
Terms containing 在线 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.不在一条直线上be out of line
tech.不在铁路沿线的off-railway line
manag.与员工站在一条线上siding with employees
earth.sc.为地学家利用的在线资源On-Line Resources for Earth Scientists
sport, bask.3 人在内线轮转换位three-man inside rotation
auto.仅在公路干线上使用all highway work
expl.众所周知、不同类型岩石的破碎特点差别很大、尤其在破碎曲线的细端变化大、因为岩石破碎受自身的内在属性控制、而不是受岩石自身的大缺陷和结构的控制The breakage characteristics of different rock types are known to vary over a wide range, especially at the fine end of the fragmentation curve where breakage is controlled by the inherent properties of the rock substance itself, rather than being controlled by its larger scale flaws and structure
expl.众所周知、所谓温室气体在大气中的浓度增加进而这种气体吸收反射的红外线、导致全球温度上升。据信、大气温室气体浓度的增加、正是近来测到全球气候变暖的原因之一Increased atmospheric concentrations of so-called greenhouse gases GHGs are known to increase global temperatures by absorption of reflected infrared radiation and are believed to be contributing to the recently measured global warming
busin.估计散射在周围的射线scatter around estimating line
house.你的茶在这个电滤壶上,如果把这根线插到墙上的插座里,它就会一直保温Your tea is in this electric percolator, if you plug this cord into the wall socket, it will stay hot
tech.保持在叠标线上keep on the transit
tech.保持在海岸挡风航线上keep under the lee of land
org.name.信用合作社在线综合计算机系统Credit Union's on-line integrated computer system
multimed.儿童在线隐私保护法案children's online privacy protection act
consult.在线系统all on-line
avia.全球在线global on line
earth.sc.全部在线AU on-line
tech.内在强度曲线intrinsical strength curve
tech.内在强度曲线intrinsic strength curve
tech.内在曲线方程intrinsical equations of a curve
tech.内在曲线方程intrinsic equations of a curve
horticult.农业生产的在线指导in-line guide of agricultural production
mil., air.def.协同在线侦察cooperate online reconnaissance operation response attack link
earth.sc.在线内存模块dual in-line memory modules
sport.113 号赛跑运动员在到达终点线之前身体垮下来了Runner No. 113 collapsed before reaching the finish line.
gen.在 M和N之间划界线draw a +a.distinction between M and (N)
gen.在 M和N之间划界线draw a distinction between M and (N)
tech.在一百拓等深线内航行on soundings
tech.在一百拓等深线外航行off sounding
gen.M 在M下画线score under
econ.在下面划一条线rule off
gen.在…下面画线underdraw (underdrew, underdrawn)
auto.在不同变换路线使用irregular route service
avia.在中心线上on center
econ.在全线all along the line
fin.在分界线上above the line
gen.在前线be at the front
gen.在各条战线上on all fronts
gen.在地平线上on the horizon
geol.在地平线之上above the horizon
avia.在垂直线之间between perpendiculars
sport, bask.在外线移动come high around
gen.在山区林线下 4000英尺~6000 英尺生长的subalpine
tech.在把柄上装有墨槽或油漆槽的划线刷或漆刷fountain brush
law在支票上画两条平行线表示只可通过银行兑现cross a cheque
railw.在曲线轨道上in curve track
expl.在有多重共线性的情况下、就会出现多余的自变量、这样会使自变量对应变量产生错误影响。多重共线性是否存在、可以通过对自变量的方差膨胀因子的计算来检验In the presence of multicollinearity,redundancy of the independent variables exists, which can lead to erroneous effects by the independent variables on the dependent variable. The existence of multicollinearity can be checked from a calculation of the variance inflation factor VIF of the independent variables
avia.在水平线之上above the horizon
tech.在水线以上clear of the waterline
gen.在水线处〔船身和水面相接处〕between wind and water
tech.在流程线上调节in-line equalization
gen.在界线〔线路,轨道〕上on the line
expl.在界线之外out of
railw.在直线轨道上on straight tangential track
tech.在石面刻对角线墙broached work
archit.在石面刻对角线槽broached work
gen.在禁止超车区划出中线centre-lining of no-passing zone
tech.在禁止超车区画出中线center lining of no-passing zone
