
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
一个层位的岩石/ 壤比值rock/soil relationship for A horizon
一般目标地评价general-purpose land evaluation
下层壤含水量lower-soil-zone moisture content
下层壤缺水率lower zone deficiency ratio
不分散混凝non dispersible concrete
不完整的地产权fragmented landownership
不适合农业用途的贫瘠land agriculturally unproductive
世界地利用调査委员会World Land Use Survey Commission
东南亚壤工程学会泰国Southeast Asian Society of Soil Engineering Thailand
东南亚壤工程学会泰国Southeast Asian Society of Soil Engineering
东海岸铝East Coast Bauxite
东非地区水保持和利用委员会East African Regional Committee for Conservation and Utilization of Soil
优势壤组合soil consociation
分层壤化学物质迁移模型chemical movement in layered soils model
分层壤水分平衡模拟模型simulation of the level moisture balance model
划拨设立的地使用权unremuneratively granted land-use right
初始地登记initial land registration
初始地登记 first land registration
初始地统计first land statistics
初始壤干燥曲线primary drying curve
北卡罗来纳州地利用信息系统North Carolina Land Use Information System
后备reserved land
传植物病原菌soil borne plant pathogen
权属争议land dispute
类型结构land pattern
组成要素land component
组成要素调查land components survey
地买卖purchase-and-sale of landed property
地争议调处arbitrament of land disputes
地交易land transaction
地交易land dealings
地交易价格 market price of land
地交易安全land transaction safety
地产出output of land use
地产权制度 land tenure system
地产权收益interests in landed property
地产权系统land titling system
地传来取得derivative acquisition of land
地估价师制度land valuer registration system
地使用land use
地使用制度 land use-right system
地使用制度改革land tenancy reform
地使用引起放射性物质污染调查小组pollution from land use activity reference group
地使用权ground servitude
地使用权land-use right
地使用权买卖selling and buying of land-use right
地使用权交换exchange of land-use right
地使用权价格price of land-use rights
地使用权出租lease of land-use right
地使用权变更change of land-use right
地使用权抵押mortgage of land use-right
地使用权抵押合同contract of land-use right mortgage
地使用权终止termination of land-use right
地使用权继承inheritance of land-use right
地使用权赠与dedication of land-use right
地使用权转让conveyance of land use-right
地使用目标land use objectives
地使用者land user
地使用费 land occupancy charge
地供给land supply
地储备land reserves
地储备land banking
地先占取得land occupation
地入股pooling of land
地公有制 public ownership of land
地公有制communal ownership of land
地共同共有property rights in-common on land
地共有cooperative property rights on land
地关系agrarian relations
地典当land pawn
地养护land maintenance
地分租land sub-leasing
地分等定级land rating
地分类land classification
地分类classification of land
地分类图land classification map
地分级hierarchical classification of land
地分配与现代化决策land allocation and modernization decision
地分配决策年鉴/多年鉴land allocation decisions annuls/perennial
地划拨制unremunerative grant of land use-right
地划拨制administrative allotment of land use-right
地利用land utilization
地利用与自然资源信息系统land use and natural resource information system
地利用专项规划special-purpose land-use planning
地利用中期计划medium-term land-use plan
地利用分析系统land use analysis system
地利用分类 land use classification
地利用制图程序land use mapping program
地利用动态监测dynamic monitoring landuse
地利用动态监测多时态数据库temporal data base for dynamic monitoring landuse
地利用区划land-use regionalization
地利用协调委员会Land Utilization Coordination Committee
地利用变化land use change
地利用变更调查survey of land utilization variations
地利用可能性land use capability
地利用可行性研究land use suitability study
地利用和地貌land use and topography
地利用和自然资源land use and natural resource
地利用图land-use map
地利用大系统major land use system
地利用大系统large-scale land use system
地利用学会Land Utilization Society
地利用工程 land use engineering
地利用布局 land-use allocation
地利用平衡表balance table of land allocation
地利用年度计划annual land-use plan
地利用强度指数land use intensity index
地利用总体规划integrated land-use planning
地利用总体规划图master map of integrated land-use plan
地利用总体规划实施implementation of integrated land-use plan
