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一些中长跑运动员喜欢起跑时带头Some middle-and long-distance runners prefer to take the lead at the start
不要弯道上超越其他运动员not to pass on a bend
世界第二大体育用品制造商阿迪达斯是奥运会12个官方赞助商之一,拥有全球范围内使用奥运标识的权力Adidas, the world's second-biggest sports goods maker, is one of the 12 official sponsors of the Games, with the right to use the Olympic logo globally
中国女子竞走运动员阎红、徐永久挪威举行的国际竞走比赛中、分别以 21 分 40 秒 3 和 21 分 41 秒的成绩打破 5000 米场地竞走世界纪录Yan Hong and Xu Yongjiu, two Chinese women walkers, broke the world record for the women's 5000-metre track walking with a time of 21 minutes 40.3 seconds and 21 minutes 41 seconds respectively at an international walking competition held in Norway
中国田径运动员刘翔男子110米跨栏决赛中以 12 秒91的成绩打破奥运会纪录、平世界纪录、在第 28 届奥运会田径比赛中他为中国获得一块金牌Chinese athlete Liu Xiang finished first in the men's 110m hurdles final in 12.91 seconds, breaking the Olympic record and equalling the world record. He won a gold medal for China at the 28th Olympic Games
中国运动员第 28 届奥运会上获得 32 枚金牌Chinese athletes won thirty two gold medals at the 28th Olympic Games
乔伊纳・克西 1988 年汉城现改名首尔奥运会上赢得了女子跳远金牌Joyner Kersee won the gold medal in the women's long jump in Seoul in 1988
今天、美国波士顿市和纽约市举行的一年一度的马拉松赛跑吸引了成千上万的长跑运动员参加比赛Today, annual marathon races in Boston and New York City attract tens of thousands of distance runners
2 分钟内跑完一圈He lapped the track in under 2 minutes
年轻时经常练习长跑He used to practise long-distance running when he was young
最后一圈开始超越其他赛跑运动员He began to pass the other runners on the last lap
最后一圈开始超越其他赛跑运动员He began to pass the other runners in the last lap
比赛获胜后跑步绕场一周,向观众挥手致意He took a victory run lapand waved to spectators
跑第 10 圈时被另外两名赛跑运动员在前面挡住He was boxed in by two other runners on the tenth lap.
他们正上训练课They are having a training class now
他加快速度、一会儿就把其他的动动员都甩后面了Quickening his pace, he soon left all the others behind.
他摔倒跑道旁边He fell onto the trackside
他正进行训练、准备参加重大赛跑比赛He is in training now for the big race
他每天清晨上班前都要公园慢跑He jogs in the park every morning before going to work
他现适合参加重大的赛跑比赛He is in training now for the big race
他觉得他最不想做的就是他父亲位于克利夫兰的体育用品商店里干活。他希望能逃离那里He supposed he mostly wanted to escape a career in his father's sporting-goods store in Cleveland
他面朝下跌倒He fell flat on his face
你可以选择家锻炼——寻找各种能让你流汗,但便宜甚至免费的健身器材There's always the home workout option - check out the myriad of fitness appliances which will make you sweat but are cheap or free
你得买好跑鞋、透气的衣服,如果冷天跑步还得是保暖的。运动型内衣对女跑者而言是必需品You need to buy good running shoes, breathable clothes, and thermo clothes if you run in a cold weather, and a sports bra is a must for women
刚度intrinsic stiffness
动机intrinsic motivation
奖励internal reward
激励intrinsic motivation
内部的 ad.里面inside
凡上交仲裁组的申诉均应正式宣告裁判长的裁决之后 30 分钟内提出An appeal to the Jury of Appeal must be made within 30 minutes of the official announcement of the decision made by the Referee
卡尔・刘易斯奥运会 4×100 米接力赛跑中担任美国队第四棒运动员Carl Lewis anchored the U.S. 4×100m relay team
发令员鸣枪前喊两个口令"各就位! "和"预备!"Starter gives two commands before firing pistol On your marks! "and Set!"
