
Terms containing 在 T | all forms
gen.一个小职员坐牌桌旁的折叠椅上。八、日用品A junior clerk sat on a folding chair behind a card table
gen.一些人把棕榈叶保留下来,编织起来放家里作为圣物装饰Some keep the palm leaves, braiding them and using them as sacred decorations in their homes
gen.一出来,我和伊莱就像印第安人围着篝火那样他的周围跳跃着,央求他带我们去看电影Once outside, Eli and I jumped around him like Indians around a bonfire, pleading him to take us to the movies
gen.法语一切费用包括内的tout compris
gen.一双木屐,你哪儿买的?A pair of clogs, where did you buy it?
gen.一只母狮子赞比亚赞比西河旁的一棵树上宣示它的主权Look, a female lion claims her spot in a tree near the Zambezi River in Zambia
gen.一定要水槽里放一个金属或塑料的过滤器,以免大块儿颗粒阻塞排水管Be sure to place a metal or plastic strainer in your sink to avoid clogging the drain with the granules
gen.一屁股坐flop down on
gen.一心be addicted to .addict oneself to
gen.一旦出院手续办好后,收费处会出具一张出院清单,这张清单要交给您所病房的护士Once the discharge formalities completed, the cashier will issue a list which be presented to the nurse on your unit
gen.一点儿不not care a farthing
gen.一点儿也不不要紧not give a damn
gen.一点儿也不不要紧not care a damn
gen.一般情况下,主人坐桌子的一头,客人离主人坐得越近,说明其身份越重要Hosts often sit at the end of table. The nearer to the hosts, the more important the guests are
gen.上海长江下游Shanghai is down the Yangtze River.
gen.上车请往里走,不要堵门口Please move back. Don't block the door
gen.absent oneself from
gen.地方be absent from
gen.一条直线上be out of line
gen.be careless of
gen.not to care
gen.take things light
gen.be unconcerned about
gen.乎等snap one's fingers at
gen.争论范围之内above dispute
gen.out of it
gen.M 不M处be away from
gen.审査考虑,执行off the
gen.be out
gen.电台广播broadcast not operating
gen.此限be excepted from the regulation
gen.适当应有位置out of position
gen.适当的位置out of place
gen.适当的地位out of place
gen.阵地值勤stand down
gen.不会任何方面in no way
gen.不再存cease to exist
gen.不包括leave out
gen.不包括…在内exclusive of
gen.不存as dead as a doornail
gen.M 不存Mwithout the presence of
gen.不存as dead as a a herring
gen.不存ojf the map
gen.不把…打在数put ...out of account
gen.不把…打在数leave ...out of account
gen.不把摩擦考虑disregard friction
gen.M 不把M放心里think nothing of
gen.不把…放在心think nothing of (+ ing)
gen.不把…考虑在内put ...out of account
gen.不把…考虑在内leave ...out of account
gen.不把…计算在内leave out of consideration
gen.不把…计算在内reckon without
gen.不把…计算在内leave out of account
gen.…不牵连在内out of it
gen.不知…之所在<#0>lose track of...
