
Terms containing 在位 | all forms | in specified order only
manag.在位的管理人absentee manager
busin.不在单位的经理或管理人员absentee manager
chem.不在正确位置的out of position
gen.不在适当〔应有〕位置out of position
gen.不在适当的位置out of place
gen.不在适当的地位out of place
gen.M 与M在相位上相差1/4周期be in quadrature with (90°)
gen.与…处在同等地位〔不分高低〕be upsides with
econ., construct.专业工作能力考试中对考生所在实习单位的要求test of professional competence quantity surveyors, notes for the guide of employers
tech.业主不在位管理absente management
mech.eng.为了安全,在钻孔的同时,台虎钳和夹钳牢牢地固定住工件,防止材料不小心移位For safety reasons, vises and clamps securely hold the work piece as the hole is bored in order to prevent material from shifting unexpectedly
busin.产品的高质量将确保其在市场的领先地位The high quality of the products will secure their leading status in the market place
gen.人们相信耶稣基督就是在位于中东一个名叫伯利恒的小镇出生的Bethlehem is the small town in the Middle East believed to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ
sport, bask.3 人在内线轮转换位three-man inside rotation
sport.他觉得他最不想做的就是在他父亲位于克利夫兰的体育用品商店里干活。他希望能逃离那里He supposed he mostly wanted to escape a career in his father's sporting-goods store in Cleveland
gen.位错在障碍前边的塞积piling of dislocations against obstacles
econ.你方订单在我公司占最优先地位Your orders take top priority in our company
gen.信号指在警告"有危险"的位置上The signal was at danger
gen.停在原位stay put
tech.停在零位zero dead stop
rugb.其他在位队员的行动action by other on-side player
China, law其所在单位unit to which one belongs
repr.biol.内在性子宫内膜异位症internal endometriosis
nurs.内在性子宫内膜异位症endometriosis interna
agric.农业在国民经济中的地位agriculture in the national economy
tech.几个邻里单位集中在-一起的居住区residential district
econ.利润在整个经济中所占的地位role of profit in the economy
el.利用全球定位系统,只要你带着电话,他们就知道你在哪里With GPS, they know where you are whenever you have your phone
tech.单位视在能耗【铁】unit apparent energy consumption
tech.单位视在能耗【铁】apparent energy consumption unit
commer.卖方在"巨人号"轮上订妥150公吨余数的舱位The seller has made reservation on S.S. Giant for the balance 150 M/T
auto.显示器字符卡在低位如喷油器控制电路上有开路或对地短路STUCK LOW
avia.卡在零位stuck at zero
auto.显示器字符卡在高位STUCK HIGH
interntl.trade.参加国在国际货币基金中的准备地位reserve position in the Fund (of a participant)
sport.发令员在鸣枪前喊两个口令"各就位! "和"预备!"Starter gives two commands before firing pistol On your marks! "and Set!"
proj.manag.可以在 "调试位置"工具栏或"进程"窗口中设置活动程序You can set the active program in the Debug Location toolbar or the Processes window
agric.叶在茎部位上的分类classification of leaf on stalk position
sport.号码布应分别佩戴在胸前和后背的明显位置The number bibs shall be worn visibly on the breast and back
tech.吊臂在最低位置时吊起的重量hoisting load when jib in the lowest position
tech.吊臂在最高位置时吊起的重量hoisting load when jib in the highest position
gen.嗯,这包太大了,可能会掉下来砸伤人。把它放在您前面的座位下面好吗?Well, it's too big. It might fall down and hurt somebody. Could you place it under the seat in front of you, please?