发生器潜神经元generator potential neurons
113 号和 235 号运动员比赛中成绩相等No. 113 and No. 235 tied in the competition
号码布应分别佩戴胸前和后背的明显位置The number bibs shall be worn visibly on the breast and back
113 号赛跑运动员到达终点线之前身体垮下来了Runner No. 113 collapsed before reaching the finish line.
33 号运动员第二赛次被淘汰Runner No. 33 was eliminated in the second round
3 号运动员赛跑时定下很快的步速No. 3 set a fast pace in the race
8 号运动员长跑比赛中跑得太快、他在到达终点之前虚脱了身体垮了Runner No. 8 ran too fast in the distance race, he collapsed before reaching the finish line
8 号运动员不应该竭尽全力比赛开始时跑得太快Runner No. 8 should not exert all his strength to run too fast at the beginning of the race
国际田联奇数年组织世界田径锦标赛The IAAF shall organize World Championships in Athletics in odd-numbered years
一排末端的人end man
三维中的力臂moment arm in three dimensions
…… 上on
下达"各就位"或"预备" 口令时、所有运动员应立刻做好最后的预备姿势On the command "On your marks" or" Set, all competitors shall at once assume their full and final set position
中距离赛跑时、赛跑策略起重要作用In middle-distance races running strategy plays a major role
中、长跑比赛中、运动员争先进人内圈以缩短跑程距离In middle and long distance races, runners break for the inner lane to reduce the distance they cover
主方赛场进行比赛at home
.…… 之下under
二维中的力臂moment arm in two dimensions
…… 以后after
in vivo
体外in vitro
全能各单项比赛时、自始至终只能使用一种计时方法In combined events competition, only one system of timing may be applied throughout each event (注释:timing 计时是名词,动词是 time,记录时间也可用动词 record 或 takeo 例如:the time shall be recorded/the time shall be taken from/time a race/the race was timed 时间 time,计时 timing 两者均可作名词使用,但意义上有差别)
分组赛中、 我们淘汰了大多数赛跑运动员、 只剩下最优秀的运动员参加决赛We eliminate most of the runners in the heats only the best run in the final
分组赛中淘汰大多数赛跑运动员to eliminate most of the runners in the heats
分组赛中淘汰实力较弱的选手to eliminate the weaker competitors in the heats
分组赛中获胜take the heat
分道内进行的所有的赛跑、每名运动员必须始终保持在指定给他的分道内进行赛跑In all races run in lanes, each competitor shall keep within his allocated lane from start to finish
…前prior to
"各就位" 口令下达后、如果一名运动员通过声音或其他方式干扰参加这次比赛的其他运动员、这一行动应视为起跑犯规If a competitor after the command On your marks "disturbs other competitors in the race through sound or otherwise,it may be considered a false start"
女子跳高比赛中、 郑达真创造了一项新的亚洲纪录High jumper Zheng Dazhen set a new Asian record in women's high jump.
役运动员active athlete
径赛中、需要有极大的力量推动人体快速前进并保持人体高速运动In running events great force is required to accelerate the body and to keep it in motion at top speed
径赛时决定一名参赛运动员是否到达终点取决于他的躯干的位置、而不取决于他的手臂、腿或头部的位置In track events it is the torso, not the arms, legs or head that determines when the competitor has reached the finish line
得分相同的情况下in case of a tie
快速反应起主要作用的竞赛项目中、 即使反应时稍微快一点点都有可能对比赛成绩产生至关重要的结果Even small improvements in reaction time may produce significant results in performance where quick reactions are essential
…… 情况下on
我们小组所有长跑运动员中、他跑得最快Of all the long-distance runners in our group he runs the fastest
接力赛跑时、参赛队员必须在接力区内传递接力棒、任何一个跑到终点不携带接力棒的队将被取消比赛资格In relay races, the batons must be passed within a take-over zone and any team finishing without the baton will be disqualified
接力赛跑时、赛跑运动员可采用两种基本接棒方法: 盲接法和视接法In relay races, runners employ two basic baton-passing methods: the blind pass and the visual pass
撑竿跳高和跳高比赛中、运动员仅在胸前或后背佩戴一块号码布In the pole vault and high jump events, one number bib may be worn on the breast or back only
撑竿跳高比赛中、75 号选手3次试跳均不成功、最后被淘汰In the pole vault, No. 75 failed to clear the bar on any of his three attempts and was eliminated
撑竿跳高比赛中、113 号选手越过了 5.75 米In the pole vault, No. 113 cleared 5. 75 meters
整个赛跑过程中The baton must be carried by hand throughout the race.