gen.不管哪一点上at all
gen.不要餐桌上剔牙,无论是用手还是牙签,甚至用舌头都不行Don't clean your teeth at the table, either with your finger or a toothpick, not even with your tongue
gen.不要喝用两种烈酒混合的饮料,像把马提尼和曼哈顿混一起等Avoid mixed drinks that use two kinds of liquor, such as Martinis and Manhattans
gen.不要把 M 和 N 混一起keep M separate from (N)
gen.与4° C 下水的密度相比的20° C 时的密度density at 20°C refered to water at 4°C
gen.与M 不同之点于Ndiffer from M in (N)
gen.M 与M相位上相差1/4周期be in quadrature with (90°)
gen.M 与 M 站一边take part take the part of
gen.M 与 M 站一边take part with
gen.与…处在同地位不分高低be upsides with
gen.与M的区别Nbe different from M in (N)
gen.与…纠缠在一fall foul of
gen.与…纠缠在一go foul of
gen.与…纠缠在一fall afoul of
gen.与…纠缠在一run foul of
gen.与…纠缠在一run afoul of
gen.与…联合在一in combination with
gen.与…连接在一join up with
gen.业内人士分析,这一事件将会影响古驰内地市场的扩张Industry insiders said the event will impede Gucci's expansion in the mainland
gen.两名澳洲人,梅克和吉儿,正袋鼠岛上露营Two Australians, Mack and Jill, are camping on the Kangaroo Island
gen.两手孢一起无所作为with folded hands
gen.两趟航班之间只间隔20分钟,您最好待中转处Since there are only 20 minutes during the two flights, you'd better stay in the transfer correspondence
gen.M 伏 Mstoop over
gen.弯身…上lean over
gen.M 优势不M方面the odds are against
gen.优势是我们方面the odds are in our favour
gen.优游自home free
gen.伙计,你知道吗?你的话语我生病期间真的使我深受鼓舞Hey dude, you know your words really inspire me a lot during my illness
gen.会存下去here to stay
wushu.倒地down first
gen.借助NM 上行驶ride over M on (N)
gen.切勿把现金、信用卡、珠宝及昂贵电子产品等贵重物品放航空公司托运的行李箱内Do not pack valuables, such as cash, credit cards, jewelry or expensive electronics in a suitcase that you will check with the airline
gen.刑事犯曾被关恶魔岛上的牢房里Criminals were kept in the cages on the Alcatraz Island
gen.…以后just after
gen.刚出炉的小餐包正特价中Fresh-baked buns are on sale
gen.M M中be wrapped up in
gen.N里fold M in (N)
gen.包含…中be, become involved in
gen.包括.... inclusive
gen.包括…内be comprised in
gen.包括...... inclusive
gen.包括...... 内的included
gen.包括... 内的included
gen.包括本项目下come under this head
gen.包装和邮费packing and postage extra
gen.M 吊M下面swing from
gen.同M 的差别于Nbedifferentiated from M by (N)
gen.同M 的差别于Ndifferentiated from M by (N)
gen.同时存coexist (with)
gen.同样的原理还应用于螺栓和螺母,利用螺栓和螺母可以把两个物体以很大的压力压一起the same principle is used in the nut and bolt, whereby great pressures are employed to hold two substances together
gen.使向上卷,弯头发头顶上卷曲的发型发式upsweep (upswept)
gen.圆形的浴缸会让你漫长的一天结束后镇定下来The circular shaped bathtub will calm you at the end of a long day
gen.圣文萨斯雷皇冠保存布拉格大教堂The crown of St. Wenceslas was in Prague Cathedral
gen.圣瓦伦廷节与爱情发生关联是中世纪的英格兰The Valentine's Day became associated with romantic love in the Middle Ages in England
gen.圣诞老人是真实存的吗?Dose Santa Claus really live in life?
gen.延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》Talks at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art
gen.sit in
gen.…中心be deep in
gen.可以做…的地位be in a position to (+ inf.)
