
Terms for subject Construction containing | all forms
低熔点黏low-heat-duty clay
内摩阻力大的frictional soil
冬季制造混凝工厂winterized concrete plant
冰渍glacial till
冰积glacial outwash
制砖黏clays for making brick
加气混凝砌块aerated concrete block
加筋护坡挡土墙reinforced earth
升降式平elevating grader
压人式取pressed sampler
原状未扰动undisturbed soil
原生生成genetic soil
去气混凝即用真空法抽去气泡的混凝土deaerated concrete
反向铲挖trench hoe
barrow area
受钉混凝可打钉的混凝土nailing concrete
受钉混凝可打钉的混凝土nailable concrete
可塑填塞,揉捏的,隔声 pug
吸泥船填成的barged-in fill
固化的经过养护硬化的混凝matured concrete
国,原,本地 产的indigenous
分类系统classification system for soil
化学组成含量chemical content of soil
地收用eminent domain
测土壤密度的块试验法chunk method
坝端的溢流堰overflow weir
坡滑坍坍毁failure of earth slope
埋钢管阴极保护buried steel pipes cathodic protection
壤团粒结构soil aggregate
壤的生产力productibility of soil
壤结构成分soil constitution
路基平整机grading machine
木工程收费标准itemised scale of professional charges for quantity surveying for civil engineering works
的剖面soil profile
的勘探soil exploration
的压实compaction of soil
的描述soil description
的现场鉴定field identification of soil
的稳定作用stabilization of soil
的起源origin of soil
的颜色colour of soil
soil blister
表层mantle of soil
黏性黏聚力cohesion of soil
木笼填石beaver type timber dam
colluvial clay
塑性坍落度大的混凝quaking concrete
塑性混凝即坍落度大的混凝土plastic concrete
made-up ground
填人buried dump
多孔蜂窝状混凝hollow concrete
多斗式挖multi-bucket excavator
多斗臂式挖bucket-boom excavator
大体积大块混凝mass concrete
大块大体积混凝mass concrete
大量的方工程heavy earthwork
天然未改善的primitive road
实混凝rammed concrete
季节性黏varied clay
肥,重rich clay
就地浇筑灌注的混凝poured-in-place concrete
就地浇筑混凝concrete in situ
就地浇筑混凝cast-in-situ concrete
履带式挖caterpillar-mounted excavator
带有金属外壳的现浇混凝simplex pile
带橡皮垫圈的钢筋混凝reinforced rubber gasket concrete pipe
干硬痕凝dry concrete
升送机elevating grader
blade grader
弱黏feebly cohesive soil
影响混凝和易性的因素factors affecting workability of concrete
影响混凝强度的因素factors influencing concrete strength
成熟混凝经过养护硬化matured concrete
成粉黏triturated clay
我们现有大量新旧混凝搅拌车出售。在这里您就能购买到自己所需的混凝土搅拌车!We have a huge selection of new and used concrete mixing trucks for sale. Buy the concrete mixing trucks you need right here!
拖铲挖slackline scraper
多斗挖土机斗梯状支架digging ladder
挖掘明沟和运excavate surface trenches and cart away
bulkhead (wall)
震动台振捣混凝shock concrete
搅,拌pug mixer
搅,拌pug mill
夯土工作beat cob work
排列成多层的楔形反坦克混凝障碍物dragon's teeth
斗轮挖掘机是连续切割机器,能切割质地柔软及半硬的材料,如黏、沙子、砾石、泥灰及它们的混合物,还有褐煤、硬煤等Bucket-heel excavators are continuous cutting machines for soft to semi-hard materials like clay, sand, gravel, marl and their blending as well as lignite and hard coal
新拌混凝green concrete
新拌新浇混凝未完全凝固green concrete
新拌混凝的性质properties of fresh concrete
新浇新拌,未硬结的混凝fresh concrete
无筋混凝路面unreinforced concrete pavement
无细料混凝no-fines concrete
显示地价格的地图城区道路选线时间sanborn map
有胶填芯的堤坝puddle dike
未开垦的primitive soil
未芬实吸水能力field moisture equivalent
松软弹簧spongy soil
松软易沉陷的yielding ground
橘瓣式抓斗挖orange-peel excavator
次生 再积redeposited loess
"正铲"挖forward shovel
水泥改善cement modified soil
泥箱烧箱sagger clay
作用,融冻active layer
流态 可槽运的混凝chutable concrete
浇注的混凝cast concrete
浇灌混凝用的设备concreting equipment
海洋黏marine clay
混凝与钢筋的黏结力cooperation of concrete and steel