…… 方面有突破make breakthroughs in
无人使用健身器材时,你必须将其锁定并关闭You need to keep your gym equipment locked up and "off" when no one is supervising
本地举行的比赛home game
赛跑时枪响前冲出best the pistol
某一高度请求免跳forgo a trial at a certain height
某些项目中、 灵活性是获取优异成绩的基本素质In certain events flexibility is fundamental to good performance
正位in situ
比赛中领先lead the race
比赛即将结束时By the end of the race Robert had lapped Jimmy.
比赛的任何阶段、当运动员的行进方式违反竞走定义的规定、表现出可见的明显的腾空或膝关节弯曲时、均应给予严重警告红卡Competitors shall be given warnings red card when, by their mode of progression, they fail to comply with the Definition of Race walking by exhibiting visible loss of contact or a bent knee during any part of the competition. (注释:1. 国际田联竞走规则中较长时间使用 warning作为严重警告,因此,仍保留这种例句作为参考。2. 国际田联新规则(2006)更多使用红卡 red eard 例如,当裁判员观察到运动员表现出明显的腾空或膝关节弯曲时,裁判员须向主裁判送交一张红卡 red card)
活的有机体内in vivo
生物体内in vivo
男子跳远比赛中、 刘易斯比世界冠军鲍威尔跳得更远Carl Lewis outleaped world champion Mike Powell in the men's long jump
界内within bounds
短跑时、你的第一步不应跨得太大In sprinting, your first stride should not be too long
短跑时、第一步不能跨得太大In sprinting, the first stride should not be too long
100 米、200 米和 400 米短跑中、8 名运动员从起跑器冲岀后、沿着跑道向前飞奔、躯体必须通过终点才能获胜In 100 meters, 200 meters and 400 meters sprints, eight runners burst from starting blocks and run forward inside their lanes. Torso must cross the finishing line to win
3000 米障碍赛跑途中要跨越 28 个栏架和 7 个水池A steeple chase of 3000 metres includes 28 hurdle jumps and 7 water jumps
know the trick of the trade
规则允许范围内within the framework of the law
试管内in vitro
…赛次被淘汰to be eliminated in round
赛跑中被挤在人群中He was boxed in after a slow early pace
赛跑中领先gain or have the lead in a race
足球场上进行的手球运动field handball
跳跃和投掷项目中、最终速度腾空和脱手瞬间的速度是非常重要的In jumping and throwing events, final speed speed at the moment contact is broken is of utmost concern
跳高和撑竿跳高比赛中、任何一名运动员连续3次试跳失败将被取消比赛资格In the high jump and pole vault, any competitor with three consecutive unsuccessful trials is eliminated
跳高比赛时、横杆放在最初的起跳高度上、每名选手有三次机会跳越横杆In the high jump, the bar is set at a starting height and each competitor has three chances to clear it
身体需要快速变换姿势的一切活动中、 灵活性是非常重要的Flexibility is very important in all activities involving quick changes in positions of the body
轻快步中随马起伏rise to the trot
较大规模的运动会中、决赛前有3次试掷跳等机会、以便决定哪些选手有参加决赛资格In a large athletic meet a prior set of 3 throws jumps is used in a preliminary trial to determine the finalists
运动中at the volley
这些赛事中,随机将红色的护具和运动装束分配给运动员In those events, the athletes were randomly assigned red protective gear and other sportswear
进行中at the volley
重大的田径比赛中、例如奥运会、通常包括马拉松赛跑In major competition, such as the Olympics, the marathon is included in athletics competitions
预赛中获胜take the heat
马拉松赛跑中、一名筋疲力尽的运动员可能岀现衰竭、脱水等症状In a marathon race an exhausted runner may display the following symptoms: exhaustion, or dehydration
替补队员席上的on the bench
球员堆积一起pile up
无人注意的位置out in the field
动机extrinsic motivation
奖励external reward
在比赛中奋力赶前头forge ahead
奥运会后原地举行的国际比赛post Olympics
女子 10000 米比赛中跑出一匹黑马一一中国运动员邢慧娜最后一圈超越领先的埃塞俄比亚运动员、在第 28 届奥运会中她为中国赢得一枚金牌In the women's 10,000m race, a dark horse from China Xing Huina overtook the leading Ethiopian runners in the last lap. She won a gold medal for China at the 28th Olympic Games
