
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
三循环three-cycle scheme
上升三角ascending triangle
不可分nonseparable graph
不可分nonseparable chart
不合格品率控制control chart for fraction defective
不合格数控制control chart for number defective
不生效nonvalidating stamp
不生效non-validating stamp
专有绘设计权利special drawing rights
专用测量chart for individual measurements
个人期望几率individual expectancy probability diagram
个人期望几率individual expectancy probability graph
个人期望几率individual expectancy probability chart
中位数median chart
串联string diagram
买卖意调查survey of hopes and fears
买方购买意buyer's buying intention
二元总体散布bivariate population scattergram
二元素two-element configuration
二部bipartite graph
二项式概率作业binomial probability paper
交互形编辑interactive graphics editing
交互制系统interactive graphics system
工程项目移交生产时提出的交付纸一览表drawing introduction sheet
交叉分类cross classification chart
交易矩形box diagram of exchange
交织intersection graph
交织intersection diagram
产品product drawing
产品损益两平product break-even chart
产品程序配置layout of product process
亲收clearing stamp
人力配备manning chart
人口分布population map
人口椎形塔形population pyramid
人口统计population pyramid
人工型流程man-type flow process chart
人工流程man flow process chart
人—机man-machine chart
企业投入产出input-output graph of enterprise
休哈特管理three-sigma control chart
优先precedence diagram
会计科目chart of accounts
作业service chart
作业activity chart
作业相关activity relationship chart
作业相关activity-relation chart
作业相关线决算actual budget of activity relationship diagram
作业相关线决算activity relationship diagram actual budget
作业进度示意schedule diagram
假定意assumed intention
complete schematic
具有线性向量的万有曲面universal surfaces with linear vectogram
内部控制组织organization chart for internal control
决策decision diagram
决策框decision box
分工结构work breakdown structure
分布曲线scatter chart
分析数据管理control chart for analysis data
分组曲线sector chart
列线alignment chart (diagram)
列车调整运行train adjusting diagram
列车运行train diagram
列车运行train graph
列车运行train schedule chart
列车运行train chart
初步分层结构preliminary hierarchy
利一量profit-volume chart
利润profit chart
利润控制profit control chart
利—量profit-volume graph
take the diagram
construction of chart
graphic instrument
单位cartography unit
和产品规格drawing and specifications
总管chief draftsman
部门drafting section
制作流程flow charting
制造计划manufacturing plan sheet
削价分析scrap-cost analysis chart
前视front side
剩余曲线residual plot
功能functional arrangement
功能black scheme
功能框functional block diagram
加工machining drawing paper
加工装配manufacturing assembly drawing
动态组织dynamical organization chart
动态组织dynamic organization chart
劳动供求曲线labor supply and demand curve chart
区划layout of district
区域密度field intensity contour map
解法semigraphical method
半对数semilogarithmic graph
半对数semilog graph
半对数标绘semilog plot
半色调half-tone picture
单值chart for individual values
原料型作业流程material-type flow process chart
原理functional diagram
同构isomorphic graphs
同步操作simo chart
同谱cospectral graphs
同谱有向cospectral digraph
后视back-elevation drawing
向量相vector phaser
告警界限warning limits chart
周期示法cycle-graph technique
周期示法cycle-graph method
唯利是be bent solely on profit
商品的解目录illustrated catalogue
圆向量circular vectogram
圆形分格统计pie diagram
圆形分格统计pie chart
圆形散点circle scattergram
圆心concentric chart
圆柱column diagram
土地使用land use map
抽样框map frame
地力land fertility map
地区area graph
地区间投入产出input-output graph on a regional basis
场地plan of site
均值控制mean chart
坐标coordinate graph
垂直条线vertical bar graph
备品冗余stand-by redundant configuration
备品冗余功能stand-by redundancy functional configuration
复合损益分歧multiple break-even chart
外观outside diagram
多因果关系multiple causality chart
多层次双向连环辐射multilayered, two-way, chain radiation ring
多条线multiple bar chart
多种活动multiple activity diagram
多种活动multiple activity chart
多种活动关系multiple activity relation chart
多种活动过程multiple activity process chart
威布尔标绘Weibull plot
Z 字Z-chart
字母数字─像显示器alphameric-graphic display
字符像说明character picture specification
