
Terms containing 在制品 | all forms | in specified order only
cosmet.一些西方国家在化妆品制造工艺上较为先进In some western countries, cosmetics manufacturing technology is more advanced
econ.一般来说,制成的货品在发货前要经过一些严格检验Generally speaking, the manufactured goods undergo strict examinations before dispatch
sport.世界第二大体育用品制造商阿迪达斯是奥运会12个官方赞助商之一,拥有在全球范围内使用奥运标识的权力Adidas, the world's second-biggest sports goods maker, is one of the 12 official sponsors of the Games, with the right to use the Olympic logo globally
econ.他们能在其母公司的保护下制造和销售这一产品They can manufacture and sell the product under the patronage of their parent company
ceram.以透明熔凝石英为基本材料的泡沫陶瓷需要在约1 250°C下烧制,根据产品尺寸和密度适当升高温度Foamed ceramics based on transparent fused quartz need to be fired at about 1,250° A gentle temperature rise is chosen in relation to the dimensions and density of the products
econ.初期在制品beginning work in process
fin.初期在制品在建工程帐户initial work in process account
busin.初期在制品账户initial work in process account
econ.制成品服装能在一个月内供应给你方The ready made garments can be supplied to you within one month's time
busin.在制产品product in process
manag.在制产品估价valuation of work in process
econ.在制产品周转率turnover of goods in process
econ.在制产品差异variance work-in-process
manag.在制品product in process
met.在制品in-process material
manag.在制品work-in-process (or in progress)
manag.在制品material in process
fin.在制品goods in process (work-in-process, work-in-progress)
auto.在制品semi-finished piece
avia.在制品operation in process
econ.在制品the unfinished work
econ.在制品work-in-progress products
busin.在制品jobs in process
busin.在制品goods in progress
commer.在制品stock in process
busin.在制品final goods in process
interntl.trade.在制品goods in process
textile在制品intermediate product
textile在制品work in progress
textile在制品unfinished products
textile在制品unfinished product
IT在制品work in process
textile在制品processing product
textile在制品processing goods
textile在制品partly finished cargo
avia.在制品in process
busin.在制品不平衡out-of-balance in process inventory
busin.在制品估价valuation of working process
tech.在制品估价valuation work in process
busin.在制品保管in-process storage
busin.在制品保险储备insurance reserve of products in process
busin.在制品先进先出计价first-in first-out costing of work-in process
manag.在制品分类帐product in process ledger
fin.在制品分类帐work in process ledger
econ.在制品分类账a work-in-process ledger
busin.在制品分类账work in process ledger
busin.在制品制造费用manufacturing expense-in-process
fin.在制品制造费用帐户burden in process account (manufacturing expenses in process account)
interntl.trade.在制品周转turnover of goods in process
busin.在制品周转定额work-in-process turnover norm
busin.在制品周转数turnover of goods in process
econ.在制品周转率the work-in-process turnover
busin.在制品周转率work in process turnover
busin.在制品周转率turnover of goods in process
busin.在制品增加increase in work in progress
interntl.trade.在制品存货work in process inventory
busin.在制品存货inventory of work in process
fin.在制品存货帐goods in process inventory account
busin.在制品存货账goods in process inventory account
plann.在制品存量in-process inventory
textile在制品定额work in process norm
busin.在制品定额work-in -process norm
avia.在制品审查in process review
textile在制品差异variance work-in-process
econ.在制品差异a variance work-in-process
manag.在制品帐户product in process account
fin.在制品帐户work-in-process account
busin.在制品库存in-process stock
busin.在制品库存in-process inventory
textile在制品成本work in process cost
busin.在制品成本work-in-process cost
fin.在制品成本单production order
econ.在制品成本单factory order
textile在制品成本系数work in process cost fraction
busin.在制品成本系数cost coefficient of product in process
econ.在制品数额goods-in-process inventory (量)
busin.在制品明细分类账goods in process subsidiary ledger
tech.在制品明细表schedule of work in process
manag.在制品期初存货opening work in process inventory
busin.在制品期初库存opening work in process inventory
textile在制品标准work in process norm
busin.在制品档案work in process file
busin.在制品检验work-in -process inspection
busin.在制品清单schedule of work in process
textile在制品清单,在制品明细表schedule of work in process
manag.在制品盘存work-in-process inventory
econ.在制品盘存the work-in-process inventory
manag.在制品盘存product in process inventory
interntl.trade.在制品盘存work in process inventory
busin.在制品盘存goods in process inventory
manag.在制品管理work-in-process control
textile在制品账户work in process account
econ.在制品账户a work-in-process account
busin.在制品账户goods in process account
tech.在制品费用manufacturing expense in process
fin.在制品间接制造费manufacturing expense-in-process
busin.在制品间接制造费用成本manufacturing expense in process
fin.在制品间接成本burden in process (manufacturing expenses in process)
busin.在制品amount of unfinished products
econ.在本协议的条件下,仅在我方确认质量和规格后你方才能开始制造该产品Subject to the terms of the agreement, you can only begin to manufacture the products after we have confirmed the qualities and specifications
econ.在本合同终止后,该公司将不得再制造此类产品After the termination of this contract, the company shall not manufacture such products any more
market.在机器制造品生产的出口方面取得很大成功make it big in the export of manufacturing goods
watchm.宝铂创立于1735年,是少数能在复杂机芯上创制复杂功能的腕表品牌Founded in 1735, Blancpain is one of the very few watch makers that can create complications on complications
econ.在制品初期存货的记账方法method of accounting for beginning work in process inventory
fin.在制品期初存货的会计处理方法methods of accounting for beginning work in process inventory
fin.在制品期初存货的会计处理方法method of accounting for beginning work in process inventory
busin.在制品期初存货的会计方法method of accounting for beginning work in process inventory
econ.我们有在本地区独家制造和销售这一产品的权利,这一点已在上面特别提到过We have the sole and exclusive right to produce and sell the goods in our area, as particularly provided for above
econ.我方制造品的某些特色应在说明书中加以强调Some features of our manufactures should be in the description
busin.报废在制品spoiled work-in-process
busin.报废在制品spoiled work in process
interntl.trade.损坏在制品spoiled work-in-process
econ.新产品是在我们自己的实验室里研制出来的The new product was developed in our own laboratories
busin.期初在制品beginning work in process
manag.期初在制品initial goods in process
busin.期初在制品initial goods in procession
fin.期初在制品帐户initial goods in process account
busin.期初在制品账户initial goods in process account
busin.期初在制品账户beginning work in process account
busin.期初库存在制品成本cost of beginning work in process inventory
econ.期末在制品ending work in process
manag.期末在制品final work in process
econ.期末在制品final goods in process
busin.期末库存在制品成本cost of ending work in process inventory
tech.流动在制品占有量amount of unfinished products in circulation
busin.流动在制品总量pipeline inventory
busin.流动在制品amount of unfinished products in circulation
cosmet.石油溶剂在工业上已广泛用于各种制造过程,以生产各种不同的产品,例如涂料、印刷油墨、上光剂、黏合剂、香水、胶水和油脂Petroleum solvents are used extensively by industry in manufacturing processes for such diverse products as paint, printing ink, polish, adhesives, perfumes, glues and fats
econ.经理极力主张把重点放在制造新产品上The manager urges that emphasis should be laid on the manufacture of new products
pulp.n.paper这种纸制品在成型性和抗张力方面均具优势The paper products have superiorities in formability and stretching resistance
UN限制在洗涤和清洁产品中使用某些去垢剂的欧洲协定European Agreement on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Detergents in Washing and Cleaning Products