如果跑进方向跳跃方向上测量的顺风平均风速超过 2 米/秒、则所创纪录不予承认If the wind velocity measured in the direction of running jumping behind the competitor averages more than 2 metres per second, the record will not be accepted (注释:从后面吹来的风通常用 the following wind,规则条文用 the wind behind the competitor,意即顺风)
如果两名或更多的选手成绩相同、则比赛中失败次数最少者获胜If two or more competitors are tied, the winner is the one with the fewest misses during competition
如果你没有足够的空间塞进一双跑鞋,而你又住空旷的地方,赤脚跑步会对你的骨骼和形体更加有好处If you don't have room to pack a pair of running shoes and live near open fields, barefoot running is better for your bones and form
如果我们让跑得最快的 8 号运动员定步速、其他队员就会被抛后面了If we let the fastest runner No. 8 set the pace, the other runners will be left behind
如果根据 3 名裁判员的意见、某一位运动员的行进方式比赛任何阶段违反竞走定义时、这名运动员将被取消比赛资格。取消比赛资格由裁判长负责通知。When, in the opinion of three Judges, a competitor's mode of progression fails to comply with the definition of race walking during any part of the competition, the competitor shall be disqualified and informed of his disqualification by the Chief Judge
很难想象,在尝试许多运动的初期,我几乎没有穿戴什么护具I couldn't believe that for many sports, when I just started, I didn't wear any protection gear
对运动员的参赛资格提出抗议、 必须运动会开始前向技术代表提出Protests concerning the status of an athlete to participate in a meeting must be made to the technical delegates prior to the commencement of such meeting
2001 年埃德蒙顿召开的第 43 届代表大会上、国际业余田径联合会改名为国际田径协会联合会。 注释:国际田联新的英文名称 International Association of Athletics Federations (缩写:IAAF)国际田联原文英文名称 International Amateur Athletic Federation(缩写: IAAF)变更后的国际田联英文全称虽有变化,但英文缩写 IAAF 不变The IAAF was re-named the International Association of Athletics Federations at the 43rd Congress in Edmonton in 2001
1977 年、 第一届国际田联世界杯赛德国杜塞尔多夫城举行In 1977 the first IAAF World Cup was held in Dusseldorf
比赛路线上靠近终点处设置一块显示严重警告红卡的公告牌A Warning red card Posting Board shall be placed on the course and near the finish
应警告运动员、 他们应对其体内存所有或任何禁用物质负责Athletes are warned that they are responsible for all or any prohibited substance present in their body
当参赛运动员人数众多时、应出发前5分钟给予时间提示In races which include a large number of competitors, a five-minute warning before the start of the race should be given
当接力的全程或第一棒为分道跑时、运动员可自己的分道内用胶布做一个标记When all or the first portion of a relay race is being run in lanes, a competitor may place one check-mark on the track within his own lane, by using self-adhesive tape
径赛项目是 400 米长椭圆形的8条跑道上进行的Track events are run on eight lanes on a 400-metre oval
德国的西伦克女子标枪比赛中、以 68.34 米赢得冠军、她的成绩比独联体队的希科连科仅超过 0.08 米Germany's Silke Renk won the women's javelin title or gold medal with a throw of 68.34 meters just 0.08 meter farther than Shikolenko of the Unified Team
必须接力区内传递接力棒The baton shall be passed in the take-over zone
比赛结束时最后冲刺、好不容易才超过我前面的选手I made a spurt at the end of the race and just managed to pass the runner ahead of me
我喜欢这个把所有东西都放一个地方的主意,特别是那些毫无吸引力的康体器材!I love the idea of a place for everything, especially unattractive sports equipment!
