
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 在内 | all forms
内在固有沾染杂质intrinsic contaminant
内在压力intrinsic pressure
内在夹杂natural inclusion
内在夹杂native inclusions
内在夹杂native inclusion
内在水分fixed moisture
内在素质intrinsic quality
内在质量internal quality (① The internal quality of the product produced from the single-belt process is very satisfactory. 单带连铸法生产的铸坯内在质量令人十分满意。② Besides the obvious loss in production and associated costs, the breakout damage sustained by the caster both short term and long term can effect the surface and/or internal quality of the cast product. 除了生产和相关费用受到明显损失外,漏钢对连铸机造成的无论长期还是短期危害都会对连铸坯表面和/或内在质量产生影响。)
在反射炉内的处理时间reverberation time
装在瓷柱上与管内的暗线knob-and-tube wiring
连铸坯内在质量internal quality of continuously cast semifinished product
连铸板坯内在质量internal quality of continuously cast slab
钢水在中间包内停留时间residence time of steel in tundish
钢水在中间包内氧化steel oxidation in tundish
钢水在液相穴内的贯穿深度depth of penetration of steel down into liquid pool
钢流在液相穴内的贯穿深度penetration depth of steel stream into liquid pool
铸坯在结晶器内停留时间residence time of strand in mould (【技】自铸坯壳在结晶器内初始形成点至该点离开结晶器下口的时间区段。一般而言它与结晶器长度成正比;与拉坯速度成反比。)