gen.最显著的地位keep oneself in the foreground
gen.极端…状态中in an agony of
gen.M 处M的中心in the thick of
gen.萌芽状态be in germ
gen.复活节兔子复活节这一天为孩子们送去礼物,但它只是人们想象出来的一只兔子Easter Bunny is an imaginary rabbit said to bring gifts to children at Easter
gen.复活节是基督教的传统节日,它是为庆祝耶稣基督十字架受难以后的复活Easter Day is a Christian religious holiday to celebrate Jesus Christ's return to life after his crucifixion at Calvary
gen.复活节的庆祝方式全世界的基督教中不尽相同,包括晨拜、复活节问候、教堂仪式,以及装扮象征着空坟墓的彩蛋Easter customs vary across the Christian world, and include sunrise services, exclaiming the Paschal greeting, clipping the church and decorating Easter eggs, a symbol of the empty tomb
gen.夕卜国人未经请求并获得许可,不能一国领土内长期居留Foreigners who cannot obtain long-term residency before he or she asks for and gets permission
gen.外币兑换应大堂接待处Foreign currency only can be exchanged at the Reception Desk
gen.多瑙河发源于德国,流经欧洲中部的九个国家,罗马尼亚汇入大海Crossing 9 nations in the center of Europe from its German source to its Romanian mouth, flows the Danube River
gen.大一些的孩子可能喜欢出去吃个汉堡或他们喜欢的咖啡厅喝杯拿铁Older teens might enjoy going out for a hamburger or a latte at their favorite coffee place
gen.大卫站巨大游轮的甲板上迎接着黎明到来,他眺望着大海,尽量避免目光与耀眼的太阳直接接触David stood on the deck of the huge cruise ship at dawn, looking out over the ocean as he shielded his eyes from the dazzling sun
gen.大堂副主管宾馆大堂内,24小时为您提供服务The Assistant Manager in the lobby will be at your service at any time
gen.大捆大捆的棉花堆积仓库里Bales of cotton were piled up in the warehouse
gen.大洋路坐落墨尔本,这是一个你需要去见识一下的令人难以置信的地方The Great Ocean Road, which locates in Melbourne, is a so incredible site you should have a look
gen.大约 M 到 N 之间around M to (N)
gen.大餐巾就摊放大腿The big napkin goes on my lap
gen.威廉王子将蓝宝石钻戒戴凯特手上Prince William put the sapphire and diamond engagement ring on Kate's finger
gen.射杀猎物时亲自be in at the finish
gen.将五极管的工作点定Ia/Va 特性曲线的弯曲部以下bottoming
gen.将…总部设在headquarter (in)
gen.将…挂在钩hook on to
gen.将醋、芥末和油混合一个色拉调味瓶中Combine the vinegar, mustard, and oil in a salad cruet
gen.将铃拴鹰腿上的皮滑圈bewit (= bewet)
gen.希拉里大堡礁附近潜水Hillary is snorkeling near the Great Barrier Reef
gen.希望您我们酒店住得开心Hope you have enjoyed your stay at our hotel
gen.开始存come into existence
gen.张先生,我听说中国人除夕夜吃饺子。为什么?Mr. Zhang, I learned that Chinese people have Jiaozi on New Year's Eve. Why?
gen.妇女怀孕家待产be barefoot and pregnant
gen.怀特先生正与进口商就货物检验问题进行洽谈Mr. White is talking with the importer about inspecting the goods
gen.怎么啦?我们都恭候你的光临What happened? We're all expecting you
gen.损害或妨碍to the fraud of
gen.损害或妨碍in fraud of
gen.你们餐厅领略到了异国情调I've experienced an exotic atmosphere in your restaurant
gen.巴黎街头闲逛并去了凡尔赛皇宫I strolled in Paris and went to Versailles Palace
gen.巴黎购物时总得排老长的队,等得都快没耐心了There's always a long queue when I was shopping in Paris. I almost lost my patience
gen.找一种丹麦面包,特别好吃I'm looking for a Danish pastry. It's very delicious
gen.找伦敦塔I'm looking for the Tower of London
gen.泰国买了这只手镯,你觉得怎么样?I bought the bangle in Thailand. What do you think of it?
gen.海滩上嬉耍时脚上割了个很大的口子I got a nasty cut on my foot while playing on the beach
gen.考虑要不要做一条改良的旗袍I am thinking about making a reformed cheongsam
gen.行李认领处等了一个小时了,却还是找不到行李I've been waiting in the baggage claim area for one hour, but still can't find my luggage
gen.西雅图的儿子寄给我一张5 000美金的支My son in Seattle sent me this check for 5, 000 U. S. dollars
gen.软如绒毛般的长沙发椅上睡着了,一直睡到早晨很晚才醒来I lay fast asleep on the couch, which was as soft as down, and did not wake until late in the morning
gen.这儿住得很开心I really enjoy my stay here
gen.阿联酋航空公司买了张机票,但现在行程有变。我该如何领取未使用机票的退款?I've bought a ticket from the Emirates. Now, I have to cancel my schedule. How can I get a refund on an unused ticket?