地利用总体规划报告proclamation of overall land-use plan
地利用总体规划文本document of integrated land-use plan
地利用总体规划方案integrated land-use option
地利用总体规划说明explanatory memorandum of integrated land-use plan
地利用成本研究land use cost studies
地利用效率land use efficiency
地利用效益benefit of land use
地利用数据分析land use data analysis
地利用方式land-use type
地利用方式 land utilization type
地利用方针land-use strategy
地利用格局land-use pattern
地利用比较法land use trade-off method
地利用演替 succession in land use
地利用率 proportion of used land
地利用率land use ratio
地利用现状existing land use
地利用现状调查survey of land use situations
地利用现状调查present land use survey
地利用现状调查current land use survey
地利用生态效益ecological benefit of land use
地利用社会效益social benefit of land use
地利用程度land use degree
地利用空间结构spatial structure of land-use
地利用管制land use control
地利用管理land use administration
地利用管理信息系统land use management information system
地利用管理计划land use management program
地利用类型land use types
地利用类型kind of land use
地利用系统land use system
地利用经济效益economic benefit of land use
地利用结构land-use structure
地利用结构 land-use composition
地利用要求 land use requirements
地利用规划land-use planning
地利用规划学science of land-use planning
地利用规划师land use planner
地利用规划计算机制图系统computer mapping for land use planning
地利用规划设计 land-use designing
地利用计划land-use plan
地利用详细规划detailed land-use planning
地利用调查land utilization survey
地利用调查land use survey
地利用调査land utilization survey
地利用问题land-use problem
地利用集约度intensity of land use
地制图单元land mapping unit
地制度landed institutions
地制度改革land reform
地功能land function
地区land region
地单元land unit
地占有land possession
地占有land occupation
地占有时效取得acquisitive prescription of land
地原始取得original acquisition of land
地合并或分割amalgamation or separation of land
地和水资源研究与开发公司澳大利亚Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation Australia
地均衡价格equilibrium price of land
地型land facet
地垦殖率proportion of cultivated land
地-城市-生态系统模拟geo-urban-eco-system simulation
地增值税 betterment tax of land
地增值税 betterment levy of land
地处分land disposal
地复丈recertification of initial adjudication
地复垦land rehabilitation
地复垦land reclamation
地复垦条例Land Reclamation Regulations
地复垦规划land reclamation planning
地大区land division
地妨害排除请求权claim for land nuisance removal
地妨害预防请求权claim for prevention of land nuisance
地定性评价qualitative land evaluation
地定量评价quantitative land evaluation
地层次land hierarchy
地属性land attribute
地市场land market
地市场价格 market value of land
地市场供给 market supply of land
地市场管理 land market control
地市场管理land market administration
地市场需求market demand of land
地带land zone
地年租yearly leasing of land use-right
地广度开发expansive development of land
地开发land development
地开发成本 land development costs
地开发的时间成本time costs of land development
地开发的直接成本direct costs for land development
地开发的社会成本social costs of land development
地开发规划land development planning
地归户册register by household
地归户卡registration sheet by household
地当量比land equivalent ratio
地影子价格 shadow price of land
地征收land expropriation
地征用land expropriation
地征用land condemnation
地征用定位测量site survey for land condemnation
地征购land acquisition
地征购compulsory purchase of land
地性状land property
地性能land performance
地总登记 systematic registration
地总面积total land area
地恢复和土壤保持中心印度尼西亚Land Rehabilitation and Soil Conservation Centres Indonesia
地所有制land ownership
地所有制改革redistributive land reform
地所有权land title
地所有权价格price of land ownership
地执法 law enforcement on land
地执法enforcement of land law
地批租land leasing
地承包经营权 lease holding right
地承载力land carrying capacity
地承载力 carrying capacity of land
地投入input for land use
地投机land speculation
地报酬land return
地报酬递减律law of diminishing returns of land
地抵押land mortgage
地抵押价格land mortgage price
地抵押合同contract of land mortgage
地抵押权mortgage right of land
地拍卖land auction
