
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
mapping The process of making a map of an area; especially the field work necessary for the production of a map (制作某个地区的地图的过程;特别是制作地图生产所必需的野外工作。)
cartography The making of maps and charts for the purpose of visualizing spatial distributions over various areas of the earth (制造地图和图表,目的是将地球上不同地区的空间进行划分和可视化。)
区划block plan
卫星satellite image A pictorial representation of data projected onto a two-dimensional grid of individual picture elements (pixels) and acquired from a human-made vessel placed in orbit round a planet, moon or star (一种图像显示,显示映射到独立的图形元素(像素)的二维网格中的数据。这些图像通过放置在行星、月亮或恒星轨道上的人造设备获得。)
书馆library Place where books and other literary materials are kept (储藏图书和其它文学材料的地方。)
书馆服务library service The duties of an establishment, or a public institution, charged with the care and organizing of a collection of printed and other materials, and the duty of interpreting such materials to meet the informational, cultural, educational, recreational or research needs of its clients (一种大型机构或社会公共机构的职责,承担收集印刷出版物和其它材料的责任,以及了解这样的材料并满足客户在信息、文化、教育、生产及研究方面的需求的责任。)
书馆间借贷inter-library loan The service provided by one library in which a second library's clients are temporarily allowed to use books and other printed materials belonging to the first library; and consequently the system providing rules and infrastructure for this service to a group of libraries (一项有某个图书馆提供的允许其他图书馆的用户暂时允许使用其书籍和其它印刷材料的服务,继而是为这项服务提供在一组图书馆间实施的规则和基础设施的系统。)
影像分类image classification Processing techniques which apply quantitative methods to the values in a digital yield or remotely sensed scene to group pixels with similar digital number values into feature classes or categories (在遥感技术中的资料以过滤与其他程序,透过控制像素,产生能突显特征或视觉解释的影像。)
影像过滤image filtering A remote sensing term related to image enhancement that refers to the removal of a spatial component of electromagnetic radiation (与影像强化相关的遥感术语,指移除电磁辐射的空间成份。)
像增强、影像强化image enhancement In remote sensing, the filtering of data and other processes to manipulate pixels to produce an image that accentuates features of interest or visual interpretation (在遥感技术中的资料过滤与其他程序,其目的是通过控制像素,产生能突显特征或视觉解释的影像。)
像处理image processing The process of converting "raw" remotely sensed data into a usable form through the application of various transformations such as supervised and unsupervised classification schemes (通过各种转换程序,将原始的遥感资料转化为有用的形式的过程,例如经过监督性与非监督性的分类方法。)
像处理数字系统image processing digital system A coordinated assemblage of computer devices designed to capture and manipulate pictures stored as data in discrete, quantized units or digits (一个电脑设备的整合系统,该系统被用来获得与处理图片,储存成离散化、量子化或数位化的单元或形式。)
像配准、影像重合image registration The process of linking map coordinates to control points with known earth-surface coordinates. Related term: coordinate systems (连结地图系统过程,连接控制点与已知地表坐标的过程。)
法令, 一种正式书面记录,记录社会、委员会或立法机构的交易和程序等。chart A formal written record of transactions, proceedings, etc., as of a society, committee, or legislative body; act
土壤soil map A two-dimensional representation that shows the areal extent or the distribution of soils in relation to other features of the land surface (用二维表示的图纸,用以显示区域范围或有关土地面积的其它功能的土壤分布。)
map A representation, normally on a flat medium, that displays the physical and political features of a surface area of the earth, showing them in their respective forms, sizes and relationships according to some convention of representation (通常在平坦的纸张上的一种表示,其显示地球表面地区的物理和政治属性,并按照图画的传统手法来展示其各自的形式、大小和关系。)
atlas A bound collection of maps or charts, plates, engravings or tables illustrating any subject (装订好的地图,图标,印版,版画或者表述任意主题的插话的合集。)
地衣制mapping of lichens Maps of lichens distribution indicating air quality. Fruticose lichens (with branched structures well above the surface) are more susceptible to SO2 damage than foliose lichens (whose leaflike thallus lies nearly flat on surface) and both in turn are more susceptible than crustose lichens (which embed their tissue in the cracks of bark, soil, or rocks). The use of morphological lichen types as indicators of air pollution concentrations is well developed (地衣分布图显示着空气质量。灌木地衣(其分枝结构远高于表面)比小叶地衣(其叶状菌几乎与体表面持平)更容易受到二氧化硫的损害,反过来都比壳状地衣(即它们的组织嵌入在树皮裂缝、土壤或岩石中)较敏感于二氧化硫。形态学地衣类型作为空气污染浓度指标的使用已经相当成熟。)
城市生态urban ecology charter A graphic representation of a city area or other densely populated region, portraying the location of groups or select types of people in their environment through various geographic techniques (一个城市地区或其他人口稠密地区的图形化表示,通过各种地理学技术描绘环境中的群体或选择特定类型人群的位置。)
天气气象 weather chart
数字像处理技术digital image processing technique Techniques employed in the calibration of image data, the correction or reduction of errors occurring during capture or transmission of the data and in various types of image enhancement-operations which increase the ability of the analyst to recognize features of interest (校正影像资料所使用的技术,例如修正或降低资料在获取或传递过程中,或者各种影像强化处理的错误,便于增加分析者识别兴趣点特征的能力。)
模拟电路analog circuit diagram
泄漏影响成spill impact mapping
生态柱状ecological histogram
结构structure plan Metropolitan structure and land use plan intended to outline the general lines along which development should proceed in an area (城市结构和土地的使用规划, 目的是划出一般轮廓线条,一个地区的发展应该沿着它进行。)
航海chart A map for navigation that delineates a portion of the sea, indicating the outline of the coasts and the position of rocks, sandbanks and other parts of a sea; nautical (航海用的地图,勾画海的一部分,标示沿海轮廓和岩石,沙丘和其它地方的位置。)
阿雷纽斯Arrhenius diagram
陆海map chart A map, generally designed for navigation or other particular purposes, in which essential map information is combined with various other data critical to the intended use (一种地图,一般为导航或其他特定目的设计,其中主要的地图信息与各种其他要使用的重要数据相结合。)
雨水侵蚀绘rain erosion mapping
非监督像分类unsupervised image classification Unsupervised classification is a kind of classification which takes place with minimum input from the operator; no training sample is available and subdivision of the feature space is achieved by identifying natural groupings of the measurement vectors (非监督分类是一种有最小算法输入的分类,它没有训练样本。通过确定度量向量的自然分组来实现对特征空间的划分。)