gen.马德里的时候正赶上狂欢节While I was in Madrid, there was a carnival
gen.我一共申请了 2所大学,其中一所录取了我。选择这所大学是因为该大学电脑科技领域成绩卓著I have applied 2 universities and one of them accepted me. I choose this university because I think it is an excellent university in computer science
gen.我一定要一个靠窗的座位,无烟区I'd like to have one window seat definitely, in the nonsmoking section
gen.我三天前为一位外国客人预订了一个房间,但现这位外国客人不能来了,所以我恐怕不得不取消预订I reserved a room for a foreign guest three days ago, but now the foreign guest won't be able to come, so I'm afraid I have to cancel the reservation
gen.我不太意油腻的食物,但我今天喜欢清淡一点的I don't care about heavy food, but I prefer light meal today
gen.我也是。我这里的这段时间你们很照顾我。我都不知道怎么感谢你们才好Me too. You ve given me so much help during my stay here. How can I thank you enough?
gen.我们伦敦参观了白金汉宫During our stay in London, we visited Buckingham Place
gen.我们几号船舱?Where is our cabin?
gen.我们午休海滩上玩得很开心We all had a good time on the Siesta Beach
gen.我们哪里能寄存大衣?Where can we check in our coats?
gen.我们国内很少吃沙拉,不过我很喜欢We don't eat much salad at home, but I like it
gen.我们沙滩上待了一周之后,对日光浴已经兴致大减The pleasures of sunbathing began to pall on us after a week on the beach
gen.我们海岸护卫者海滩上晒太阳We are basking on Coast Guard Beach
gen.我们等三位旅客登机。请在座位上稍等片刻,我们会随时通报We are waiting for 3 passengers to get aboard. Please remain seated and we will keep you informed
gen.我们等天气好转We are waiting for an improvement in the weather conditions
gen.我们等服务员替我们结账We are waiting for the waiter to foot up our bill
gen.我们这里停留多久?How long will we stop here?
gen.我们不建议晒黑前一个小时内沐浴,但是可以在晒黑前先卸妆或者除去香水味A shower is not recommended 1 hour before an indoor tanning session, but you should remove any makeup or perfume before the session
gen.我们不能保证7月2日给您一个房间We won? t be able to guarantee you a room for July 2 nd
gen.我们为残疾人士提供了一些座位,但必须预订航班起飞前至少24小时提出请求Certain seats are made available to persons with a disability if the request is made at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled flight
gen.我们厂河对岸our factory is across the river
gen.我们去鸟园,它是一个庞大的鸟类公园,伊瓜苏瀑布附近We went to Parque das Aves, which was an extensive bird park close to the Iguassu Falls
gen.8.我们只能保留15分钟,所以请您务必8点以前到We can only hold the table for 15 minutes, so please be sure to arrive before
gen.我们可以把冲浪板放汽车车篷上面运到海边We can cartop the surfboards to the beach
gen.我们将 10 分钟内降落在洛杉矶国际机场We will land at LAX in ten minutes
gen.我们已经回复了你们的邮件。实抱歉,我们不能确保为您提供两间明天入住的单人间We have answered your email. Sorry, we wonf t be able to guarantee you two single rooms for tomorrow
gen.我们想买一些酱油,酱油哪一个过道?We need to buy some soy sauce. Which aisle is the soy sauce in?