我甚至休假的三个月里也来公司使用康体器材I even came in to the office to use sports equipment when I was on sabbatical for three months
我第一次上双杠时,上面甩了几下后,翻到杠子上来了个倒立I swung a few times, and I went up into a handstand, the first time I was ever on the parallel bars
所有投掷链球的动作必须护笼内进行、以保证观众、工作人员以及其他运动员的安全All hammer throws shall be made from a cage to ensure the safety of spectators, officials and competitors
把体重控制某一标准内make weight
把赌注下热门马以外的所有马上play the field
…之前get the jump on somebody
接力赛中、应将跑得最快的运动员排最后、次快的运动员排在第一、这种排列次序更好一些In relay race, it is preferable to run the best runner last, the second best first
推铅球动作应投掷圈内完成The shot put shall be made inside the circle
新的奥运会 400 米跨栏冠军凯文・扬成为这个男子项目中第一个47秒内跑完全程的选手、他的纪录是 46.78 秒Kevin Young, the new Olympic 400m hurdles champion,became the first to run under 47 seconds in this men's event, with a record time of 46.78 seconds
最后一次训练课应重大比赛 3 天前进行The final workout should take place three days before a big competition
8 月 3 日、陈跃玲巴塞罗那奥运会女子 10 公里竞走决赛中夺魁、成绩是 44 分 32 秒、她为中国夺得第一块奥运会田径比赛金牌Chen Yueling won China's first ever gold medal in Olympic Games track and field competition with a victory in the women's 10-kilometer walk final in Barcelona on August 3rd. She clocked 44 minutes 32 seconds
进行训练in training
涉及比赛成绩的抗议或比赛过程的抗议、必须正式宣告该项成绩后30分钟内提出Protests concerning the result or the conduct of an event shall be made within 30 minutes of the official announcement of the result of that event
威胁potential menace
威胁latent menace
独联体队运动员佩洛夫男子50公里竞走中以3小时 50 分 13 秒夺走金牌In the men's 50-kilometer walk, Perlov of the Unified team won the gold medal in 3 hours 50 minutes 13 seconds
已经有很多时装品牌打入了诸如奥运会、温布尔登网球公开赛和美国公开赛等体育赛事We are seeing fashion brands getting more and more involved in sports like the Olympics, Wimbledon or the U. S. Open
地板上回弹rebound from the floor (squash)
比赛进行中破裂ball fractured in play
把别的运动员后面leave behind
男子 400 米预赛第 2 组运动员、请这里集合!The athletes of men's 400 metres race round one heat two, assemble here please!
短跑运动很大程度上取决于爆发力Sprint is greatly dependent upon explosive force
短距离赛跑时、 运动员必须指定的分道内跑完全程、 不得抢道For short distance races the runners must stay within their lanes for the entire distance
空间standing room
竞走的每一步过程中、运动员后脚离地面前、他的前脚必须与地面保持接触During the period of each step, the advancing foot of the walker must make contact with the ground before the rear foot leaves the ground
第三跑道的 153 号运动员正赶上去He No. 153 in lane 3 is catching up
第二棒运动员他的队友到达接力区前就开始跑动The second runner starts to run before his teammate reaches the passing zone (注释:目前接力区最常见的用法是 take-over zone)
3000 米障碍赛世界冠年基普坦努伊最后三圈大大领先于其他选手、无人能与之匹敌Kiptanui, the 3000 metres steeplechase world champion, ran unchallenged for the last three laps, building up a huge lead
网上stick in the net
终点线标志通常是跑道的表面上用线画出The finish line is usually marked on the surface of a running track
经常锻炼可以保持骨骼强韧,有助于预防骨折,前提是运动中穿上正确的运动护具Keeping bones strong with exercise may also help prevent fractures, especially if you wear the right sports protection during activities
美国的德弗斯一路领先、直到她跨越最后一个栏架时、绊倒地上Devers of the United States was leading up to the final hurdle, over which she tripped and fell
美国超级田径明星卡尔刘易斯男子 4 × 100 米接力赛跑中担任第四棒最后一棒、夺得了他本人的第四块奥运会金牌、美国队创下了 37.83 秒新的世界纪录U.S. super star Carl Lewis captured his fourth Olympic gold medal by anchoring the U. S. 4 × 100 metres relay team to a world record time of 37.83 seconds