med.应有,正常,自然置上in situ
securit.在 IPO 前定位pre-IPO positioning
dril.在一块油田能定的井位已钻完farm out
securit.在上证所占有席位的机构和基金管理公司SSE-seat institutions and fund management companies
met.在下倾位置上焊接downhill welding
sport.在下达"各就位"或"预备" 口令时、所有运动员应立刻做好最后的预备姿势On the command "On your marks" or" Set, all competitors shall at once assume their full and final set position
proj.manag.在不规则层次结构中、至少一个成员的逻辑父成员不直接位于该成员的上一级In a ragged hierarchy, the logical parent member of at least one member is not in the level immediately above the member
econ.在与出口公司的那场官司中,工厂主请了一位有名的律师来为自己辩护The manufacturer hired a well-known lawyer to defend him against the export house
securit.在中国资本市场中占有显著地位occupying a prominent place in China capital market
dril.钻机在井位天数days on location
dril.在位in position
tech.在位处理on-site processing
tech.在位安装on-site installation
libr.统治者在位年代reign period
tech.在位支承on-site support
rugb.在位队友onside team-mate
securit.在低价位买人bargain hunting
proj.manag.在低价位购人bargain hunting
danc.在侧行位置中左脚向侧不置换重心LF to side without weight in PP
danc.在侧行位置右脚交叉于左脚后RF crosses behind LF in PP
gen.在便于做〔得到〕…的地位in the way of
tech.在关闭位置in off position
econ.在前任董事任期完毕之前,我们就事先为填补空位而选出了一位董事We elected a director to fill a vacancy before the expired term of the predecessor in office
UN, tech.在单位一级使用适当检测装备检测和查明核生化物剂detect and identify NBC agents with appropriate detection equipment at the unit level
auto.在单位时间内in unit time
tech.在单位时间里in unit time
space在原位in situ
tech.在原位in place
wind.在原位置in situ
anim.husb.在原位置in situ (in position)
dermat.在原来位置in situ
desert.在原来位置上in situ
danc.在反身动作位置中左脚前进、外侧舞伴在左侧LF forward in CBMP, OP on L side
danc.在反身动作位置和分式位置中右脚前进RF forward in CBMP and OP
voll.在2、4号位的二传队员wing setter
sport.在"各就位" 口令下达后、如果一名运动员通过声音或其他方式干扰参加这次比赛的其他运动员、这一行动应视为起跑犯规If a competitor after the command On your marks "disturbs other competitors in the race through sound or otherwise,it may be considered a false start"
UN, afghan.在各省之间分配议会席位allocating parliamentary seats among provinces
auto.在固定位置自动停止装置automatic constant stop position system
econ.参加国在国际货币基金中的储备地位reserve position in the Fund (of a participant)
fin.在国际货币基金组织中的储备地位reserve position in IMF
geophys.在定位标记处at gauge mark
gen.在岗位上at one's post
auto.在工作位置上的试验on-location test
manag.在工作岗位报到report at post
securit.在市场上占支配地位的公司dominant company
gen.在应有〔适当〕位置in place
el.在应用和开发方面的领先地位及精品leadership and excellence in the application and development
gen.在座各位those here present
el.mach.在径向相对位置上diametrically opposed
sport.在径赛时决定一名参赛运动员是否到达终点取决于他的躯干的位置、而不取决于他的手臂、腿或头部的位置In track events it is the torso, not the arms, legs or head that determines when the competitor has reached the finish line
econ.政府在整个经济中所占的地位government role in economy
gen.在…方面居第一〔二,三〕位rank first on
gen.在…方面居第一〔二,三〕位rank second in
gen.在…方面居第一〔二,三〕位rank third in
gen.在…方面居第一〔二,三〕位rank third on
gen.在…方面居第一〔二,三〕位rank second on
gen.在…方面居第一〔二,三〕位rank first in
gen.在显著地位to the fore
gen.在有些情况下,这些检查项目甚至可以预防癌症从原位蔓延恶化In some cases, these tests can even prevent cancer from developing in the first place
econ.在有利或兴盛的地位on velvet
gen.〔拉丁语〕在本身的位置上suo loco
sport., med.在正位in situ
gen.在正常位置in normal situation
gen.在正常的位置in place
econ.在每个单位费用的特定种类下under specific type of per unit cost
tech.在泊位上on berth
expl.在炸药爆炸过程中、合成能量转化为破岩和位移这些有益的实用能量。振动、冲击波和飞石这些不利的负面效应也是由合成能量产生的In the detonation of explosives, the resultant energy is converted into beneficial applications such as fragmentation and displacement. It is also responsible for adverse side effects such as vibration, airblast and flyrock