gen.我们所有的客服人员都忙着服务他们的顾客,请等五分钟后,就会有人接听您的电话All of our representatives are currently busy serving their customers. Your call will be answered in approximate 5 minutes
gen.我们打开货物时,发现木箱干燥,内衬纸没有一点水渍。可见损坏不是发生途中When we unpacked the goods, we found the wooden cases dry and the inside lining paper stainless. Therefore, the damage didn't occur in transit
gen.我们接到通知,由于机械故障本次航班已取消。我们将这里过夜,请拿好随身物品准备下飞机We have just been informed that this flight has been cancelled due to a mechanical problem. We'll have to stay here overnight. Please take your belongings and prepare to disembark
gen.我们是加州的约塞米蒂国家公园归途中相遇的We met while on a retreat in California's Yosemite National Park
gen.我们是讨论焊接问题now we are on the subject of welding
gen.我们是三号舱上铺,船中部Cabin No. 3 , the upper deck. It's near amid ship
gen.我们是专营吉普车出口的中国厂商,我们非常希望与贵方此领域合作We're specializing in the export of Chinese jeeps, we wish to express our desire to trade with you in this line
gen.我们有两个人匹卡德利广场下车,其他的人要去泰德美术馆#wo of us want to get off at Piccadilly Circus and the rest want to drop at the Tate Gallery
gen.我们有些人舞池中转晕了Some of us got giddy on the dance floor
gen.我们正排队等候买音乐会的入场券We are queuing up to buy tickets for the concert
gen.我们没有直飞旧金山的航班,但是您可以乘坐联运航班。您可以乘坐泛美航空公司的航班到洛杉矶,洛杉矶您可以乘坐联运航班到旧金山We have no direct flight to San Francisco. But you could take a connecting flight. You could fly Pan Am to L. A. and in L. A. you could catch a connecting flight to San Francisco
gen.我们现得去那儿we have to go there now
gen.我们现邀请老年旅客及带小孩儿的旅客登机。请在登机时准备好您的护照,我们将在廊桥处做第二次护照检查。感谢您的耐心等待We would like invite elderly passengers and passengers who travel with children or infants to board the plane first. Please also have your passport ready for the secondary check in the jet bridge. Thank you for your patience
gen.我们的敞篷车中国和一些欧洲国家销路很好,我保证在贵方市场上也会畅销Our roadsters are selling well in China and in some European countries. I’m sure you'll have a ready market at your end
gen.我们的赛车已经市场上树立了品牌Our racing cars have been well established in the market
gen.我们能保证从酒店兑换出的现金全部是真的,因为每张纸币给客人前我们都会用验钞机检查We guarantee that the cash changed by our hotel is genuine. We have closely examined it before we change it to the customer
gen.我们要曼谷转机。行李会直接运送到目的地吗?We're changing aircraft in Bangkok. Will the luggage be transferred automatically?
gen.我们要乘 CA0001前往中国北京,请问应该几号登机口登机?We are taking CA0001 for Beijing, China. Could you please tell me which gate I should get on board?
gen.我们赤着脚基亚瓦岛海滩上走来走去We walked around the Kiawah Island barefoot
gen.我们躺卡哈纳莫沙滩上,沐浴在阳光里We lay on the Kahanamoku Beach, saturated in sunshine
gen.我们通常出发前制定旅行计划Usually, we planned our itinerary, before we set off
gen.我们首先要知道这条线应画那里we must first know whereabouts the line should be drawn
gen.我会和朋友伦敦待几天,然后去观光旅游I'll stay with some friends for a few days in London and then I will go sightseeing
gen.我40分钟前订了晚餐,可现还没有送来I ordered dinner about forty minutes ago. It hasn't been delivered yet
gen.我半小时前点了菜,到现还没上I ordered my dinner about half an hour ago and it still hasn't arrived
gen.我原准备酒店兑换的I was going to cash them at hotel
gen.我去看看他不在办公室I'll just find out if he's in his office
gen.我可以网上取消预订吗?Can I cancel my booking online?
gen.我可能会那里一直到老,待卷起的裤脚穿破,在品味咖啡中享受生命I may grow old there, and wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled and measure out my life in coffee spoons
gen.我向您保证不会发生这种情况。我们的货物只有符合出口标准后,相关部门才会放行I assure you that is not likely to happen. Our goods must be up to export standards before the Department concerned releases them
gen.我听说办理新加坡旅游签证需提供职证明。但我是个自由作家,那应该怎么办呢?I've heard that an original letter from the employer is needed for a Singapore visitor visa. However, I' m a freelance who don't have that. What should I do?
