
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 国防 | all forms | in specified order only
全国大气防污技术信息中心National Air Pollution Technical Information Center
全国辐射防护与测量委员会National Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurement
全国辐射防护与测量理事会national council on radiation protection and measurements
国家地球科学和防灾研究所National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention
国家海洋防污计划National Marine Pollution Program
国家防灾协会National Pest Control Association
国立防灾研究中心日本National Research Center for Disaster Prevention
国防应用海洋研究计划oceanographic research for defense application
国防技术信息中心Defense Technical Information Center
国防技术信息服务机构Armed Services Technical Information Agency
国防气象卫星计划defence* meteorological satellite program
国防测绘局defense mapping agency
国防测绘局水道/地形测量中心Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/Topographic Center
国防石油管理局Petroleum Administration for Defense
国防矿产管理局Defense Minerals Administration
国防通信卫星系统defense communication satellite system
国防通信卫星计划defense communication satellite program
国防部军事测绘局加拿大Military Survey Department of National Defence Canada
国防部矿产勘探管理局Defence Minerals Exploration Administration
国际油污染预防展览会和会议International Oil Pollution Prevention Exhibition and Conference
国际油轮污染防治联合会International Tanker Owners's Pollution Federation
国际海洋开发和污染防治技术会议和展览会International Conference & Exhibition on the Technology of Ocean Development & Pollution Prevention
国际环境诱变剂和致癌物防护委员会International Commission for Protection Against Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens
国际生物防治组织International Organization for Biological Control
国际辐射防护协会International Radiation Protection Association
国际防止空气污染协会International Air Pollution Association
国际防止空气污染协会联合会International Union of Air Pollution Prevention Associations
美国国防卫星通信系统defense satellite communications system
美国国防导航卫星系统defense navigation satellite system
美国国防测绘局地形测量中心Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center (USDOD)
美国国防测绘局航测图defense mapping agency-aeronautical chart (USDOD)
美国国防部通讯系统海洋和大气管理局defense communication system
联合国防止沙漠化大会United Nations Conference on Desertification
高级国防卫星通信计划advanced defence satellite communication program