
Terms for subject Engineering geology containing 土地 | all forms | in specified order only
具备公用设施的土地serviced land
半刚性黏土水泥地下连续墙semi-rigid clay cement diaphragm wall
原地土native soil
原生土地aboriginal land
土地borrow site
改良水文地质学reclamation hydrogeology
土地使用调查land use survey
土地使用适宜性评价land use suitability evaluation
土地利用图land utilization map
土地利用率land-use capability
土地勘測ground investigation
土地平整工作grading job
土地开垦reclamation of land
土地整治handling of land
土地经营管理soil management
土壤地球化学异常pedogeochemical anomaly
土壤地球化学测量pedogeochemical survey
土壤地质图agrogeological map
土石组合地基soil-rock composite subgrade
地下土质勘探subsurface earth exploration
地区性土regional soil
地基土foundation soil
地基土勘探subsoil exploration
地基土压实subsoil compacting
地基土层foundation stratum
地基土承压力pressure on foundation soil
地基土液化subsoil liquefaction
地基土防水subsoil waterproofing
地带内的土intrazonal soil
地沥青土稳定soil-asphalt stabilization
地震时土压力earthquake earth pressure
土地filled-up ground
土地filled-in ground
填海土地reclaimed land
大量平整土地heavy grading
已敷设公用设施的土地serviced land
平整土地land reclamation
未开垦土地primitive soil
沼地土moor soil
海边新生土地seashore new land
混凝土地下连续墙concrete diaphragm wall
疏松土地loose ground
石质土地rocky ground
土地sand foundation
软弱地基土weak subsoil
软弱地基土poor subsoil
震后土地利用规划post-earthquake land use planning
土地clay floor