gen.我喜欢咖啡里加糖或奶油I like either sugar or cream in my coffee
gen.我太太浴室滑倒了,站不起来My wife has slipped in the bathroom. She can't stand up
gen.我太太把单肩包掉101公交车上了。有人捡到送去你们那里了吗?My wife left her shoulder bag on a number one-o-one bus. Has anyone turned it in yet?
gen.我妻子生病了。她瘫倒地,不省人事!Something is wrong with my wife. She's lying on the floor. She's unconscious!
gen.我将这里呆三天I shall be here for three days
gen.我将留这里一直到六点钟I'll stay here until six o'clock
gen.我很少舞会上或其他娱乐场合见到他I seldom saw him in any dance or any other recreational occasions
gen.我很抱歉你现是在只收现金的结账通道上I'm sorry you are on the Cash Only Lane
gen.我恐怕得取消今天的订房了,所以我从明天起贵酒店住两个晚上I'm afraid I must cancel for today, so I'll stay with you for only two nights starting tomorrow
gen.我恐怕迷路了。如果我想回市中心,我哪可以坐公共汽车?afraid I've lost my way. Where can I take a bus if I want to go back to the downtown?
gen.我想兑换一些钱,请问银行哪?I want to change some money. Where is the bank?
gen.我想找陈先生,请问他吗?I' m trying to get hold of Mr. Chen. Is he available?
gen.我想把这个寄放你这儿,袋子里没有贵重或易碎物品I'd like to leave this with you, and there is not anything valuable or breakable
gen.我想知道中国人饭馆吃完饭之后,会不会把没吃完的东西打包带回家I was just wondering if many Chinese people take their leftover food home from a restaurant
gen.我想知道是否可以让我这多住两天I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at this hotel for two more days
gen.我想知道能否这兑换支票# I'd like to know whether I can cash a cheque here
gen.我想要坐飞机前部I'd like to sit in the front of the plane
gen.我想订购些手绗线,它们我方市场十分畅销I’d like to order some hand quilting threads, which are popular in our market
gen.我想这件毛衣应放冷水中用手洗,否则它会缩水的I'd like this sweater to be washed by hand in cold water, it might shrink otherwise
gen.我打了几次,对方总是说“您拨打的电话正通话中,请稍后再拨”I tried several times to call, but it said "The subscriber you dialed is busy now, please redial later"
gen.我打电话是因为一个月前我订的东西到现都还没到I am calling about an order I placed a month ago. It hasn't arrived yet
gen.我打算移民美国,因为我的孩子生活那里I want to immigrate to the United States, because my child lives there
gen.我把包放这,但是回来就不见了I left my bag here, but it was gone when I came back
gen.我把行李存了行李暂存箱I have deposited my bag in the luggage locker
gen.我整个上午都发烧,并且伴随着严重的头痛I have been running a fever in the entire morning with a bad headache
gen.我方对贵方法兰绒面料很感兴趣,我考虑价格问题。不知道贵方出什么价?We are interested in your flannel, but I'm wondering about the price. How much will you possibly offer us?
gen.我昨天贵店买了这条皮带,你能帮我在皮带上打个新孔吗?I bought this belt here yesterday. Can you punch a new hole in the belt for me?
gen.我最讨厌机场等着转机了I hate waiting for connecting flights in the airport
gen.我本来打算酒店兑换的,但是我一个朋友说银行的兑换率会更低一点I was going to cash it at hotel, but one of my friends said that banks always give better exchange rates
gen.我正烤小牛排,你来一块?I'm doing the veal chops. Have a piece?