tech.在等高线上分散dispersal on contour lines
met.在管线中的冷却器in-line cooler
gen.在线be online
multimed.在线事务处理online transaction processing
comp., net.在线交友online friendship
fin.在线交易on-line transaction
fin.在线交易on-line trading
fin.在线交易佣金on-line commission
fin.在线交易平台on-line trading platform
fin.在线交易量on-line volume
fin.在线交易额on-line volume
tech.在线仪表on-line meter
tech.在线仪表in-line meter
multimed.在线仿真器in-circuit emulator
tech.在线传感元件on-line sensing cell
China, law在线传播online dissemination
comp., net.在线作家online writer
auto.在线网络供货line fit
nautic., tech.在线信息on-line information
adv.在线信息发布online publishing
tech.在线修改on-line modification
multimed.在线公共访问目录online public access catalog
tech.在线凃装on-line coating
met.在线分析on-line analysis
chem.在线分析仪表on-line analytical instruments
chem.在线分析仪表on-line analytical instrument
multimed.在线分析处理数据库online analytical processing database
met.在线切割设备on-line cutting equipment
met.在线切割设备in-line cutting equipment
met.在线切头操作on-line front end cropping
avia.在线制造与控制系统on-line manufacturing and control system
met.在线加速冷却on-line accelerated cooling
multimed.在线包装on air graphics
tech.在线化学清洗on-line chemical cleaning
comp., net.在线卖家online seller
tech.在线联机 印刷装置online printer
tech.在线可换单元on-line replaceable unit
comp., net.在线合作伙伴online to partner
avia.在线合同工装系统contract tools on line system
comp., net.在线售后服务service after sell online
multimed.在线商业系统merchant system
multimed.在线商店online storefront
auto.在线喷漆on-line painting
tech.在线固相萃取on-line solid phase extraction
multimed.sourceOECD 在线图书馆sourceOECD
avia.在线图纸目录drawing index on line (system, 系统)
commer.在线处理in-line processing (与脱机处理 (offline processing) 相对)
econ.在线处理on-line processing
tech.在线处理in-line processing
met.在线处理周期in-line treatment cycle
avia.在线处理系统on line transaction system
met.在线多元素化学分析on-line multiple-element chemical analysis
met.在线多元素化学分析in-line multiple element chemical analysis
met.在线多股矫直机on-line multistrand straightener
avia.在线系统契约工具contract tools on line (system)
tech.在线子程序on-line subroutine
tech.在线子程序联机子程序in-line subroutine
comp.在线联机存储器online storage
AI.在线学习on-line learning
ed.在线学习online learning
ed.在线学习internet-based learning
ed.在线学习Web-based training
multimed.在线学习online study
tech.在线宏指令in-line macro
auto.在线实时处理on-line real time processing
met.在线实时操作on-line real-time operation
avia.在线实时操作on line real time operation
avia.在线实时系统on line real time system
avia.在线实时转移信息传输on-line real time branch information transmission
railw.在线实车试验full-scale test
fin.在线客户on-line client
met.在线带钢生产线ISP line
met.在线带钢生产线in-line strip production line
met.在线带钢生产inline strip production
met.在线带钢生产In-line Strip Production
met.在线带钢生产工艺in-line strip production process
met.在线带钢生产技术in-line strip production technology
met.在线带钢生产法ISP process
met.在线带钢生产法in-line strip production process
met.在线带钢生产设备ISP plant
met.在线带钢生产设备in-line strip production equipment (【技】在线带钢生产法的主要设备包括:炼钢炉 steelmaking furnace/ 炉外处理设备 secondary steelmaking equipment/ 钢包回转台 ladle turret/ 中间包 tundish/ 浸人式水口 submerged entry nozzle/ 直弧形结晶器 vertical-bow type mold/ 结晶器振动装置 mold oscillator/ 扇形段 segment/ 铸轧段 casting-rolling section/ 矫直装置 straightener/ 大压下量轧机 high-reduction mill/ 剪切机 shear/ 感应加热炉 induction heating furnace/ 克日莫那炉 Cremona furnace/ 精轧机 finishing mill/ 层流冷却 laminar flow cooling/ 地下卷取机 down-coiler。)
multimed.lettrs 在线平台lettrs
