total-at-one-centimetre
……速度下at the rate of
安置月球上的科学站emplaced scientific station
微波特征波形遥感上的应用microwave signature in remote sensing
最大潜单产maximum potential yield
土壤最大潜酸度maximum potential acidity
未鉴认的放射性核素水中的最高容许浓度maximum permissible concentration of unidentified radionuclides in water
核技术采矿和采石中的应用nuclear techniques in mining and quarrying
氮肥潜污染指数nitrogen fertilizer pollution potential index
活性和钝性地震方法地热系统上的应用active and passive seismic methods applied to geothermal systems
不利条件potentially adverse condition
地震源区potential earthquake source area
性大气污染atmospheric contamination potential
性污染物latent pollutant
土壤氮的硝化活度potential nitrification activity
污染potential contamination
油气田possible oil and gas basins
脱氮活度potential denitrification activity
资源丰富带potential repository zone
适宜性评价potential suitability evaluation
放射性年龄值以前的指1950年以前before present
空运费、保险费内的机上交货价格cost, insurance and freight by plane
空间环境潜有害放射性potentially environmentally detrimental activities in space
微机上的资源信息分析系统micro-computer based resources information analytic system
计算机方法矿产工业上的应用application of computer methods in the mineral industry
遗漏不此限omissions expected
遥感地质学上的应用geological applications of remote sensing
错误遗漏此限errors and omissions excepted
错误不此限errors excepted
错误不此限error excepted
错误与遗漏不此限errors and omissions expected
错误和遗漏不此限errors and omissions excepted