混凝体积变化concrete volume changes
混凝分类concrete specification
混凝制品Concrete Products
混凝动力锯缝机concrete power saw
混凝化学腐蚀concrete chemical attack
混凝吸水性concrete absorption
混凝坍落度试验slump test of concrete
混凝塑性收缩plastic concrete shrinkage
混凝外加剂concrete admixtures
混凝外壳jacket of concrete
混凝薄,浇筑concrete lift
混凝干燥收缩drying concrete shrinkage
混凝 抗压强度concrete compressive
混凝抗拉强度concrete tensile
混凝指定混合料prescribed mixes of concrete
混凝路面振动夯实concrete vibrator
混凝捣实因数试验compacting factors test of concrete
混凝搅拌车concrete mixing truck
混凝断裂破裂模量concrete modulus of rupture
混凝施工Concrete Construction
混凝标准离差standard deviation of concrete
混凝标准离差concrete standard deviation
混凝泊松比concrete Poisson's ratio
混凝泌水concrete bleeding
混凝流动桌试验flowtable test of concrete
混凝浇注 摊铺concrete placer
混凝浇注工concrete placer
混凝浇筑块的高度height of lift
混凝 渗透性concrete permeability
混凝溶析concrete leaching
混凝特征concrete characteristic
混凝用预应力钢丝prestressed concrete wire
混凝的养护curing of concrete
混凝的分类specification of concrete
混凝的变形deformation of concrete
混凝的可灌注 砌筑concrete placeability
混凝的和易性workability of concrete
混凝的弹性变形elastic deformation of concrete
混凝的徐变变形creep deformation of concrete
混凝的性质concrete properties
混凝的离析segregation of concrete
混凝的耐久性durability of concrete
混凝硫酸盐侵蚀concrete sulphate attack
混凝碱-集料的反应concrete alkali-aggregate reactions
混凝磨损concrete wear
混凝稳定性concrete stability
混凝立方块强度试验cube concrete test
混凝组成concrete constituents
混凝经时变形concrete time-dependency
混凝维勃稠度试验该试验由瑞典 Bahmer(1940) 完成,英国标准 BS1881 第二部分,通过把一个标准混凝土圆锥变成密实的平圆柱体所用的时间,即 V-B 时间,用 s做单位,规定精确到 0.5 sV-B consistometer concrete
混凝翘曲卷曲,弯翘concrete warping
混凝自动收缩autogenous concrete shrinkage
混凝设计混合料designed mixes of concrete
混凝试配concrete trial mixes
混凝质量控制quality control of concrete
混凝路面刷毛brush finish
混凝量测concrete measurement
混凝钢筋steel for concrete reinforcement
混凝非破损性试验concrete nondestructive testing
混凝风化concrete weathering
混疑冷却管道hume pipe
混疑冷却管道hume duct
焦炭屑混凝coke cement concrete
爱琴海岛上的赭色黏terra sigillata
rip rooter
条式填"sliver" fill
环筋箍筋混凝hooped concrete
高铝水泥alumina cement
firm ground
硬化混凝的性质properties of hardened concrete
硬稠干硬(性)混凝stiff concrete
硬质燧石flint clay
离心浇注的混凝spun concrete
禾杆加强straw pavement
上覆岩层压力overburden pressure
-镁合金magnesium-rare earth
筑墙圬walling masonry
泥沙粒径silt size
素混凝路面unreinforced concrete pavement
白陶pure clay
耕作anthropic soil
联邦的federal land
肥黏strong clay
胶性造型bond clay
膨胀和非膨胀swelling and nonswelling soil
蚪式挖斗挖cramshell shovel
行动式挖walking scoop dredge
少灰混凝poor concrete
拉丁语 古罗马的赭色黏陶器terra sigillata
超灵敏度黏quick clay
轻质煤渣混凝砌块breeze blocks
连续钢筋混凝路面continuous-reinforced slab
钢筋与混凝共同受力协同作用collaboration of steel and concrete
钢筋与混凝间的握grip between concrete and steel
钻锰cobaltiferous wad
间隙不连续级配混凝gap-graded concrete
阿尔塔膨润钻井堵漏用Alta mud
难灌筑的混凝unworkable concrete
集料混凝砌块aggregate concrete block
预填骨料混凝prepakt concrete
预填 骨料混凝prepackag ed concrete
预填 骨料混凝prepack ed concrete
预应力混凝用钢steel for prestressed concrete
风积黏air-deposited clay
饱水aqueous soil
高架索道trestle cable excavator
高级优质混凝quality concrete
质土loessal soil
造型clay bond
制品clay product
制砖clay brick-making
厚层clay-in-thick beds