met.在线平面度检测仪flying flatness gauge
multimed.在线广告online advertising
tech.在线微波消解on-line microwave digestion
AI.在线性能on-line performance
multimed.Live 4X 在线慈善活动live 4X
fin.在线投资on-line investing
fin.在线投资on-line investment
securit.在线投资online investing/investment
fin.在线投资服务on-line investment service
fin.在线投资者on-line investor
gen.在线报警online alarm
wind.在线抽头变换on line tap changing
wind.在线抽头变换式变压器on line tap changing transformer
avia.在线拒绝处理系统online rejection disposition system
comp., net.在线招标采购online purchasing by invitation to bid
agric.在线指导in-line guide
horticult.在线指导guiding in line
chem.在线换热器transfer line exchanger
tech.在线控制in-line control
math.在线控制与离线控制on-line control and off-line control
met.在线控制冷却on-line controlled cooling
multimed.在线插拔online insertion and removal
tech.在线操作模型on-line model
tech.在线操作联用操作on-line operation
comp., net.在线支付online payment
mil., air.def.在线故障检测on-line fault detection
avia.在线数字输人on-line digital input
earth.sc.在线数字量输入on-line digital input
comp.在线机控数字量输出on-line digital output
avia.在线数据on-line data
avia.在线数据交换on-line data interchange
avia.在线数据压缩系统on line data compression system
tech.在线数据处理on-line data processing
tech.在线数据处理on-line data process
met.在线数据库on-line data bases
multimed.在线数据库online databases
environ.在线服务on-line service Service providing an active connection with a communications network (提供通信网络活动连接的服务。)
multimed.Trackle 在线服务Trackle
multimed.在线服务online service
nautic., tech.美国在线服务公司America On Line
multimed.在线服务提供商online service provider
met.在线板形on-line shape
tech.在线检测on-line monitoring
tech.在线检测技术on-line monitoring technology
anim.husb.在线检验in-line inspection
gen.在线内线操作模型online model
avia.在线模拟系统on-line logical simulation system
earth.sc.在线模拟输入on-line analog input
comp.在线机控模拟量输入on-line analog input
tech.在线模拟量输出on-line analogue output
tech.在线模拟量输出on-line analog output
comp.在线机控模拟量输出on-line analog output
tech.在线水检测on-line water monitoring
auto.福特在线汽车维修信息系统On-Line Automotive Service Information System
multimed.ESPN3 在线流媒体服务ESPN3
tech.在线测试on-line testing
railw.在线测试online test
tech.在线测试on-line test
tech.在线测试engaged test
avia.在线测试独立执行程序on-line test stand-alone executive program
tech.在线涂装涂料original equipment manufacture coating
tech.在线涂装涂料OEM coating
fin.在线消费on-line spending
tech.在线混凝in-line coagulation
tech.在线混凝超滤工艺in-line coagulation-ultra-filtration process
tech.在线清洗on-line cleaning
chem.在线清理技术clean-in-place CIP technique
comp., net.在线游戏online casual game
multimed.在线 Flash 游戏online flash games
multimed.emaze 在线演示平台emaze
multimed.在线状态online state
securit.在线现金认购online cash subscription
avia.在线电路设计on line circuit design
adv.在线on the line
avia.在线的信息月艮务on-line information service
tech.在线监控on-line monitoring and control
avia.在线监控器in line monitor
adv.在线目录online catalog
avia.在线on-line code
met.在线硫印检验on-line sulphur printing
met.在线硫印检验in-line sulphur printing
avia.在线程序测试系统on-line program testing system
comp.在线程序试验系统on-line program testing system
met.在线穿芯棒mandrel in line threading
met.在线穿芯棒mandrel in line inserting
met.在线穿芯棒in-line threading of mandrel
comp., net.在线竞价采购online auction purchasing
tech.在线等待make good (完工后可重新开始)
AI.在线算法on-line algorithm
tech.在线系统on-line system
avia.在线终端测试on-line terminal test
avia.在线终端系统on-line terminal system
fin.在线经纪人on-line broker
securit.在线经纪人online broker
tech.在线维修on-line maintenance