gen.我正节食I'm on a diet
gen.我没有力气把包放进头上的储物柜里,所以我把它塞了我旁边空着的座位上I did not have the energy to put my bag in the overhead locker, so I stuffed it on the empty seat next to mine
gen.我现就要赔偿吗?Shall I pay for it now?
gen.我现感觉不是很好,我感冒了I'm not feeling very well now. I have caught a cold
gen.我现要退房,并且需要一部计程车到机场。麻烦你帮我叫一辆,好吗?I'm checking out now, and I'd like to get a taxi to the airport. Could you get one for me, please?
gen.我现要退房,需要一部直接到电影院的出租车。麻烦你帮我叫一辆好吗?Yes. I'm checking out now, and want to get a taxi directly to the cinema. Could you get one for me, please?
gen.我的多余的衣物和市区地图遗留旅行包里My extra cloth and a city map are left in my traveling bag
gen.我的孩子洗手间周围不见了I have lost my child somewhere around the washroom
gen.我的胃绞痛,我跟不上您My stomach is in knots, and I couldn't follow you
gen.我的车停车区,请这边走。我来帮你拿行李My car is in the parking lot. Let s go this way. Let me help you with your bags
gen.我看看他不在I'll see if he's in
gen.我看看他不在。等一下,好吗?Let me see if he's here, hang on. OK?
gen.我真的需要这个行李箱。我的衣服都里面呢I really need this suitcase. All my clothes are in it
gen.我等航班消息已经一个半小时了。你们现有什么新消息吗?现在那边的天气转好了吗?I have been waiting for the departure of my flight for one and a half hours. Do you have any further information about it? Does the weather change better there now?
gen.我肯定是把护照落出租车上了I must have left my passport in the taxi
gen.我能吉布森里加一点冰屑吗?Can I add some shaved ice into Gibson?
gen.我能网上查询航班状态吗?Can I search for flight status on the Internet?
gen.我能脚镯上刻字吗?Can I have message engraved on the anklet?
gen.我能这里买到纽约时报吗?Can I get a copy of the New York Times here?
gen.我能这里抽烟吗?May I smoke here?
gen.我能否非吸烟舱要一个靠窗的座位?Can I have a seat by window in non-smoking area?
gen.我能把行李放这儿下午走时再来取吗?Can I leave my luggage here until I'm ready to leave this afternoon?
gen.我能把行李放这儿吗?Can I put my baggage here?
gen.我要先第九街的总公司停下I need to stop by my headquarters on 9th Street first
gen.我要去旧金山参加个年会,现就要订机票I'll have an annual conference in San Francisco. I should book the tickets right now
gen.我要看一看他是否。请问我该告诉他谁打来的?I'll see if he is available. Who shall I say is calling, please?
gen.我觉得意大利人纯朴有礼。那儿旅行非常愉快I think people in Italy are very simple and polite. I really enjoyed my tour there
gen.我觉得我真是太傻了,竟然英国朋友面前傻笑I felt so silly of myself to giggle in front of my British friends
gen.垂,吊,凭,依…上hang upon
gen.垂,吊,凭,依…上hang on
gen.…上面hang over
gen.…嘴上on the lips of
gen.铁路上的信号旗或信号装置危险的位置上at danger
gen.按照传统,情人节这一天也预示着春天的来临,小鸟们会这个时候选择它们的伴侣。在英国的苏塞克斯郡,人们称情人节为“百鸟成婚节”Traditionally, spring begins on St. Valentine's Day February 14th , the day on which birds chose their mates. In parts of Sussex, Valentine's Day was called “the Birds,Wedding Day”
gen.按照传统,这些礼物会匿名送出,但现我们更倾向注明发出者的姓名Traditionally these were sent anonymously, but nowadays we often make it clear who is sending each "Valentine"
gen.在车、船中挤坐两人中间travel bodkin
gen.在车、船中挤坐两人中间ride bodkin
gen.在车、船中挤坐两人中间sit bodkin
gen.移到旁边move aside
gen.架子上lay on the shelf
gen.架子上cast on the shelf
gen.架子上put on the shelf
gen.搅拌机是用来将液体和软质食物搅拌一起的电动机械Blender is an electric machine that you use to mix liquids and soft foods together
gen.事实明显摆某人面前stare sb. in the face
gen.星期天我常哈默阿海滩散步On Sunday I always stroll along the Hamoa Beach
gen.最好的还后头the best is yet to come
gen.最近的卫生间哪里?Where is the nearest latrine?
