
Terms containing 圆头 钉 | all forms | in specified order only
auto.低圆柱头螺钉low head cap screw
compr.内六角圆柱头螺钉socket head capscrew
compr.内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagonal socket head screw
oil凹槽椭圆头螺钉oval fillister-head screw
auto.十字槽球面圆柱头螺钉cross-recessed cheese head screw
auto.圆头螺钉slotted round head screw
tech.圆头钉lining nail
tech.半圆头有色金属铆钉non-ferrous metal semi-round head rivet
archit.半圆头木螺钉half-round wood screw
tech.半圆头木螺钉cup head wood screw
tech.半圆头机器螺钉snap head machine screw
tech.半圆头紧固螺钉button-head cap screw
archit.半圆头螺钉button head screw
tech.半圆头螺钉snap head screw
tech.半圆头螺钉half-round screw
auto.半圆头螺钉half-round headed screw
tech.半圆头螺钉half-round head screw
tech.半圆头螺钉cup head screw
tech.半圆头螺钉button-head screw
tech.半圆头螺钉button-headed screw
bridg.constr.半圆头铆钉half-round rivet
space半圆头铆钉brazier head rivet
bridg.constr.半圆头铆钉button-headed rivet
bridg.constr.半圆头铆钉snap-head rivet
tech.半圆头铆钉snap head rivet
oil半圆头铆钉cup head rivet
tech.半圆头铆钉button-head rivet
auto.半圆头铆钉half-round headed rivet
avia.半圆头铆钉half-round head rivet
el.半圆钏钉头round rivet head
agric.圆埋头螺钉oval countersunk screw
tech.圆头round-headed screw
tech.圆头roundhead rivet
tech.圆头round-head screw
tech.圆头屋面螺钉spring-head roofing nail
tech.圆头帽螺钉button-head cap screw
archit.圆头挪钉snap head river
tech.圆头木螺钉round-headed wood screw
agric.圆头木螺钉round head wood screw
construct.圆头木螺钉cup head wood screw
tech.圆头木螺钉round wood screw
tech.圆头木螺钉round-head wood screw
tech.圆头木铆钉cup head wood screw
shipb.圆头机螺钉round-head machine screw
textile圆头牙钉机制鞋round head nailing machine
tech.圆头螺丝钉blunt screw
archit.圆头螺钉dome capped screw
archit.圆头螺钉button-head cap screw
avia.圆头螺钉dome head screw
dril.圆头螺钉round head screw
construct.圆头螺钉button head cap screw
auto.圆头螺钉round screw
auto.圆头螺钉button screw
chem.圆头螺钉round head carriage bolt
mech.圆头螺钉round-headed screw
mech.eng.圆头螺钉cheese head screw
wind.圆头螺钉cheese-head screw
met.圆头螺钉round-head screw
tech.圆头螺钉cheese screw
tech.圆头螺钉cheese head screw
tech.圆头螺钉button-head screw
tech.圆头螺钉cup head wood screw
tech.圆头螺钉round-head bolt
avia.圆头螺钉button head screw
archit.圆头道button head spike
tech.圆头道钉button-head spike
tech.圆头钉French nail with round head
tech.圆头钉cup head screw
tech.圆头钉button-head screw
archit.圆头钉wire nail
tech.圆头钉bull pin
tech.圆头钉round-head nail
tech.路面标线用圆头钉traffic button
tech.圆头钉round headed nail
tech.圆头钉round-headed screw
tech.圆头钉round-head screw
el.圆头钏钉button head rivet
archit.圆头钏钉bull head rivet
avia.圆头铆钉snaphead rivet
tech.圆头铆钉bull head rivet
tech.圆头铆钉button-head rivet
avia.圆头铆钉spot rivet
avia.圆头铆钉globe head rivet
tech.圆头铆钉cup headed rivet
tech.圆头铆钉round-head rivet
hydroel.st.圆头铆钉snap head rivet
hydroel.st.圆头铆钉snapped rivet