econ.在线综合材料管理系统an on-line integrated materials management system
adv.在线编辑online editing
multimed.在线编辑on-line editing
multimed.在线编辑器on-line editor
fin.在线网络金融服务on-line financial services
multimed.在线群体online community
comp., net.在线聊天chat on line
fin.在线股票经纪人on-line stockbroker
avia.在线自动测试系统automatic testing on-line system
tech.在线自动监测系统on-line automatic monitoring system
busin.在线自动识别on-line automatic recognition
tech.在线自检功能on-line self-check function
tech.在线蒸馏on-line distillation
met.在线薄板坯连铸in-line continuous thin slab casting
comp., net.在线虚拟社区online virtual community
tech.在线装置on-line equipment
multimed.在线视频会议online video conferencing
multimed.在线视频制作平台wideo.co wideo
comp., net.在线视频游戏online video game
avia.在线计划on-line planning
tech.在线计数on-line counting
tech.在线计算on-line computation
tech.在线计算机on-line computer
tech.在线计算机in-line computer
multimed.在线计算机图书馆中心/目录online computer library center/catalog
multimed.在线计算机图书馆中心/目录online computer library center/ catalog
tech.在线设备on-line equipment
multimed.在线证书状态协议online certificate status protocol
CNC在线诊断on-line diagnostics
avia.在线诊断与报告系统on-line diagnostic and reporting system
multimed.在线词典online dictionary
multimed.ereticopedia 在线词典ereticopedia
tech.在线试验on-line testing
tech.在线试验on-line test
gen.在线直接试验on-line test
gen.在线试验系统on-line test system
tech.在线读出in-line readout
met.在线调宽结晶器online variable width mold
met.在线调宽结晶器in-line variable width mold
tech.在线调节on-line equalization
tech.在线调试on-line debugging
tech.在线调试on-line debug
tech.在线调试debugging on-line
avia.在线调试技术on-line debugging technique
fin.在线账单支付on-line bill paying
securit.在线账单支付online bill paying
comp., net.在线购物online shopping
fin.在线贴现经纪人on-line discount broker
met.在线超声波检验on-line ultrasonic testing
met.在线轧制on-line rolling
met.在线轧制in-line rolling
met.在线轧辊研磨on-line roll grinding
met.在线轨头淬火设备in-line rail head hardening equipment (By the end of 2009, we had completed installation of the 200, 000-tonne/year in-line rail head hardening equipment. 到 2009 年底,我们已完成了 20 万 t/ 年在线轨头淬火设备的安装。)
wind.在线轴头变换on line tap changing
agric.在线运行的on-line working
met.在线退火设备annealing-in-line plant
avia.在线通知服务器on-line notifying server
comp., net.在线采购online procurement
fin.在线采购on-line purchase
fin.在线金融on-line finance
comp., net.在线银行online bank
securit.在线银行业务online banking
met.在线锥度测量on-line taper measurement
met.在线锥度测量online taper measurement
met.在线锥度测量in-line taper measurement (连铸结晶器的)
met.在线锥度计on-line inclinometer
met.在线锥度计in-line inclinometer
met.在线锥度调整on-line taper adjustment
met.在线锥度调整online taper adjustment
met.在线锥度调整in-line taper adjustment (连铸结晶器的)
comp., net.在线零售商online retailer
multimed.TuneCore 在线音乐发行服务TuneCore
multimed.ShockHound 在线音乐商店ShockHound
multimed.Rdio 在线音乐服务Rdio
comp., net.在线预约online booking
comp., net.在线预约申办服务online application service
在终点线under the wire
econ.在航线上on course
avia.在航线上的飞机en route aircraft
avia.在航线最小安全高度告警en route minimum safe-altitude warning
tech.在船模前面装置的促进乱流的金属卷线trip wire
gen.在虚线上签字sign on the dotted line
busin.在装配线上装配line assembly
auto.紧固件在装配线按规定扭矩拧紧的torquing on the line
gen.在观众视线之外的舞台两侧in the wings
gen.在视线之内in eye
avia.在视线外out of line sight
gen.在视线范围内be within sight
gen.在视线范围内be in sight
gen.在起跑线上on the scratch
auto.在路线上的技术维护line maintenance
tech.在轴线上en axe
footb.在边线附近on the sideline
tech.在运移路线上的圈闭trap on the migration line
avia.在进人航线之前before proceeding on course
