
Terms for subject China containing 土地 | all forms | in specified order only
土地利用总体规划相衔接be compatible with the overall plan for land use
土地契约有关的一切权利all rights in relation to the lease of land
严肃查处各类土地违法违规案件strictly investigate and prosecute all cases of land use that contravene laws and regulations
依法享有的土地承包经营权the right to land contractual management they enjoy in accordance with law
依法登记的土地lawfully registered land
倒卖土地使用权scalp land-use right
农村土地land in rural areas
农村土地rural holding
农村土地承包法Law on Land Contract in Rural Areas
农村土地承包法the Law on Rural Land Contracts
农民集体所有的土地land owned by peasant collective
划拨土地allocate the land
同一土地same piece of land
围垦土地reclaim land
国家所有的土地state-owned land
国有土地上的房屋houses on the state-owned land
国有土地使用权right to use of state-owned land
国有土地使用权出让合同contract on transfer of the right to use of state-owned land
国有土地有偿使用compensated use of state-owned land
土 地权属land ownership or land-use right
土 地证书land certificate
土地使用权争议dispute over the right to the use of land
土地使用权出让grant of the land-use right
土地使用权出让金charges for the assignment of land-use right
土地使用权划拨allocation of the land-use right
土地使用权的有效期间内during the validity period for use of the land
土地供给能力capacity of land supply
土地利用年度计划annual plan for land use
土地利用计划plans for land utilization
土地和自然资源land and natural resources
土地复垦费charges for recultivation
土地契约lease of land
土地征收征用land expropriation and acquisition
土地征收征用expropriated or requisitioned land
土地征收征用land expropriation and requisition
土地征用补偿费用compensation paid for the land requisitioned
土地所有权争议dispute over ownership of land
土地所有权的性质nature of ownership of the land
土地承包关系relationship of land contract
土地承包制度the system of land contracts
土地承包方案plan for contracting of land
土地承包法Law on Land Contract
土地承包经营制度contractual management system in spect of land
土地承包经营期限duration of the contract for operation of land
土地承包经营权right to land contractual management
土地承包经营权the right to land contractual management
土地承包经营权人contractor for the right to land management
土地承包经营权变更登记alteration of the registration of the right to land contractual management
土地承包经营权证certificate of the right to land contractual management
土地有偿使用费compensation paid for the use of land
土地沙化sand encroachment upon land
土地灭失loss of the land
土地用途uses of the land
土地用途管制control over the purposes of use of land
土地界址boundary of the land
土地的原用途original purpose of use of land
土地督察制度a system for supervising land use
土地管理govern land administration
土地管理法the law on Land Management
土地管理法the Land Administration Law
土地统计land statistics
土地荒漠化soil desertification
土地补偿费compensation for the land expropriated
土地闲置费charges for leaving the land unused
土地附着物attachment on the ground
地面尘土surface dirt
城市的土地land in the cities
《城镇土地使用税暂行条例》the Interim Tax Regulations on Urban Land Use
实行土地改革carry out the land reform
实行最严格的土地管理制度apply the most strict land administration system
土地实行征用requisition land
封建地主阶级的土地所有制land ownership by the feudal landlord class
开垦、围垦土地reclaim land
征用土地requisition land
恢复土地原状put the land back to its original state
承包土地contracting of land
承包土地undertake land contract
承包土地权利right to contract land
承包经营土地contract to operate the land
收回土地使用权recover the land-use right
沙化土地desertified land
治理沙化土地rehabilitate desertified land
治理沙化土地control sand encroachment upon land
相邻土地neighboring land
确认土地承包经营权confirm the right to land contractual management
私有土地private land
行使承包土地权利exercise the right to contract land
规划土地用途plan purposes for the use of land
转让土地transfer of land
陆地领土land territory
集体使用的土地land under collective use
集体所有的土地使用权right to the use of the land owned by the collective
非法占用土地unlawful occupation and use of land
非法转让土地transfer of land by unlawful means
非法转让、倒卖土地使用权illegally transfer or scalp land-use right
预防土地沙化prevent land desertification