存货stock chart
完全不联通totally disconnected graph
完全偶complete bigraph
完全子complete subgraph
定差finite differences diagram
实况truth diagram
运输实载积载图final stowage plan
实验相关experimental correlogram
审计流程audit flow chart
属性chart of attribute
属性chart attributes
属性控制control chart for attributes
履行套期利的一边lifting a leg
履行套期利的一边legging up
履行套期利的一边legging out
市场供求market supply and demand chart
市场分析market analysis chart
市场需求market demand chart
涨价而购进股票buy a bull
帕累托Pareto diagram
带有决策间隔或V时标的累积和cusum chart with decision intervals or V mask
统计常态直方normal histogram
平凡有向trivial digraph
平均数控制control chart for means
平均数控制average control chart
平板绘plane table
平面floor chart
年龄-收入age-earning profile
序贯抽样sequential sampling chart
应力圆stress-cycle diagram
应力圆平衡状态stress-cycle state diagram
应力圈s-N diagram
强对北harsh image
循环示法cyclic graphic technique
微型复制兰micro-film drawing
性能控制chart for performance control
master drawing
master diagram
master chart
误差whole-plot error
总体计划解法graphic method of aggregate planning
总体设计overall design diagram
调查survey of intentions
意向企数据intentions data
成本cost map
成本-利润cost-profit diagram
成本变动性解分析graphic analysis of cost variability
成本控制cost control chart
成本控制cost control diagram
成本流动cost flow diagram
成本流经cost flow diagram
成本蓝cost of blue print
成本预算cost budget diagram
成本预算cost budget in diagram
成本预算cost budget diagrams
截面cross-sectional view
截面cross-section chart
截面cross-section diagram
截面cross section
扩散曲线divergence curve chart
抑制流程flow charting
投入产出input-output graph
指标分indicator breakdown
指示性生产indicative production diagram
损益保本的限度limitation of break-even chart
损益平衡profit graph
排除故障trouble-shooting chart
控制control graph
控制controlling chart
控制control diagram
控制理论theory of control charts
控制配合set of control charts
控制意purpose of control
控制生产过程管理control chart for controlling production process
收入成本计算营业盈亏的图表revenue-cost graph
收益横断earning profile
故障fault image
故障分析trouble chart
散布scatter chart
统计散点scatter diagram
散点估计法scattergraph estimates
散点解法scattergraph procedure
数据信息流程flow chart of data and information
整套工厂布置completed layout
文件流程document flow chart
企业文件流程document flowchart
文氏Venn diagram
方框流程block flow diagram
统计方社box diagram
方程graph of equation
施工construction plan
施工流程construction schedule progress chart
施工详图纸目录list of detail drawing adopted
显著性检定significance test decision chart
显著性误差significant errors chart
普及版trade books
普通曲线general curve chart
最优optimal tableau
最佳网络决策decision mopping via optimum networks
最后工作草final working drawings
月指数monthly index chart
有利可at a profit
有利可be profitable
有利可的买卖remunerative business
有利可的投资profitable investment
有向oriented graph
有向oriented diagram
有向oriented chart
有向的分支branches of digraph
有向节点node of digraph
本—量cost-volume diagram
本—量—利cost-volume-profit graph
本—量—利cost-volume-profit chart
机器draft for a machine
机器负荷machine loading diagram
机构structure diagram
机构期望几率institutional expectancy chart
机械mechanical diagram
机械mechanical graph
机械mechanical chart
机械位置详map of machine location
机械绘machine drawing
制造manufacturing with orderer's drawing
extrema graph
极差控制control chart for ranges
架线string graph
标准standard drawings
标准纸目录list of standard drawing
标准差standard deviation chart
标绘plot a chart
X-Y标绘X-Y plot
标记指定labeled graph
标记指定labeled diagram
标针pin chart
树形分析possibility tree analysis
树形网络tree diagram
树枝branch chart
核算accounting graph
根据样购买buy per drawing
检验inspection schedule
概念conceptual scheme
β概率beta probability plot
概率probability graph paper
概率单位probit graph
概率绘probability plotting paper
模式mode graph
模式mode diagram
统计横条horizontal bar chart
次品率控制fraction defective control chart
欧勒Eulerian graph
欧勒有向Eulerian digraph
正态密度函数normal density function graph
求相关函数的直线alignment chart of correlation function
活动activity chart
流向arrow scheme
流向arrow diagram
流向arrow diagramming
流程route diagram
流程flow process chart