UN, tech.在部队派遣国的启航港和任务区的进入港之间的托运路线consignment route between the port of embarkation in the troop-contributing country and the port of entry in the mission area
gen.在铁路线上on track
auto.在错误侧路线行驶wrong siding
tech.在预定的航线上lie the interred course
tech.地板下安装在管道中的电气线路electrical underfloor service carried in conduits
tech.地板下安装在管道中的电气线路electric underfloor service carried in conduits
comp.多存取在线系统a multi access on-line system
comp.games.大型多人在线角色扮演游戏massive multiplayer online role playing game
gen.如果您有特殊饮食要求,我们提供了一系列能满足您需求的特殊餐食。如果您是通过在线方式预订机票的,您可以通过阿航网站预订特殊餐食If you have special dietary requirements, we offer a wide selection of special meals to meet those requirements. You can make a special request through our website if you purchased your ticket online
gen.如果想兑支票,请在底线上签名Please sign your name on the bottom line if you want to cash the check
avia.定期航线飞行员在完成最终进近时的目标速度target speed on short finals
agric.实在曲线historigram (historigramma)
tech.实在权衡曲线actual trade-off curve
busin.实时在线系统real time on line system
gen.对钠光谱的 D 线测定的、某一物质在 t°C 下的旋光率specific optical rotation of a substance at t°C, measured for the D line of the sodium spectrum
tech.X 射线在晶体中的衍X-ray diffraction in crystals
gen.将五极管的工作点定在Ia/Va 特性曲线的弯曲部以下bottoming
met.带卷在线精整strip processing
met.带卷在线精整机构strip processing mechanism
met.带钢在线磁探伤系统magnetic on-line inspection system for strip steel
sport.应在比赛路线上靠近终点处设置一块显示严重警告红卡的公告牌A Warning red card Posting Board shall be placed on the course and near the finish
anim.husb.快速在线检测法rapid on-line method
mil., air.def.总线在仪器领域的扩展VME bus extension for instrumentation
mil., air.def.总线在仪器领域的扩展PCI extension for instrumentation
gen.我们首先要知道这条线应画在那里we must first know whereabouts the line should be drawn
gen.我想订购些手绗线,它们在我方市场十分畅销I’d like to order some hand quilting threads, which are popular in our market
gen.把船的航线标绘在航海图上plot a ship's course on a chart
multimed.接近在线near online
comp., net.最高同时在线用户数peak concurrent users
gen.每位申请人,包括儿童在内,都必须要有自己的 DS-160签证申请表。在去大使馆进行面谈之前,须通过在线方式完成并提交 DS-160表Each applicant - including children - must have their own visa application, which is known as the DS-160. The DS-160 must be completed and submitted online prior to your interview at the American embassy
auto.福特汽车维修在线信息系统On-line Automotive Service Information System
avia.波音在线提交Boeing on line delivery
ecol.烟气在线监测系统online gas monitoring system
avia.物体在空气中自接线条terminal velocity
gen.现在讨论沿直线的运动we shall now discuss motion along a straight line or rectilinear motion
avia.用户在线订货单的处理customer on-line order processing
house.电子词典分为掌上词典、个人电脑词典和在线词典E-dictionaries refer to palm e-dictionaries, personal computer dictionaries and on-line dictionaries
avia.空中客车公司在线服务Airbus on-line services
agric., tech.紫外线在农业的应用application of ultraviolet rays in agriculture
agric., tech.红外线在农业的应用application of infrared rays in agriculture
tech.线、平面或立体在另一平面上的投影auxiliary projection
sport.终点线标志通常是在跑道的表面上用线画出The finish line is usually marked on the surface of a running track
comp., net.网络在线network online
comp., net.网络在线咨询network online consultation
comp., net.网络在线支付network online payment
comp., net.网络在线朋友network online friends
comp., net.网络在线检查network online examining
comp., net.网络在线考试network online test
comp., net.网络在线课堂network online classroom
comp., net.美国在线American Online
nautic., tech.美国在线America On Line
auto.美国在线公司American On Line (CO.)