gen.最近的墨西哥餐馆哪儿?Where is the closest Mexican restaurant?
gen.最迟六点钟six o'clock at the very latest
gen.月亮弦点the moon is in her quarter
gen.月亮望点the moon is in opposition with the sun
gen.月亮处和太阳的会合点处处在地球和太阳之间,即新月,朔the moon is in conjunction with the sun
gen.与M相比有一个优点于Nhave an advantage over M in (N)
gen.有一个很大的喷水池。走过喷水池,转角右转,洛克菲勒中心就在右手边There's a big fountain. Go past the fountain, turn right at the corner, and the Rockefeller Center's on the right
gen.有一半浮水上float half in and half out of the water
gen.有一天,我们会慢慢变老,闲坐沙发之上,品味香醇的好茶和咖啡Someday, when we are old, we sit together on the sofa, enjoying the nice tea or a cup of sweet coffee
gen.有人要素食汉堡吗?肉饼这里Anyone needs a veggie burger? Here is the patty
gen.有效…以内effective up to
gen.有效距离…之内effective up to a distance of...
gen.有时候,我们过于关注杯子的同时却忘记了去品味咖啡Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee
gen.服装设计师通过立体剪裁、绘制草图或平面制版标准化的基本模块上制版The production patternmaker makes patterns through draping, drafting, or flat-patterning from standardized basic blocks
gen.M 栓固定M上be fastened to
gen.421次航班下午2点抵达洛杉矶,您转乘联运航班前大约有30分钟Flight 421 arrives in L. A. at 2:00 p. m. and you will have about a 30-minute layover before your connecting flight
gen.欧洲最著名的狂欢节是威尼斯The most famous carnival in Europe was in Venice
gen.气体 P 压力下的体积volume of a gas under P pressure
gen.气体 t 温度下的体积volume of a gas at t°C
gen.气温停留 36°C左右the mercury hovered around 36°C
gen.焦点集中with focus on
gen.M 猛M上smash into
gen.把…猛烈迅速地击在…hail ... down on
gen.理想气体标准温度和气压下的摩尔体积molar volume of ideal gas at STP
gen.甚至形势最有利的时候even at the best of times
gen.甚至这种情况下even then
gen.甚至现even now
gen.某处be from
gen.生活森林里的鸟类denizens of the woods
gen.生活河上 的人riverman
gen.真气人!我得6点以前到达东京It's infuriating! I have to be in Tokyo by six
gen.符合要求的残障人士可携带经过培训的服务型宠物入舱。宠物应该待乘客指定座位的前面区域,不能进入过道Trained service animals are accepted in cabin for qualified individuals with a disability. A service animal should sit in the floor space in front of the customer's assigned seat but cannot protrude into the aisles
gen.紧紧束缚…里be bound up in
gen.M 先热胀后骤冷使紧紧箍M上shrink on
gen.M 紧紧贴 M 上fit tightly against
gen.一起tangle up
gen.发誓用语老天爷by the holy poker
gen.而太阳它的一个焦点上the orbit of each planet is an ellipse with the sun being at one focus
gen.耗费…上be lost to
gen.舒适自make somebody feel at home
gen.退潮时,一只蟹被困留沙滩上A crab was left stranded on the beach when the tide ebbed
gen.逍遥自free and easy
gen.受热情况下性能的变化the behaviour of tin under heat
gen.需要服用处方药的乘客应登机时把药放在随身携带的行李箱中Passengers requiring prescription medications should always carry them on board in their carry-on luggage
gen.餐车哪个方向?Which way is the dining car?
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