
Terms containing 国 内 生产总值 | all forms | in specified order only
IMF.不包括石油的国内生产总值non-oil GDP
fin.人均国内生产总值GDP per head
telecom.人均国内生产总值GDP per capita
interntl.trade.人均国内生产总值per capita gross domestic product
telecom.人均国内生产总值gross domestic product per capita
China, polit.人均国内生产总值per-capita gross domestic product (GDP)
IMF.债务与国内生产总值的比率debt-GDP ratio
IMF.债务与国内生产总值的比率debt-to-GDP ratio
fin.债务对国内生产总值比率debt-to-gross domestic product ratio
fin.全年国内生产总值full-year GDP
fin.全球国内生产总值global gross domestic product
China, polit.单位国内生产总值能耗energy consumption per unit of GDP
IMF.名义国内生产总值nominal GDP
IMF.名义国内生产总值money GDP
IMF.名义国内生产总值GDP at current prices
IMF.名义国内生产总值current-price GDP
fin.名义国内生产总值nominal gross domestic product
fin.名义美元国内生产总值nominal US dollar GDP
econ.国内人均生产总值per capita gross domestic product
busin.国内人均生产总值per capita gross domestic product
stat.国内农业生产总值agricultural gross domestic product
stat.国内农业生产总值agricultural GDP
tech.国内年生产总值gross domestic product per year
busin.国内总生产净值net national domestic product
econ.国内生产总值gross national product
IMF.国内生产总值gross domestic product
fin.国内生产总值gross domestic product (商品和劳务币值总和,不包括海外收人支出)
el.国内生产总值gross domestic production
textile国内生产总值aggregate gross domestic product
proj.manag.国内生产总值gross domestic product (GDP)
interntl.trade.国内生产总值国内总产值gross domestic product
ecol.国内生产总值gross domestic productGDP
fin.国内生产总值增长率gross domestic product growth
fin.国内生产总值差距GDP gap
fin.国内生产总值平减指数GDP deflator
econ.国内生产总值指数index number of gross domestic production
textile国内生产总值支出expenditure on gross domestic product
fin.国内生产总值的支岀expenditure on gross domestic product
IMF.国内生产总值缩减指数GDP deflator
IMF.国内生产总值缩减指数implicit price deflator
earth.sc.国民生产总值内含物价减缩指数gross national product implicit price deflator
fin.实际国内生产总值real gross domestic product
commer.实际国内生产总值real GDP
fin.导致国内生产总值下滑cause GDP to decline
China, polit.2006 年单位国内生产总值能耗降低4%reduce energy consumption per unit of GDP in 2006 by 4 percent
econ.总的国内生产值 GDPgross domestic product
interntl.trade.按人口平均计算的国内生产总值per capita gross domestic product
commer.按人口平均计算的国内生产总值per capita GDP (gross domestic product)
econ.按经济活动种类分列的国内生产总值gross domestic product by kind of economic activity
busin.按要素成本计算的国内生产总值gross domestic product at factor cost
econ.按购买者价格计算的国内生产总值gross domestic product in purchaser's values
fin.潜在国内生产总值underlying GDP
oil能源一国内生产总值弹性系数energy-GDP elasticity coefficient
IMF.趋势国内生产总值trend GDP
fin.过快的国内生产总值增长excess GDP growth
econ.项目区人均国内生产总值/国民生产总值GNP/GDP per capita income in project area