地按份共有property rights by-shares on land
地收益land profit
地收购储备制度land purchase and reserve system
地改良land improvement
地改良land amelioration
地改良工程措施engineering measures for land improvement
地改良的生物措施biological measures for land improvement
地改良规划land improvement planning
地改革democratic land redistribution
地政策land policy
地数据银行land data bank
地整备 land assembly
地整理land pooling
地整理land consolidation
地整理land assembly
地整理规划land readjustment planning
地整理规划land consolidation planning
地普查land inventory
地权利land rights
地权利主体subject of land tenure
地权利人subject of land tenure
地权利保护 protection of land right
地权利剥夺 land rights deprivation
地权利变更 change of land right
地权利的放弃abandon of land rights
地权利移转 transfer of land rights
地权利终止termination of land rights
地权利设定 creation of land rights
地权属attribution of landed property
地权属关系 relations of land tenure
地权属处Land Tenure Division
地权属审核examination of land title
地权属审核公告declaration of land adjudication
地权属管理land tenure administration
地权属证明certification of land rights
地权属调查land ownership survey
地档案land record
地污染land pollution
地没收forfeiture of land
地没收confiscation of land
地流转 transfer of landed property
地测量land survey
地测量earth survey
地测量与地形学学士Bachelor of Science in Surveying and Topography
地潜力land use capability
地潜力评价land use capability evaluation
地潜力评价land use capability classification
地灭失land disappear
地特性land characteristics
地生产力 land productive capacity
地生产潜力land productive potential
地生产潜力land potential productivity
地生产潜力评定potential productivity assessment of land
地生产潜能land productive potential
地生产率land productivity
地生态学land ecology
地生态建设land ecological construction
地生态类型 type of land ecosystem
地生态系统land ecosystem
地生态经济分区eco-economic zoning
地生态经济区划eco-economic regionalization
地生态经济学land ecological economics
地生态经济系统land eco-economic system
地生态规划land ecological planning
地生态设计land ecological designing
地生态评价land ecological evaluation
地生物处理land biological treatment
地用途管制分区 land-use zoning
地用途控制land use control
地用途管制制度land use regulation system
地用途管制规则zoning regulations
地登记land registration
地登记信息公开查询方法methods for publicity and consultation of land registration information
地登记公告declaration of land registration
地登记卡registration sheet
地登记处land Registration Division
地登记批准approval of land title
地登记时效取得acquisitive prescription of registered land
地登记申请书land registration application form
地登记申请人land registration petitioner
地登记申请代理agency application of land registration
地登记簿land register
地登记系统land registration system
地登记终止termination of land registration
地登记规则Land Registration Rules
地登记资料公开查询public inquiring of land register
地登记通告land registration announcement
地的不合法征用illegal expropriation of the land
地的理论价格theoretical land price
地的衍生购置derivative acquisition of land
地的非农和多功能利用nonagricultural uses and multi-functional use of land
地监察land supervision
地监测land monitoring
地监测与统计处Land Monitoring and Statistic Division
地省land province
地破坏land destruction
地确权 adjudication of land rights
地私有制 private ownership of land
地私有化land privatization
地科学land science
地税收land taxation
地空置税vacant land tax
地立体开发vertical development of land
地立法land legislation
地等级和土地价格land grading and land price
地管护land management
地管理land administration
地管理体制organizational structure for land administration
地管理制度land administration system
地管理单位land management unit
地管理学science of land administration
地管理实验室Laboratory of Land Management
地管理总局General Land Office
地管理部门land administrative department
地类land class
地类型land type
地类型分类 land type classification
地类型分级hierarchical classification of land type
地类型分级系统land type classification system
地类型图land-type map
地类型调查land type survey
地粗放利用extensive land use
地粗放经营extensive land management
地纲land order
地经济land economy
地经济供给economic supply of land