expl.在爆破设计时选择最佳单位炸药消耗量,既能消除经济成本方面的顾虑,又能消除环境方面的顾虑An optimum powder factor can satisfy both economic and environmental considerations in blast design
proj.manag.在电子表格中位于输人单元起始处的一个字符label prefix
construct.在目标处给飞机指示位置的雷达台mouse station
fin.在2014《福布斯》全球企业2000强排行榜中名列第114位]Assicurazioni Generali
dermat.在自然位置in situ
tech.在航吨位active tonnage
shipb.在航船位ship-position under way
tech.在船位on the berth
tech.在营运吨位active tonnage
space在轨道位置on-station (satellite, 卫星)
el.在进行中定位positioning in progress
gen.在适当〔应有〕位置in position
badm.在错误方位发球serve from the wrong service court
avia.在顶上位置on top position
avia.在顶上位置指示器on top position indicator
tech.在高水位以上above high water mark
archit.在高水标位以上above high water mark
space地球卫星在数字显示器上的位置position of earth satellite in digital display
auto.转向器处在中间位置时的调整overcenter adjustment
gen.处在可以做…的地位be in a position to (+ inf.)
sport.处在无人注意的位置out in the field
gen.处在最显著的地位keep oneself in the foreground
danc.外侧换步在侧行位置结束outside change ended in PP
nurs.外在性子宫内膜异位症endometriosis externa
sport.如果根据 3 名裁判员的意见、某一位运动员的行进方式在比赛任何阶段违反竞走定义时、这名运动员将被取消比赛资格。取消比赛资格由裁判长负责通知。When, in the opinion of three Judges, a competitor's mode of progression fails to comply with the definition of race walking during any part of the competition, the competitor shall be disqualified and informed of his disqualification by the Chief Judge
social.妇女在国家立法中的席位seats held by women in national legislatures
space在位presence bit
telecom.在位指示信息是否在内存presence bit
hydroel.st.存在重大工程地质问题部位的水文地质及工程地质平面图剖面图Plan Profile of hydrogeology and engineering geology of areas with major geological problems
proj.manag.它的破产申请应该在伦敦时间下午1点钟左右、美国股市开市前、提交给位于曼哈顿的联邦法院Its bankruptcy petition is due to be filed in a federal court in Manhattan at about 1pm London time, before the US markets open
auto.安置在所需位置的in position
light.安装灯具的第一步是在需要照明的区域选择合适的安装位置The first step to install a light fixture is to select the proper location of the fixture for the area that requires illumination
UN, tech.定位:有能力综合使用全球定位系统和激光测距仪在行动区内确定人或物的确切地理位置positioning: be able to determine the exact geographical location of a person or item within the area of operations through the combined use of global positioning systems and laser range finders
space导弹在位missile on-launcher
space导弹在位检查missile on-launcher check
space导弹在位检查missile in-position check
manag.将恰当的人配置在恰当位置上put the right man on the right position
manag.工长在组织中的地位foreman position in organization
danc.左脚斜进在侧行位置中以左侧引导LF diagonally forward, left side leading in PP
commer.巩固在市场上的地位consolidate one's position in the market
proj.manag.总统将被迫在自己的政策议程中将联邦预算赤字和国家债务置于更核心的地位The president will have to give the federal budget deficit and national debt a far more central place in his policy agenda
rugb.成为在位put on-side
gen.我一定要一个靠窗的座位,在无烟区I'd like to have one window seat definitely, in the nonsmoking section
gen.我三天前为一位外国客人预订了一个房间,但现在这位外国客人不能来了,所以我恐怕不得不取消预订I reserved a room for a foreign guest three days ago, but now the foreign guest won't be able to come, so I'm afraid I have to cancel the reservation
gen.我们为残疾人士提供了一些座位,但必须在预订航班起飞前至少24小时提出请求Certain seats are made available to persons with a disability if the request is made at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled flight
gen.我们在等三位旅客登机。请在座位上稍等片刻,我们会随时通报We are waiting for 3 passengers to get aboard. Please remain seated and we will keep you informed
gen.我没有力气把包放进头上的储物柜里,所以我把它塞在了我旁边空着的座位上I did not have the energy to put my bag in the overhead locker, so I stuffed it on the empty seat next to mine
gen.我能否在非吸烟舱要一个靠窗的座位?Can I have a seat by window in non-smoking area?