securit.美国在线公司American Online
multimed.美国在线即时信使america online instant messenger
securit.美林在线Merrill Lynch Online
ed.职工发展在线规划工具SDOP tool
ed.职工发展在线规划工具Staff Development On-Line Planning tool
comp.肯特公司生产的在线直接数据处理系统Kent on-line system
multimed.自动化在线助手automated online assistant
avia.航站延误在航线飞行中补救enroute absorption of terminal delay
tech.花在模制线脚上的人工moulded work
tech.花在模制线脚上的人工molded work
multimed.英国在线中心UK online centres
multimed.英国历史在线british history online
refrig.蒸发器和冷却器都由铜线圈制作,并且在压缩机中也有部分铜The evaporator and the condenser are both made out of copper refrigerant coils, and there is some copper in the compressor, too
avia.装在吊钩上的插接式母线hook-supported plug-in bus way
avia.装在支架上的插接式母线bracket-supported plug-in bus way
avia.装在支柱上的插接式母线post-supported plug-in bus way
auto.装在火花塞上的点火线圈coil on plug
mining.计算机在线测试computerized on line testing
commer.该服务热线发现,64%的男性和24%的女性咨询者在打电话前没有阅读产品使用手册The service hotline found that 64 % of its male callers and 24% of its female callers had not read the instruction manual before ringing up
gen.请在支票底端的线上签名,并在这儿写下您的地址Please sign your name on the bottom line and put down your address here
commer.请在虚线上签字Please sign on the dotted line
econ.请在虚线处签名Please sign your name on the dot ted line
multimed.谷歌在线办公软件google docs
tech.货物列车平均在沿线时间average road time of a freight train
auto.转向轮在直线行驶时的位置straight-ahead position of steering wheel
expl.近来、人们把研究的重点大多放在破碎曲线的细端、以探索爆破的潜力、因为爆破的结果会影响到含金属矿石随后的粉碎和加工制造过程More recent focus has been provided on the finer end of the fragmentation curve to explore the potential of blasting to influence the subsequent crushing and nulling performance of metalliferous ores
agric.远红线潜在的作用光谱action spectrum of farred potentiation
tech.连续在线仪表continuously on-line instrument
avia.通用在线诊断general on-line diagnostics
met.锥度在线测量on-line taper measurement (连铸结晶器的)
met.锥度在线测量online taper measurement (连铸结晶器的)
met.锥度在线调整on-line taper adjustment (连铸结晶器的)
met.锥度在线调整online taper adjustment (连铸结晶器的)
met.锥度计在线数据on-line inclinometer data
comp., net.门店在线online to place
securit.附属在线散户账户captive online retail account
UN, polit.限制联塞部队在法马古斯塔/泽里尼亚道路沿线的移动restriction of movement along the Famagusta/Dherinia road
avia.飞行在线维护flight line maintenance
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