
Terms containing 土路基 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.公路路基土highway subgrade soil
railw.土路基permafrost subgrade
eng.geol.土路基raw subgrade
tech.土路基original subgrade
tech.土基或路面材料抗力resistance value (值)
bridg.constr.土质路基earth subgrade
tech.土路基bedding in soil
tech.土路基earth grade
tech.土路基unsurfaced subgrade
bridg.constr.土路基soil roadbed
bridg.constr.土路基soil subgrade
tech.土路基earth roadbed
tech.土路基basement soil
tech.基土坚实的道路well-bottomed road
railw.多年冻土路基subgrade in permafrost soil zone
bridg.constr.多年冻土地区路基force 2 wind
bridg.constr.多年冻土地区路基subgrade in permafrost region Force 2 (light breeze)
tech.沥青混凝土路基asphaltic concrete base
el.混凝土路基concrete ballast
tech.混凝土路基concrete roadbed
tech.混凝土路基整平机concrete bay subgrader
bridg.constr.渗水土路基permeable soil subgrade
railw.渗水土路基pervious embankment
tech.渗水土路基seeping soil roadbed
bridg.constr.特殊土路基subgrade of special soil
railw.特殊土路基subgrade of special rock and soil area
bridg.constr.盐渍土地区路基subgrade in salty soil region
railw.膨胀地区路基subgrade in expansive soil region
railw.膨胀地区路基subgrade in swelling soil zone
tech.良好路基土good roadbed soil
tech.路基土subgrade soil
tech.路基土类型subgrade soil type
bridg.constr.路基填土高度height of fill of subgrade
tech.路基外侧的弃土堆outside prism
tech.土路基soft subgrade
tech.土路基soft roadbed
tech.土路基roadbed on soft soils
bridg.constr.软土地区路基subgrade in soft soil region
bridg.constr.非渗水土路基non-permeable soil subgrade
railw.非渗水土路基impervious embankment
tech.非渗透土路基non-permeable soil subgrade
bridg.constr.黄土地区路基subgrade in loess region
railw.黄土地段路基road in loess section