
Terms for subject Ecology containing 国际 | all forms | in specified order only
国际经济问题有关的环境政策guiding principles concerning
中国国际循环经济成果交易博览会China International Cyclic Economy Expo
中国国际清洁能源博览会Clean Energy Expo China
亚太污染物分析与控制国际会议Asian-Pacific International Conference on Pollutants,Analysis and Control
人与生物圈计划国际协调理事会International Co-ordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Program
保护国际基金会Conservation International
保护大自然及生物资源国际联合会International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Living Resources
保护莱茵河国际委员会International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine
关心环境的非政府组织国际会议International Assembly for Nongovernmental Organization Concerned with the Environment
内河危险品国际运输欧洲规则European Provisions concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods on Inland Waterway (ADN)
发生油污事故时在公海上进行干涉的国际公约International Convention Relating to Intervention on High Seas in Oil Spill Accidents
国际交易日志international transaction logITL
国际保护植物新品种同盟International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants
国际保护臭氧层日9月6日International Ozone Layer Protection Day
国际全球大气化学计划International Global atmospheric Chemistry Project
国际公差标准international tolerance standard
国际公平原则international equity principleIEP
国际公约和议定书登记簿register of international conventions and protocols
国际公路危险货物运输欧洲协定European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)
国际农药供销和使用行为准则International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides
国际减灾十年international decade for natural disaster reduction
国际化学品安全卡International Chemical Safety Cards
国际化学物质安全性计划International Program on Chemical Safety
国际危险物质和活动管理法International Dangerous Substances and Activities Management Law
联合国的国际原子能机构International Atomic Energy Agency
国际发展机构环境委员会Committee for International Development Institutions on the Environment
国际合作贸易委员会Committee of International Cooperative Trade
国际名胜古迹理事会International Council on Monuments and Sites
国际噪声控制工程学会International Institute of Noise Control Engineering
国际土地资源保护法International land Resources Protection Law
国际土壤学协会International Society of Soil Science
国际地圈-生物圈计划International Geosphere-Biosphere Program
国际多边金融机构International Multilateral Financial Institution
国际大气保护法International Law of Atmosphere Protection
国际大气环境保护法International Atmospheric Environment Protection Law
国际山地综合开发中心International Center for Integrated Mountain Development
国际工业排气控制international industrial exhaust control
国际废物管理法international waste management law
国际性重要的生态系统international important ecosystem
国际惯例common international practice
国际数据international data rescue
国际气候公约International Climate Convention
国际气候基金international climate fund
国际水文十年计划International Hydrological Decade IHD
国际水文学规划International Hydrological Program
国际水禽调查局International Waterfowl Research Bureau
国际水资源管理训练中心international training center for water resources management
国际沙漠和荒漠化年international years of deserts and desertification
国际海底区域international seabed area
国际海洋勘探十年计划International Decade of Ocean Exploration
国际海洋法International Marine Law
国际海洋环境保护法International Ocean Environmental Protection Law
国际淡水资源利用和保护法International Freshwater Resource Utilization and Protection Law
国际湖泊环境委员会International Lake Environment Committee
国际潜在有毒化学品登记中心International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals
国际热核实验反应堆international thermonuclear experimental reactor
国际环境信息系统international environment information system
国际环境协议International Environmental Agreements
国际环境政策international environmental policy
国际环境教育计划International Environmental Education Program
国际环境法International Environmental Law
国际环境科学训练和教育中心International Center for Training and Education in Environmental Sciences (CIFCA)
国际环境自动检测与估价会议International Conference on Environmental Sensing and Assessment
国际环境资料查询系统international referral system for sources of environmental information
国际环境食物研究所International Institute of Environment Affairs
国际生物多样性日international day for biological diversity
国际生物学规划international biological programIBP
国际石油污染展览与会议International Oil Pollution Exhibition and Conference
国际石油污染防护展览与会议International Oil Pollution Prevention Exhibition and Conference
国际自然及自然资源保护联盟现为 World Conservation Union “世界自然保护联合会”InternationalUnion for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)
国际自然资源保护法International Law for the Protection of Natural Resources
国际臭氧委员会International Ozone Commission
国际资料抢救协调中心International Data Rescue Coordination Center
国际防止海上油污公约修正本International Convention for Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil (amendment)
国际陆界生物圈方案International Terrestrial Biosphere Program
国际风险评价international risk evaluation
国际饮水供应和卫生十年计划International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade
国际鸟类保护公约International Convention for Protection of Birds
国际鸟类保护理事会International Council for Bird Preservation
1969年国际海洋污染损害问题法律会议International Legal Conference on Marine Pollution Damage 1969
1990年关于石油污染的防备、应付和合作的国际公约International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation 1990 (OPRC)
1973年防止船舶污染国际条约1978年议定书Protocol 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
海洋渔业的国际公约Convention on Marine Fishery
海洋环境保护的国际公约Convention Relating to the Protection of Marine Environment
濒危野生动植物物种国际贸易公约Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
濒危野生动植物物种国际贸易公约Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约CITES 公约,华盛顿公约Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
热带海洋与全球大气实验计划国际办事处International TOGA Project Office
环境保护国际条约International Treaties on Environmental Protection
环境污染物识别与测量国际会议International Symposium on Identification and Measurement of Environmental Pollutants
自然资源国际条约International Treaties in the Natural Resources
英国国际发展部Department for International Development (UK)
设置赔偿油污损害国际基金的国际公约International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage
资源业国际收支核算balance of international payment accounting for resource industry