China, law所在单位推荐的人people recommended by the citizen's unit
proj.manag.所有单位信托的申请都必须在附有内容说明书的申请表格上进行All applications for unit trusts must be made on the application form accompanying the prospectus
tech.打到应在的位置driving home (桩)
China, polit.把.... 放在首位give high priority to (doing)
ChinaM 把 M 放在首位give first place to
China, polit.把发展生产放在更加突出的位置put greater emphasis on expanding production
gen.把M固定〔保持〕在应有的位置hold M in place
China, polit.把思想政治建设放在首位give high priority to raising the overall ideological and political standards (of)
gen.把…放在次要地位postpone (to)
gen.把…放在第一位give first rank to
China, polit.把教育放在优先发展的战略地位make education strategic priority
fin.把稳定价格总水平放在更加突岀的位置prioritize overall price stability
gen.把自动开关锁在开的位置lock the recloser open
China, law把节约放在首位give priority to conservation
China, law把节约放在首位first place is given to conservation
gen.铁路上的信号旗或信号装置指在危险的位置上at danger
fin.挑战美国在全球货币体系中的主导地位challenge America's dominance of the global monetary system
corp.gov.排在第七十五个百分点位seventy-fifth percentile
tech.改变锚链在锚链筒部位freshen a hawse
idiom.放在显著〔重要〕地位bring to the fore
gen.放在显著地位bring place in the forefront
gen.放在显著地位bring to the forefront
auto.【动】 放在适当的位置niche
gen.旅客们,请耐心坐在原位,耐心等待稍后通知Passengers please kindly remain seated and waiting for the next announcement
space最低位在前least significant digit first
gen.正在考学位考试in the schools
econ.此通告将在房地产所在地的建筑物上以显著地位展示The notice will be prominently displayed upon the buildings at the premises
gen.每位申请人,包括儿童在内,都必须要有自己的 DS-160签证申请表。在去大使馆进行面谈之前,须通过在线方式完成并提交 DS-160表Each applicant - including children - must have their own visa application, which is known as the DS-160. The DS-160 must be completed and submitted online prior to your interview at the American embassy
avia.气缸在位翻修top overhaul
tech.油气田在盆地中位置的分布distribution of oil and gas field by position in basin
gen.测定船在海上的位置fix a ship's position in the sea
expl.渗流水在流动方向上对于单位岩土体的作用力seepage force
tech.潜在污染源位置potential contaminant source location
tech.潜在活化部位latent activation site
desert.潜在生态位potential niche
mol.gen.潜在糖基化位点potential glycosylation site
space目标在位present target position
tech.在位present position
space目标在位置显示器present position indicator
tech.在位置距离range at present position
space目标现在方位角present target azimuth
econ.现高兴地公告,在本地几位有影响的出口商的支持下,我公司今天开业,经营五金代理业务We have the pleasure of announcing that under the auspices of a few highly influential exporters in this place, we have today commenced business as a hardware agent
China, law用工单位所在地place where the receiving unit is located
China, law由其所在单位by the unit to which one belongs
avia.直接升力控制角度调定在扰流器振荡位置null (约 7°)
el.离子在物质中以逐次碰撞、溅射和换位/易位方式而迁移transport of ions in matter with collision cascade, sputtering and replacement/relocation events
gen.离开宾馆之前,你应该把小费封在信封里,并注明“给服务员”,并把信封留在一个明显的位置Before leaving the hotel, you should enclose the tip in a sealed envelope and mark it "Chambermaid" and leave it in a obvious place