美式橄榄球的护具本是保护球员的,现反而鼓励球员更不顾后果横冲直撞,从而导致美式橄榄球比不用护垫与头盔的英式橄榄球更危险Sports equipment designed to make American football safer encouraged more reckless moves and ended up making the sport more dangerous than unpadded, unhelmeted rugby
耐力训练准备长跑比赛训练中占重要的地位Endurance training occupies an important place in preparation for long distance running
胜券have the whole nine yards in one's hand
被挤人群中to be boxed in
被挤人群中box in
裁判员正检查横杆的高度The judge is checking the height of the bar
计算机技术体育上的应用application of computer technology to sports
唇边现象TOT phenomenon
唇边现象tip of the tongue phenomenon
赛跑策略中长跑中起重要作用Running strategy plays a major role in middle and long distance races
赛跑运动员聚集跑道的弯道部The runners gather round the bend of a track
前头pull away
跑速许多运动中也是非常重要的Running speed is also very important in numerous sports
跳远运动员他的小组里训练最刻苦The long jumper trains the hardest in his group
跳高运动员朱建华 1983 年先后创造了 2.37 米和 2.38 米两次男子跳高世界纪录High jumper Zhu Jiɑnhuɑ broke the world men's high jump record twice in 1983 by clearing 2.37 and 2.38 metres
践踏倒地上的队员ruck players on the ground
运动员不得跑道上做对其有帮助的标记Competitors must not make check-marks on the running track for their assistance
运动员可第二次或第三次试跳时请求免跳注释:1. forgo 作动词使用,原意是放弃,如放弃一次机会 forgo an opportunity; 2. forego = forgo 两种拼法均可; 3. 用于试跳 forgo a trial 意即放弃一次试跳机会,规则使用"免跳"A competitor may forgo his second or third trial
运动员正做准备活动These athletes are warming themselves up
运动员试图使掷出的铁饼飞行时保持扁平状以减少风的阻力Thrower tries to keep discus as flat as possible during its flight to reduce wind resistance
这些运动员正去运动场地上训练课The athletes are going to the sports field to have their training classes
这位教练员训练赛跑运动员方面有丰富的经验The coach has a lot of experience in training runners
这位跳远运动员正进行助跑The long jumper is making his approach ru
这位跳远运动员正进行助跑The long jumper is making his approach (注释:现在助跑使用 run-up 较为常见)
这位跳高运动员他的小组里训练最刻苦The high jumper trains the hardest in his group
这位运动员接力赛跑时使用盲接法The runner used blind pass in the relay race
这位运动员正快步奔跑The runner is running at a faster pace
这是一家生产、经销健身器材方面具有丰富经验的专业公司This is an experienced company specializing in producing and marketing sports facilities
在比赛中远远地落后面be nowhere
那位跑得最快的运动员迅速地把其他运动员甩后面The best runner was rapidly leaving the others behind.
铁饼运动员将铁饼平放手掌里身体旋转540°、然后将铁饼掷出Holding discus flat in the palm, the thrower spins 540 degrees and launches it
铅球必须完全落落地区内沿以内、试推方为有效For a valid trial, the shot put must fall completely within the inner edges of the landing sector
铅球运动员黄志红将 4 公斤重的铅球推到 20.83 米、这个成绩使她日本举行的世界锦标赛上夺得金牌Shot-putter Huang Zhihong heaved the 4-kilogram shot out 20. 83 metres, the distance brought her a gold at the World Championships held in Japan
链球必须投掷圈内用双手掷出The hammer is hurled with two hands from within a throwing circle
除标枪外、投掷圈内进行的投掷项目不用助跑Except the javelin, there is no run-up in throwing events which take place inside a throwing circle
静力性力量是指不移动位置、 固定某一种姿势时用力的能力Static strength is the ability to apply force at a particular position without moving through the range of motion
马拉松赛跑主要是举办城市的大街上公路上进行、但最后一圈总是在运动场跑道上进行The marathon race is mainly run on the streets roads of the host city. However, the final lap always takes place in the stadium