流程route chart
流程flow graph
流程circuit diagram
流程符号process chart symbol
流程flow diagramming
流程和活动关系flow and activity relationship diagram
流程或活动关系flow or activity relationship diagram
测视黑色垂直线flag of pole
测量survey sheet
浓淡点特性half-tone characteristic
hydrographic chart
dot graph
dot diagram
点示spot charts
统计点示spot chart
现金流向cash flow diagram
甘特的计划进度和控制Gantt chart scheduling and controlling
甘特Gantt chart
甘特即生产进度管理图表Gantt chart
甘特方案计划Gantt layout planning chart
甘特进度Gantt scheduling chart
甘特进度Gantt progress charts
甘特进度Gantt bar charts
生产矩形box diagram of production
生产线配置layout of production line
生产线配置layout of line production
生产统计production figures
生产费用cost map
用钉子控制peg control board
申农线Shannon's diagram
电传telegraphic picture
电荷分布charge pattern
画法入门drawing introduction sheet
画草bloch out
界面surface chart
报废rejection of outlines
百分比条形hundred-percent bar chart
统计百分比条形hundred percent bar chart
百分比线条percentage bar graph
百分率比较chart of percentage comparisions
真子proper subgraph
程序功能流程program function flowchart
程序框program chart
符号与现金流程notation and cash flow diagram
等利润线isoprofit map
等势线isopotential map
等效用曲线isoutility map
等比例isometric map
等量isoquant map
等量isoproduct map
算术等差 arithmetic chart
算术alignment diagram
管制measurement control chart
管理信息系统流程flow chart of management information system
管理流程management flow diagram
管理流程management flow chart
箭头arrow scheme
箭形统计arrow system
精确truth diagram
累积cumulative chart
累积和控制cumulative sum control chart
累积概率cumulative probability graph
累积频数cumulative frequency diagram
累积频数直方cumulative frequency polygon
累积频方cumulative frequency diagram polygon
累计现金流通曲线accumulated cash in circulation curve
累计频数cumulative frequency diagram
纯支配优势graph for pure dominance
线line map
线graphic charts
线临界line critical graph
线型linear graph
线型line graph
线性矢量linear vectograph
统计线状line graph
缺失标绘missing plot
网状net chart
网目screen block
网络grid diagram
网络net chart
网络grid chart
网络net diagramming
考克斯与斯尔特检验Cox and Stuart's test
耗费consumption map
职能组织functional organization chart
联系contact chart
navigation map
航线navigation line chart
航行itinerary map
航运路线chart of shipping rout
船舶积载即装货部位图表stowage plan
设计sketch design
表示认购新股的意indicated interest
西瓦特控制Shewhart control chart
覆盖covering map
计算alignment chart (diagram)
计算calculator charts
计算机像处理computer graphic processing
计算机像处理装置computer graphic processing unit
计算机方computer block diagram
计算机流程computer flow chart
计量变异性控制control chart on measures of variability
记账程序play of accounts
设备配置平面disposition plan
设计制designing and drawing expense
设计制费用design and drawing expense
设计草design drawing
证券市场线securities market line
调度scheduling chart
调查意purpose of survey
贝塔概率beta probability plot
负荷load sheet
货流cargo flow chart
货运积载cargo stowage plan
质量分析qualitative graph
购买意buying disposition
贷方像符号credit picture sign
贸易无差异曲线trade indifference map
资本capital graph
资本周转capital turnover chart
资金流转fund flow diagram
资金流转fund flow chart
车间作业shop working drawing
车间作业shop drawing
车间布置shop configuration
辅助secondary drawing
辅助误差subplot error
输入截断有向input-truncation digraph
输出截断有向output-truncation digraph
通讯系统示意schematic diagram of communication system
逻辑graphic logic
逻辑程序logical procedure diagram
配置set up sheet
配置规划layout planning chart
阴形band chart
统计阶形stair-case chart
需求need chart
需求need profile
需要修改的纸数据drawing data required for change
静力解法graphic static
非线性盈亏平衡non-linear break-even chart
项目设计示意project-layout chart
预测实现prediction-realization diagram
预测误差控制control chart of forecasting error
领导意purpose of leadership
统计频数frequency chart
频数条frequency bar diagram
频率分布graphic representation of frequency distribution
频率分布graphic presentation of frequency distribution
频率曲线frequency curve diagram
鬼视ghost diagram
鱼刺fish bone diagram
鲜明harsh image
鲜明 强对比harsh image
鲜明hard image
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