baseb.站在越位位置stand offside
gen.符合要求的残障人士可携带经过培训的服务型宠物入舱。宠物应该待在乘客指定座位的前面区域,不能进入过道Trained service animals are accepted in cabin for qualified individuals with a disability. A service animal should sit in the floor space in front of the customer's assigned seat but cannot protrude into the aisles
el.继电器动作件在不工作位置的止档reset stop
tech.缓行器在制动位置retarder in retarding position
tech.缓行器在缓解位置retarder in release position
fin.美钞高高在上的地位greenback's exalted position
sport.耐力训练在准备长跑比赛训练中占重要的地位Endurance training occupies an important place in preparation for long distance running
securit.股票在百元美元以上的价位上交易stock trading at $ 100 or above
tech.自然界存在的同位素naturally occurring isotope
space航天器视在位apparent spacecraft position
tech.船在泊位装货中loading on the berth
tech.船舶在装载港等待泊位次序表stemming list
auto.被保持在摩擦力位置的frictionally hold
avia.被连接件在铆钉杆部位不贴合part separation at shank rivets
avia.襟翼在收上位置flaps up
life.sc.真实apparent place
nat.sc.真实true place
space在位apparent location
railw.视在单位能耗specific apparent energy consumption
tech.视在方位角apparent azimuth (angle)
el.mach.视在相位apparent phase
econ.该股票稳定在1.5美元的价位The stock firmed at $1.50
dentist.请像我这样把牙刷放在牙龈与牙齿的联合部位Place the toothbrush at the junction of the gums and the teeth like this
econ.资本在经济发展中的地位place of capital in economic progress
auto.转向轮在直线行驶时的位置straight-ahead position of steering wheel
steel.轴承座所在位chock presence right
steel.轴承座所在位chock presence left
gen.过去,人们喜欢高品位的电影,但在今天,民众却对充斥着暴力、裸露镜头以及其他类似情节的电影情有独钟In the old days, people preferred classy and high value movies, whereas today, the common person prefers a movie with violence, nudity, or other things of that nature
gen.这个方案不是因为它简单才放在首位this version is not placed first because of its simplicity
sport.这位教练员在训练赛跑运动员方面有丰富的经验The coach has a lot of experience in training runners
sport.这位跳远运动员正在进行助跑The long jumper is making his approach ru
sport.这位跳远运动员正在进行助跑The long jumper is making his approach (注释:现在助跑使用 run-up 较为常见)
sport.这位跳高运动员在他的小组里训练最刻苦The high jumper trains the hardest in his group
sport.这位运动员在接力赛跑时使用盲接法The runner used blind pass in the relay race
sport.这位运动员正在快步奔跑The runner is running at a faster pace
expl.通信兵想抄近路争取在天亮之前赶到指定位置The messenger undertook to get to his destination before daybreak by taking a short-cut
sport.那位跑得最快的运动员迅速地把其他运动员甩在后面The best runner was rapidly leaving the others behind.
auto.钥匙在 "ON"接通key on engine running
auto.钥匙在"ON"接通key on engine off
dril.钳头扣在钻杆上的部位tong space
dril.钳头扣在钻杆上的部位tong positioner
tech.钻孔所在位置的纬度latitude of the well position
tech.钻孔所在位置的经度longitude of the well position
oil钻机在井位时间rig-on-location time
dril.钻机在工作位置rig on location
agric.钾在植物营养中的地位potassium in plant nutrition
sport.静力性力量是指不移动位置、 在固定某一种姿势时用力的能力Static strength is the ability to apply force at a particular position without moving through the range of motion