
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
丈量take the dimensions of field
中国木工程公司China Civil Engineering Corporation
中国畜产进出口公司China National Native Produce and Animal By-Products Import and Export Corporation
为担保此债券,这块地连同现有的和今后的地面建筑物已被抵押出去The certain parcel of land, including its present and future buildings, has been mortgaged in order to secure the bond
人与地的比率man-land ratio
地为抵押品的贷款lending against land collateral
估定地价值assessed value of land
作为贷款保障的land as security for a loan
侵占权注明在一份施工现场的地调查证书上The right of encroachment is given on a certified land survey of the site
农民小地所有制peasant proprietorship
农用integration land
制止地荒芜impeachment of waste
美国加拿大一美国本自由贸易协定Continental united states Free Trade Agreement
美国加拿大一美国本自由贸易协定Canada-CUS Free Trade Agreement
占用appropriation of land
参与和磋商式领开发Participatory and Negotiated Territorial Development
取消地抵押回赎权foreclosure on a land mortgage
含灰沙尘dust and dirt
国际铝钒协会International Alumina Association
native product
local products
产品native product
产商店a native product shop
产税excise duties
地产信用credit on real estate
改革agrarian reform act
地使用和回填land use and land cover
地使用证书land use certificate
地信托land trust
地信用credit on real estate
地公共制public land ownership
地共同所有制co-ownership of land
地关系agrarian relations
地典当land pawning
地冲突管理land conflict management
地利用工程综合效益分析analysis of synthetic benefits of land use engineering
地制度the tenure of land
地制度tenure of land
地勘察测量land surveyors
地匮乏land scarcity
地单一税single tai on land
地单位价值land unit value
地占有public ownership of land
地占有关系the tenure of relationship
地占有关系tenure of relationship
地占有制land-tenure system
地占有制度land tenure
地占有制的公有形式communal form of land tenure
地占有形式holding patterns of land
地占有机构landowning institutions
地占有条例land occupation act
地占有热land hunger
地及农业经济专业分会land agency and agriculture
地及房产税tax on land and buildings
地可用性land capability
地史agrarian history
地合并land consolidation
地和水生资源利用规划land and aquatic resource use planning
地国有nationalization of land
地国有land nationalization
地垦殖计划land settlement project
地增值税land increment value duty
地增值税land value increment tax
地增值税increment tax on land value
地复原land reinstatement
地密集land intensive
地密集的工业land-intensive industry
地局land board
地帐户land account
地平整工程land levelling project
地开发商land developer
美国地总局General Land Office
地成本landed cost
地所有人landed proprietor
地所有制agrarian property
地所有制landed property
地所有制体制institutional landowning
地所有权的收回令writ of assize
地所有权证明certificate of possession of land
地所有权转移land transfer
地所有者land holder
地抵押encumbering of land by a borrower
地抵押信用land mortgage credit
地抵押银行债券debentures of land mortgage banks
地拥有者landed proprietor
地收入land revenue
地收入税tax on land revenue
地收回权的收回令writ of assize
地收益递减法则law of diminishing returns of land
地改良信贷计划credit schemes for land improvement
地改良工程land improvement works
地改良投资land improvement
地改良物improvement of the soil
地改良税land improvement tax
地改良计划的可租性rentability of land improvement schemes
地改良贷款land improvement loan
地改革法land reform law
地核配land allotment
地法land laws
地法laws of the land
地法agrarian law
地流动性mobility of land
地登记cadastral register
地登记register of real properties
地登记land charge register
地登记land register
地的人口承载能力population supporting capacity of land
地的供给supply of land
地的保持费用conservation cost for land
地的占有appropriation of land
地的售价selling price of land
地的征用the expropriation of land
地的性质character of land
地的改良the amelioration of land
地的获得access to land
地的边际生产率marginal productivity of land
地私有制private land ownership
地租佃制度land tenure
地租费land rentals
地立法land legislation
美国内务部地管理局Bureau of Land Management
地纠纷land disputes
地经济land economy
地肥力耗损depletion of fertility
地自然供给physical supply of land
地自由转让free transmission of land
地获取自愿准则Voluntary Guidelines on Access to Land
地规划site planning
地评价land valuation
地财产担保security in the form of landed property
地货币land money
地贫瘠区域poor land area
地购买land procurements
地费land cost
地费用cost of land
地资源经济学land source economics
地银行land bank
地闲置税vacancy land tax
地面积surface area
地革命the agrarian revolution
壤天然排水natural soil drainage
壤改良improvement of land
建工程civil work
建工程building projects
建工程civil engineering works
建工程合同物价调整规划-使用和制订导则调价规则price adjustment formulae For building contracts guide to application & procedure
方工程loess excavation
民用建筑设施civil construction facilities
木工程合同条款国际版conditions of contract for works of civil engineering construction
木工程合同条款国际版condition of contract for works of civil engineering construction
木工程费用cost of civil engineering works
木材料engineering materials
indigenous method
特产special local products
特产品native produce
特产品商店native and special products store
皇帝king of the countryside
地主收回resumption by a landlord
城区urban land
城市the urban land
地占有large-scale land holdings
地占有制latifundium system
大量的方工程heavy earth work
如你方能够接受出售地的全部条款和条件时,业主就与你方签订合同The proprietor will sign the contract with you if you can accept all terms and conditions of the sale of the land
封建地所有制feudal landed property
封建地所有制the feudal land ownership
封建地所有制feudal land ownership
地所有者small holder
地私有者small holder of land
美国加利福尼亚地委员会State Lands Commission
已完construction finished
强占jump a claim
户占地分类family holdings classification
所有权不明的land of uncertain ownership
投机性地投资speculative land investment
抵押encumbered estates
抵押地法院estate encumbered estates court
指定继承人继承的地财产the fee tail
地价值征税site value rating
石方excavation dirt and rock
改良enrich the land
改良improve the soil
无主miri land
无条件继承的不动产,不限制具有一定身份的人才能继承的fee simple
有官册根据的地所有者copy holder
有效的地所有权sound title to land
未开发的undeveloped estate
次边际指得不偿失的瘦地submarginal land
殖民地地政策colonial land policy
流失loss by run-off of soil
fat soil
沙漠化地开垦reclamation of desertified land
潮汐地开垦tidal land reclamation
现值会计下的地价值land value under current value accounting
现金购买的purchased land for cash
生产的要素是地、劳力和资本The factors of production are land, labour and capital
申请地获得土地the acquisition of land
租赁leased land
租赁地的租费leasehold ground rent
租赁地租费leasehold ground rent
经济风economic climate
美国领收入income derived from U.S. possessions
美国联邦地征用统一评估标准Uniform Appraisal Standard for Federal Land Acquisition
美国联邦地银行Federal Land Bank
自由地所有者free holder
自由租用freedom to rent land
获得地权right of enjoyment of the land
调整地使用权the regularization of land tenure
购买地贷款loan for the purchasing of land
通货膨胀卷重来rekindling of inflation
难耕的heavy soil
需要大量地的工业land-intensive industry
霸占地、矿权等jump a claim
非生产the unproductive land
非生产unproductive land
land domain
所属国territorial state
扩张热land hunger