met.圆头铆钉cup rivet
bridg.constr.圆头铆钉button rivet
bridg.constr.圆头铆钉full head rivet
bridg.constr.圆头铆钉button head rivet
bridg.constr.圆头铆钉round head rivet
el.mach.圆头铆钉round-headed rived
tech.圆头铆钉round-headed rivet
archit.圆头铆钉button head rivet
tech.圆头铆钉snap header
tech.圆头铆钉snap rivet head
chem.圆头铆钉pan-head rivet
chem.圆头铆钉rounded rivet
chem.圆头铆钉round rivet
tech.圆头铆钉roundhead rivet
tech.圆头铆钉snap head
avia.圆头铆钉cup-head rivet
tech.圆头销钉pin with round head
tech.圆头销钉French nail with round head
tech.圆头长钉button-head spike
tech.圆平头钉round flat-headed nail
tech.圆形无头钉round lost head nail
tech.圆柱头内六角螺钉socket cap screw
agric.圆柱头螺钉oval fillister head screw
avia.圆柱头螺钉cheese head screw
tech.圆的平头钉round plain head nail
tech.圆铆钉头round rivet head
tech.圆锥头铆钉conical head rivet
tech.圆锥头铆钉conic head rivet
archit.圆顶宽边接头螺钉binding head screw
tech.圆顶柱头螺钉fillister head screw
tech.埋头圆顶螺钉countersunk oval head screw
tech.埋头圆顶铆钉round-head counter sunk rivet
tech.埋头圆顶铆钉countersunk oval head rivet
tech.圆头钉large round-headed nail
tech.大圆头螺钉truss head screw
tech.大圆头螺钉truss-head screw
oil大圆头铆钉truss head rivet
tech.大圆头铆钉truss-head rivet
tech.大扁圆头半空心铆钉large oval head socket shank rivet
tech.大扁圆头铆钉large oval head rivet
auto.平圆头螺钉button-head cap screw
tech.平头圆铁钉flat-head wire nail
auto.开槽凸圆头圆顶柱头螺钉slotted fillister-head screw
auto.开槽凸圆头螺钉fillister screw
auto.开槽凸圆头螺钉fillister-head screw
auto.开槽圆柱头螺钉slotted cheese head screw
el.扁圆头螺钉coach screw
auto.扁圆头螺钉mushroom-head screw
avia.扁圆头铆钉brazier head rivet
tech.扁圆头铆钉mushroom rivet
avia.扁圆头铆钉button-head rivet
tech.无头钉固定圆线脚wire brad bead
met.有槽凸圆头螺钉fillister head screw
wind.有槽凸圆柱头螺钉cheese-head screw
mech.有槽圆头螺钉fillister head screw
tech.杯形圆头螺钉cup point screw
tech.杯状半圆头螺钉cup head screw
tech.椭圆埋头螺钉oval countersunk screw
tech.椭圆埋头铆钉oval countersunk head rivet
tech.椭圆头开口铆钉oval head split rivet
met.椭圆头螺钉oval head screw
el.mach.椭圆头螺钉fillister-head screw
gen.椭圆头螺钉oval head screw
archit.椭圆头钾钉oval head rivet
tech.椭圆头铆钉oval rivet
tech.椭圆头铆钉oval head rivet
tech.椭圆头铜铆钉oval head brass rivet
tech.椭圆平头钉oval brad head nail
tech.椭圆形埋头钉oval lost head nail
tech.椭圆钢丝曲头钉oval-wire brad
tech.气门调节圆头螺钉valve adjusting ball stud
tech.法国半圆头钉French nail
tech.球头圆铁钉ball wire nail
auto.球面圆柱头螺钉fillister raised cheese-head screw
tech.球面圆柱头螺钉oval fillister head screw
tech.突起的圆头螺钉raised cheese head screw
tech.粗制半圆头铆钉black snap head rivet
tech.粗制圆头铆钉black snap head rivet
tech.铆钉半圆头snap rivet head
tech.铆钉圆头成型器button set
tech.铆钉头圆边击平锤snap hammer
tech.镀铬圆头螺钉chrome plated dome
tech.镀锌圆头木螺钉galvanized mild steel round head wood screw
tech.镀锌圆头机器螺钉galvanized mild steel round head machine screw
tech.圆头钉bullen nail
tech.黑铁圆头铆钉black mild steel round head rivet