地经济学land economics
地经济评价economic land evaluation
地经营land management
地经营规模size of land management
地经营集约度intensity of land management
地耕作法land farming
地荒漠化land desertification
地行政命令land administrative order
地行政处理conduct by land administrative order
地行政处罚administrative punishment for illegal act on land
地行政复议judicial review of land administrative order
地行政强制执行compulsory enforcement to land administrative order
地行政诉讼litigation for land administrative order
地补偿费land compensation
地要素land element
地覆盖调查land cover survey
地覆被land cover
地覆被分类land cover classification
地覆被类型land cover type
地规划测量land planning survey
地规章land regulations
地证书land title
地证书land certification
地证券化land securitization
地评价land evaluation
地评价体系 land evaluation system
地评价大纲Framework for Land Evaluation
地评估land appraisal
地评估价格 assessed value of land
地评估价格 appraisal price of land
地调查land investigation
地调查系统land survey system
地财产权利 landed property rights
地质量land quality
地质量指标体系land quality indicators
地资产landed estates
地资产land assets
地资本land capital
地资源land resource
地资源保护land resource preservation
地资源和水资源研究所Institute for Research on Land and Water Resources
地资源处land resources division
地资源学 land resource science
地资源研究中心加拿大Land Resource Research Centre Canada
地资源管理land resources management
地资源调查 land resource survey
地转包re-lease of contracting farmland
地转租land re-leasing
地转让land transfer
地转让conveyance of land use-right
地转让市场land market for use-right transfer
地边际效益marginal revenue of land
地退化land degradation
地适宜性suitability of land
地适宜性land suitability
地适宜性评价land suitability evaluation
地适宜性评价land suitability classification
地通达度access of land
地重划land readjustment
地金融land finance
地金融制度 land finance system
地限价 体系land price ceilings system
地限制法案land ceiling acts
地集体所有制collective ownership of land
地集约利用intensive land use
地集约开发intensive development of land
地集约经营intensive land management
地需求land demand
地面land facet
land slip
木工程作业遥感卫星咨询委员会Civil Operational Remote Sensing Satellite Advisory Committee
木工程学会东京Institute of Civil Engineering Tokyo
木工程师协会Association of the Institute of Civil Engineers
木工程师学会institution of civil engineers
木工程师学会institution of civil engineers
木工程师学会准会员Associate Member of Institution of Civil Engineers
木工程研究civil works investigation
木工程研究委员会Civil Engineering Research Council UK
木工程管理局Civil Works Administration
soil temperature
质力学soil mechanics
复合和复杂地系统compound and complex land system
外大陆架领条例附录1978年美国国会颁布outer continental shelf lands act amendments
多余的excess land
多晶矶polycrystalline alumina
帕那萨斯山铝矿采矿公司希腊Bauxites Parnasse Mining Co.
开发development land
过程soil formation
成熟mature soil
昆士兰矶公司澳大利亚Queensland Alumina, Ltd.
易受侵蚀松散壤质体loose erodible soil material mass
易受侵蚀松散壤质覆盖loose erodible soil material cover
最后冰川期黄last glacial loess
最高领eminent domain
有效壤含水量available soil moisture capacity
标准壤参数normalized soil parameter
chestnut soil
栗色chestnut soil
植物/壤系数plant/soil coefficient
气候、作物和climate, crop, and soil
漂白水稻bleached paddy soil
理光行挤压混凝衬砌法Sato Kogyo Extruded Concrete Lining Method
研究性螺旋钻Research Earth Borer
rare-earth (elements)
元素rare-earth (elements)
元素信息中心Rare-Earth Information Center
元素信息中心Rare Earth Information Center
元素标型学rare earth element typology
元素模拟rare earth element modelling
元素氧化物rare earth oxide
元素研究会议Rare Earth Research Conference
型式rare earth element pattern
rare earths
rare earth
模式rare earth element pattern
硼化物Rare Earth Boride
装置Rare Earth Device
金属元素rare earths
金属元素rare earth
Rare-Earth Cobalt
铁石榴石Rare-Earth Iron Garnets
耕作cultivated soil
耕种cultivated soil
褐红cinnamon-red soil
褐色森林brown forest soil
褐色火山性brown volcanogenous soil
通气壤堆 处理aerated soil pile treatment
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